Proposal budget preparation

Use these guidelines for salary, fringe, F&A rates, and tuition & fees to estimate project costs. Salary increases are budgeted at 5% annually for all personnel, unless restricted by agency.

Graduate student tuition rates detailed below include:


Monthly rate formula by salary type
Salary typeMonthly rate formula
Biweeklypay rate x 26 = yearly rate ÷ 12
Hourlyhourly rate x 2,080 = yearly rate ÷ 12


Fringe benefits

Fringe benefit calculation according to employment category and effort percentage
Employee typeEffort %Benefit %
Faculty, staff + postdocs.90 to 1.0 FTE37%
Current, named faculty, staff + postdocs.50 to .89 FTE43%
Current, named faculty, staff + postdocs.49 FTE or less9%
Graduate students≥76%15%
Graduate students≤75%7%
Undergraduate studentsAny7%

Minimum wage rates for sponsored projects

KU Lawrence/Edwards campus

Per notification from KU Human Resources, a new minimum wage of $10/hour will be effective for all positions effective Aug. 1, 2023.

Pre-Award staff will use the new rate for proposal budgets created after May 23 for projects that have personnel starting after Aug. 1.

Federal contracts

Effective Jan. 1, 2025, the Executive Order 14026 minimum wage rate that must be paid to workers performing work on or in connection with covered contracts was increased to $17.75 per hour from $16.20 per hour. This mandated rate only applies to federal contracts and awards designated as “contract-like” agreements, which includes cooperative agreements from some sponsors. Please ask your Pre-Award Services team member if you have questions about this requirement.

Executive Order 14026 would apply to federal contracts, and potentially some cooperative agreements, but not to grants. Pre-Award staff are applying this rate to budgets when the funding opportunity announcement indicates that the award instrument will be a contract or contract-like agreement.

Graduate research assistant salary guidelines

Salary rates for graduate research assistants may vary from one unit to the next. Effective Aug. 18, 2024, the default rate for all proposal budgets will be a minimum salary of $19,594.16 per academic year at .50 FTE GRA appointment (or $ 4,354.26/month at full-time effort ) for all of campus eligible for Improving Doctoral Experiences on External Awards (IDEEA) funds. This minimum rate is recommended for all GRAs, but not required unless IDEEA funds are being requested. Contact your Shared Service Center for additional guidelines.  

Please note that the minimum salary will increase on Aug. 18, 2025 to $20,084.01 for an academic .50 FTE GRA appointment (or $ 4,463.11/month at full-time effort)

Facilities & administration (F&A) rate agreements

Federally negotiated F&A rates

Federally negotiated F&A rate for on-campus and off-campus activity
Start date for new projectsResearch on campusInstruction on campusOther sponsored activity on campusAll programs off campus
7/1/16 – 6/30/2151.5%50%34%26%
7/1/21 – 6/30/2453%51%31%26%
7/1/24 – until amended53%51%31%26%


For-profit entity F&A rates

For-profit entity F&A rate for on-campus and off-campus activity
Start date for new projectsAll programs on campusAll program off campus
7/1/16 – 6/30/2157.5%33.5%
7/1/21 – 6/30/2461%34.5%
7/1/24 – until amended61%34.5%

On-campus vs. off-campus F&A rate

Whether the project is charged an on-campus or off-campus F&A rate is decided by time and effort, not dollars. If more than half of the work will be conducted at the university, the on-campus rate is used. Even if a lower mandated agency F&A rate is charged (i.e., training grant at 8% F&A), the KU Office of Research still needs to determine whether it is an on-campus or off-campus research project. This issue needs to be addressed at the proposal stage.

On and Off-Campus determinations are based on location of the majority of directly charged effort for the work. The location of remote-working staff (primary work location) will not automatically result in off-campus rate application.  The shift in remote work has not reduced many of the operating costs incurred by sponsored research activity that are included in the indirect cost rate. These may include costs for libraries; university computing resources (common servers and their back-up features, the VPN which requires maintenance, etc.);  general building costs and services (lease/bond costs, electricity, security, and maintenance); and salaries, health insurance, and other benefits for administration, finance, HR, and other central service staff who help you execute and administer your research without being directly billed to your award.

