New Faculty Research Development Award

The New Faculty Research Development Award is designed to begin building a sustainable program of research, scholarship and/or creative activity for the applicant. Potential outcomes could include publications, conference papers, presentations, websites, technologies or techniques, databases or datasets, physical collections, audio or video products, educational aids or curricula, or proposal to an external funding opportunity. If the awardee intends to pursue external funding for the proposed activity, the proposal should indicate a specific external funding opportunity or potential sponsor(s) in the proposal.

A crucial aspect to the success of this program is mentoring. Applicants should work with their center director, department chair or dean to select a faculty mentor. Mentors will guide applicants in developing their research program and assist in planning and preparing their proposal. Ideally, mentors will be faculty in a related research area with experience and success in obtaining external funding and support.

Awards are managed by the KU Office of Research and must comply with all applicable KU policies and procedures.

Grant writing workshop

Planning to submit a proposal for a New Faculty Research Development Award this spring? Be sure to attend KU Research Development's Spring 2025 NFRD Grant Writing Workshop.

Spring NFRD Grant Writing Workshop
Monday, Feb. 17 | 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Register on Zoom

Doug Bornemann, associate director of research development, will provide an overview of successful grant writing strategies, tips and guidance that will help increase your proposal’s competitiveness for this internal award. Any faculty planning to resubmit are strongly encouraged to attend. A recording and slides will be provided to all those who register.

Questions? Please contact Gabe Nehrbass at



  • Full proposal: March 14

All internal funding opportunities

Key details

Maximum award size
Notice of intent deadline
Spring proposal deadline

Program details + applicant instructions

  • Applicants must be in their first 24 months on the Lawrence or Edwards campus as either an untenured, tenure-track faculty member or as a faculty equivalent unclassified academic staff (UAS). Requests for extensions should be submitted to in writing by the applicant’s center director, department chair or dean, along with proof of tenure clock extension. Extension requests must be approved before an application is submitted.
  • Unclassified academic staff with less than 40% FTE job duties dedicated to research are not eligible.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered. To ensure that your application is complete, please consult the NFRD checklist (.docx) before submission. 
  • Eligible faculty and faculty equivalent unclassified academic staff (UAS) can only submit two application attempts during their eligibility period. The second application must address reviewer comments and suggestions from the first application.
  • Eligible faculty and faculty equivalent unclassified academic staff (UAS) can only receive the NFRD award once.
  • Faculty who received institutional startup funds of $25,000 and above are eligible to apply for the NFRD during the 2024-25 award cycle, but they must provide justification for how the award will enable them to achieve objectives beyond what their startup allowed. Beginning in 2025-26, faculty who meet or surpass the $25,000 institutional startup threshold will not be eligible for the NFRD.
  1. Submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) 2 weeks before the proposal deadline.
  2. Send completed application packets as a SINGLE PDF to no later than 5 p.m. on the deadline. Applications will be reviewed for completeness before reviewers are assigned. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

If you feel that there is a barrier to submitting a proposal, please contact Jen Arbuthnot at The NFRD exists for your benefit, and it is hoped that all eligible new faculty and new faculty-equivalent unclassified academic staff (UAS) choose to participate.

Notice of intent

Individuals interested in submitting an NFRD proposal should complete a Notice of Intent (NOI) two weeks before the deadline. This will enable the Office of Research to plan for adequate reviewer coverage for incoming proposals. In addition, applicants can confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria for the program.

Application format

Proposals must be submitted as a SINGLE PDF including each document listed below via email to

All proposals must be completed in 11- or 12-point font with single spacing and 1-inch margins on each page.

Incomplete applications

Incomplete applications will not be considered. To ensure that your application is complete, please consult the NFRD checklist (.docx) before submission. 

Application contents

  1. Cover page (1 page)
    Include the following information:
    • Title of the proposal
    • Name and detailed contact information for the lead applicant (title, mailing address, email address, phone number
    • Department/center that will administer the award
    • Funding amount requested
  2. Lay abstract (1 page)
    The abstract should be suitable for a general audience. It is intended to assist reviewers who may not be experts in your field of study in understanding the work you propose. In the event of an award, the abstract could also be used to publicize the work being funded by the NFRD on the Office of Research website, or other communications.
  3. Budget on the NFRD budget template
    Budgets may include funds to cover:

    • Materials and supplies
    • Well-justified non-conference travel for KU personnel. Due to the limited funds available, applicants are encouraged to utilize remote meeting options when feasible for collaborator meetings and data collection. If travel is requested, the applicant should explain the need for in-person travel in their budget narrative.