Pre-Award and Award Management Services (AMS) can assist you with questions about appropriate rate applications. Please alert them if you have questions about project-specific costs. Most federal COVID-related flexibilities have now ended; if you have specific questions about allowability of directly charged remote work expenses on a sponsored project, please check with AMS.

Differentiating direct and indirect costs

Federal regulations as described in 2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance provide definitions of the types of costs that are normally defined as direct costs vs. indirect (F&A) costs. Costs incurred for the same purpose in like circumstances must be treated consistently as either direct or indirect (F&A) costs. Direct costs are those costs that can be identified specifically with a particular sponsored project, instructional or other institutional activity, and can be directly assigned to such activities relatively easily with a high degree of accuracy. Conversely, F&A costs are those that are incurred for common or joint objectives and, therefore, cannot be identified readily and specifically with a particular sponsored project, instructional or other institutional activity. Identification with the sponsored work rather than the nature of the goods and services involved is the determining factor in distinguishing direct from indirect (F&A) costs in sponsored agreements.

At the budget preparation stage of proposal development, proposed direct costs that would ordinarily be identified as indirect (F&A) costs (e.g., administrative/clerical salaries, computing devices, office supplies, etc.) are reviewed with the PI or their designee to determine if there are extraordinary circumstances requiring an exception to the standard. If so, an explicit budget justification must be included in the proposal describing how these costs can be reliably assigned to the benefit of the proposed project. When a sponsored award is received, there are additional levels of review to determine the appropriateness of expenditures and obligations in light of the definitions outlined above. These reviews occur at the PI/departmental level, in Post-Award, and in the accounting services section of Financial Services. Research administration training sessions consistently stress that the reasonable, allocable, and allowable provisions of 2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance — and the consistent application of these provisions — are the basis for proper expenditures on sponsored agreements.

Graduate student tuition & fees

KU Office of Research proposal guidelines call for budgeting 9 hours (academic) tuition each during the fall and spring semesters for graduate students appointed on sponsored projects. Summer tuition can be budgeted for graduated students working on a project but is not required.


Fall, spring and summer architecture graduate student tuition rates for proposal budget preparation (fall 2023 – summer 2031)
TermTotal allowable amount
Fall 2024, Spring 2025$5,424
Summer 2025$1,869
Fall 2025, Spring 2026$5,627
Summer 2026$1,937
Fall 2026, Spring 2027$5,840
Summer 2027$2,008
Fall 2027, Spring 2028$6,064
Summer 2028$2,082
Fall 2028, Spring 2029$6,299
Summer 2029$2,161
Fall 2029, Spring 2030$6,546
Summer 2030$2,243
Fall 2030, Spring 2031$6,805
Summer 2031$2,329
Fall 2031, Spring 2032$7,077
Summer 2032$2,420


Fall, spring and summer business graduate student tuition rates for proposal budget preparation (fall 2023 – summer 2031)
TermTotal allowable amount
Fall 2024, Spring 2025$6,862
Summer 2025$2,348
Fall 2025, Spring 2026$7,065
Summer 2026$2,416
Fall 2026, Spring 2027$7,278
Summer 2027$2,487
Fall 2027, Spring 2028$7,502
Summer 2028$2,562
Fall 2028, Spring 2029$7,737
Summer 2029$2,640
Fall 2029, Spring 2030$7,984
Summer 2030$2,722
Fall 2030, Spring 2031$8,243
Summer 2031$2,809
Fall 2031, Spring 2032$8,515
Summer 2032$2,899

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Fall, spring and summer CLAS graduate student tuition rates for proposal budget preparation (fall 2023 – summer 2031)
TermTotal allowable amount
Fall 2024, Spring 2025$4,880
Summer 2025$1,688
Fall 2025, Spring 2026$5,083
Summer 2026$1,755
Fall 2026, Spring 2027$5,296
Summer 2027$1,826
Fall 2027, Spring 2028$5,520
Summer 2028$1,901
Fall 2028, Spring 2029$5,755
Summer 2029$1,979
Fall 2029, Spring 2030$6,002
Summer 2030$2,062
Fall 2030, Spring 2031$6,261
Summer 2031$2,148
Fall 2031, Spring 2032$6,533
Summer 2032$2,239