    Budgets should not include:

    • Subrecipient agreements
    • Conference travel
    • Tuition
    • Indirect costs
    • Equipment (items with a unit cost $5,000 or above)
    • Cost share. Contributions from other sources are permissible and can be discussed in the project narrative. They should not be included in the budget template.
  4. Budget narrative
    The budget narrative should describe in detail how each cost category on the proposed budget will be used to complete the work proposed.
  5. Introduction (resubmissions only, 1 page)
    Applicants who are resubmitting a previously declined NFRD proposal must include a 1-page introduction that summarizes substantial additions, deletions and changes to the application and responds to the issues and critiques raised by reviewers of the first application.
  6. Research plan (3 pages)
    Describe the background and methods to be followed for the project and how this award will be used to build the applicant’s research program. Explain how the NFRD award enables research beyond other funding the PI has, including startup funding.
  7. References cited
  8. Sustainability plan (1 page)
    Describe how the proposed project will contribute to a sustainable program of research, scholarship and/or creative activity for the applicant.
  9. Justification (1 page, only for applicants who received $25,000 or more in institutional startup funds)
    Describe how NFRD funds will be used to achieve objectives beyond what is possible with the startup funds provided.
  10. CV/Biosketch for PI
    Brief curriculum vitae for the PI using any federally accepted biosketch format:
  11. CV/Biosketch for faculty mentor
    Brief curriculum vitae for the faculty mentor using any federally accepted biosketch format:
  12. Current & Pending Support or Other Support for the PI
    Use any federally accepted format. No page limitation. Please see:
  13. Letter of support from applicant's faculty mentor outlining their commitment to and endorsement of the applicant's project and research goals. The mentor must also confirm that the applicant meets the eligibility guidelines for the award. If the applicant received $25K or more in startup funds, the mentor should describe how the NFRD will enable the applicant to achieve objectives beyond what was possible with startup funds.
  14. Mentoring plan
    The mentoring outline should cover the following items:


    • List the mentor designated to guide the mentee and their contact information.


    • Highlight goals and outcomes.
    • Describe how the mentor will help the mentee reach these goals.


    • Create a timeline detailing the frequency and format of how the mentee will receive feedback from the mentor. Examples:
      • List the frequency, location, and method (phone/email/face to face) of the mentor-mentee meeting.
      • Will meetings be formal or informal interactions?
      • Are the meetings one-on-one or a group activity with other mentees?
      • List the specific grant-related items on which the mentor will assist or train the mentee and method of training provided (e.g., drafting a study survey, conducting data analysis).
      • How will the mentee’s performance be evaluated by their mentor?

All complete proposals submitted by the deadline will be reviewed by a faculty committee. Committee members are selected by the Office of Research based on their subject-matter expertise and/or experience with the peer-review process. They are required to recuse themselves from reviewing applications when they have a collaborative or personal relationship with the applicant. Departmental affiliation is not considered a reason for recusal from review. The committee will provide funding recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Research for review and final approval as soon as possible, usually within 60 days of the application deadline.

Review criteria include:

  • Merit of proposed work
  • Feasibility of proposed project within budget and timeline, and likelihood that project will result in a scholarship product and/or external funding
  • Clarity and organization of proposal/project
  • Evidence of successful mentoring plan

Reviewers will assess these criteria using the rubric below. Applicants are encouraged to consult this rubric as they write their proposals:

The review committee reserves the right to ask proposers to revise their proposals, and funding may be awarded for lesser amounts than requested.

The Office of Research will inform successful applicants after the selection process is complete. Awardees will then work with Pre-Award Services to complete the proposal review process, including securing any applicable compliance approvals. All applicants will be provided with comments and feedback from the review panels.

  1. All KU Office of Research policies and procedures, including research compliances, must be followed.
  2. Rebudgets over 10% of total award amount must be approved by the Office of Research. Any rebudgeting must still adhere to the budget requirements of the proposal.
  3. All funds must be expended within 24 months of receiving the NFRD award. A one-year no-cost extension may be requested at the end of award duration if additional work needs to be completed.
  4. Awardees will be asked to serve as reviewers for internal awards and/or limited submissions when their award is complete.

Final reports will be required at the end of the award period. Awardees who do not submit final reports within 120 days of the award close date will not be eligible for future Office of Research funding opportunities.

The NFRD final report should consist of the following sections:

  1. A one-paragraph lay summary of the project activities. This summary should be suitable for a lay audience and for publication in Office of Research communications. Any necessary deviations from the activities proposed should be noted in a separate paragraph.
  2. A list of the outcomes of the project (e.g., publications, presentations, juried exhibits, professionally produced CDs, scholarly awards, external grants awarded, etc.), with full citations.
  3. Abstracts of all project-related publications and grants.
  4. Description of how the objectives of the Sustainability Plan have been met.
  5. Curriculum vitae for the PI using any federally accepted biosketch format. Examples of biosketches:
  6. Current & Pending Support or Other Support form in any federally accepted format. No page limitation. Please see:
  7. If the award was intended to lead to external funding, provide the name of the funding agency or foundation, length of the award, and amount of the award for any grants received related to the project.
  8. Suggestions for improving the NFRD award program.