Fall, spring and summer education graduate student tuition rates for proposal budget preparation (fall 2023 – summer 2031)
TermTotal allowable amount
Fall 2024, Spring 2025$5,045
Summer 2025$1,743
Fall 2025, Spring 2026$5,248
Summer 2026$1,810
Fall 2026, Spring 2027$5,461
Summer 2027$1,882
Fall 2027, Spring 2028$5,685
Summer 2028$1,956
Fall 2028, Spring 2029$5,920
Summer 2029$2,035
Fall 2029, Spring 2030$6,167
Summer 2030$2,117
Fall 2030, Spring 2031$6,426
Summer 2031$2,203
Fall 2031, Spring 2032$6,698
Summer 2032$2,294


Fall, spring and summer engineering graduate student tuition rates for proposal budget preparation (fall 2022 – summer 2030)
TermTotal allowable amount
Fall 2024, Spring 2025$5,645
Summer 2025$1,943
Fall 2025, Spring 2026$5,848
Summer 2026$2,010
Fall 2026, Spring 2027$6,061
Summer 2027$2,081
Fall 2027, Spring 2028$6,285
Summer 2028$2,156
Fall 2028, Spring 2029$6,520
Summer 2029$2,234
Fall 2029, Spring 2030$6,767
Summer 2030$2,317
Fall 2030, Spring 2031$7,026
Summer 2031$2,403
Fall 2031, Spring 2032$7,298
Summer 2032$2,494


Fall, spring and summer journalism graduate student tuition rates for proposal budget preparation (fall 2023 – summer 2031)
TermTotal allowable amount
Fall 2024, Spring 2025$5,105
Summer 2025$1,763
Fall 2025, Spring 2026$5,308
Summer 2026$1,830
Fall 2026, Spring 2027$5,521
Summer 2027$1,901
Fall 2027, Spring 2028$5,745
Summer 2028$1,976
Fall 2028, Spring 2029$5,980
Summer 2029$2,054
Fall 2029, Spring 2030$6,227
Summer 2030$2,137
Fall 2030, Spring 2031$6,486
Summer 2031$2,223
Fall 2031, Spring 2032$6,758
Summer 2032$2,314


Fall, spring and summer music graduate student tuition rates for proposal budget preparation (fall 2022 – summer 2030)
TermTotal allowable amount
Fall 2024, Spring 2025$5,150
Summer 2025$1,778
Fall 2025, Spring 2026$5,353
Summer 2026$1,845
Fall 2026, Spring 2027$5,566
Summer 2027$1,916
Fall 2027, Spring 2028$5,790
Summer 2028$1,991
Fall 2028, Spring 2029$6,025
Summer 2029$2,069
Fall 2029, Spring 2030$6,272
Summer 2030$2,152
Fall 2030, Spring 2031$6,531
Summer 2031$2,238
Fall 2031, Spring 2032$6,803
Summer 2032$2,329


Fall, spring and summer pharmacy graduate student tuition rates for proposal budget preparation (fall 2023 – summer 2031)
TermTotal allowable amount
Fall 2024, Spring 2025$4,790
Summer 2025$1,658
Fall 2025, Spring 2026$4,993
Summer 2026$1,725
Fall 2026, Spring 2027$5,206
Summer 2027$1,796
Fall 2027, Spring 2028$5,430
Summer 2028$1,871
Fall 2028, Spring 2029$5,665
Summer 2029$1,949
Fall 2029, Spring 2030$5,912
Summer 2030$2,032
Fall 2030, Spring 2031$6,171
Summer 2031$2,118
Fall 2031, Spring 2032$6,443
Summer 2032$2,209

Social Welfare

Fall, spring and summer social welfare graduate student tuition rates for proposal budget preparation (fall 2022 – summer 2030)
TermTotal allowable amount
Fall 2024, Spring 2025$5,195
Summer 2025$1,793
Fall 2025, Spring 2026$5,398
Summer 2026$1,860
Fall 2026, Spring 2027$5,611
Summer 2027$1,931
Fall 2027, Spring 2028$5,835
Summer 2028$2,006
Fall 2028, Spring 2029$6,070
Summer 2029$2,084
Fall 2029, Spring 2030$6,317
Summer 2030$2,167
Fall 2030, Spring 2031$6,576
Summer 2031$2,253
Fall 2031, Spring 2032$6,848
Summer 2032$2,344