Prepare + submit a proposal

Use the budget template below as you prepare your proposal, then submit your completed packet by Oct. 1 or March 1.

Detailed budget template instructions

At the top of the Year 1 budget tab, enter the PI name, the proposal title, and the start and end dates of the proposed project. The earliest project start date is Jan. 1 for the fall NFRD competition and June 1 for the spring NFRD competition. You may request one or two years. Your departmental SSC contact can assist you with providing biweekly salary rates as needed.

Salaries and wages

  • Senior personnel
    Up to one biweek of salary can be requested for the Principal Investigator (PI) if needed to complete the project. If salary is being requested for the PI, enter the name of the PI, the percentage of time devoted to the project for the requested biweek, and the biweekly rate for the PI. If requesting the full 2 weeks allowed, the percentage should be 100%. The salary amount will be calculated and displayed in G.11 and G13.
  • Other personnel
    • Postdoctoral associate: If requesting salary for a postdoc, enter the name of the postdoc, the number of biweeks, the percent effort requested, and the biweekly rate for that individual. The salary amount will be calculated and displayed in G.16.
    • Technician: If requesting salary for a technician, enter the name of the technician, the number of biweeks, the percent effort requested, and the biweekly rate for that individual. The salary amount will be calculated and displayed in G17.
    • Graduate research student (GRA): Graduate students who are doing work that is related to their degree program should be categorized as GRAs. If requesting salary for a GRA, enter the name of the student if known, or TBD if it is to be determined. Enter the FTE for the GRA in Cell I24. Enter the number of biweeks and the percent effort. The minimum GRA salary is displayed. You can increase this rate to follow your department’s guidelines, but you may not reduce this rate. The GRA salary will be calculated and displayed in G18.
    • Graduate assistant (GA): Graduate students who are doing work that is not related to their degree program may be categorized as GAs. If requesting salary for a GA(s), enter the number of GAs and the number of total hours/GA for the year. The recommended minimum GA rate is displayed. You can adjust this rate to follow your department’s guidelines. The GA salary will be calculated and displayed in G21.
    • Undergraduate student (UG): Enter the number of UGs and the number of total hours/UG for the year. The minimum UG rate is displayed. You can increase this rate to follow your department’s guidelines, but you may not reduce this rate. The UG salary will be calculated and displayed in G22.
  • Fringe benefits
    Fringe benefits will be calculated based on standard rates for each type of appointment and will display in the appropriate line. Do not enter anything in this section.


Travel costs for KU personnel should be budgeted using the Travel Worksheet tab at the bottom of the budget spreadsheet. Do not enter data directly into the Travel section of the budget spreadsheet.

Click on the Travel Worksheet tab.

For trips requiring domestic airfare, use travel table (a). For regional travel using a personal car, use travel table (b). For trips requiring foreign travel, use travel table (c).

  • Travel table (a): Enter the number of persons traveling, the number of trips, and the number of travel days/trip. Review the rates displayed for airfare, meal per diem, lodging, and ground transportation and adjust as needed depending on your destination. You can access allowable per diem and lodging rates for your destination city using the widget at the U.S. General Services Administration website. Travelers requesting a lower per diem rate than the approved rate for their location must complete a per diem exception form before travel. The total travel amount will calculate and be displayed in Cell P61 and will populate on the Year 1 budget.
  • Travel table (b): Enter the number of persons traveling, the number of trips, the number of miles per trip, and the number of travel days per trip. If returning home on the same day, do not enter anything into the Days field. Review the rates for meal per diem and lodging, and adjust as needed depending on your destination. You can access allowable per diem and lodging rates for your destination city using the widget at the U.S. General Services Administration website. Travelers requesting a lower per diem rate than the approved rate for their location must complete a per diem exception form before travel. The total travel amount will calculate and be displayed in Cell P70 and will populate on the Year 1 budget.
  • Travel table (c): Enter the number of persons traveling, the number of trips, and the number of travel days/trip. Review the rates displayed for airfare, meal per diem, lodging, and ground transportation and adjust as needed depending on your destination. You can access allowable per diem and lodging rates for your destination city using the widget at the U.S Department of State website. Travelers requesting a lower per diem rate than the approved rate for their location must complete a per diem exception form before travel. The total travel amount will calculate and be displayed in Cell P80 and will populate on the Year 1 budget.

When you click back to the Year 1 tab, the total travel request will be displayed in Section D.

Research materials & supplies

Enter the description and cost of materials and supplies needed for the project in these lines of the budget. The total amount will be calculated and displayed in G41.

Other costs

Enter the description and cost of other project expenses in these lines. The total amount will be calculated and displayed in G51.

The total proposed costs for Year 1 will be calculated and displayed in G53.

Year 2

If you are budgeting expenses in Year 2, follow the guidelines above using the Year 2 tab of the budget spreadsheet. Total project costs will be calculated and displayed on the Total tab of the budget spreadsheet. Do not enter any information into the Total tab. It is for display purposes only.