Research centers + institutes
KU's 11 largest research centers are recognized as University Research Centers and report to the Office of Research. Faculty and students pursue research, teaching and community outreach on a broad range of topics. Their work aligns with local, national, and global needs and provides benefits to individuals, groups and the public good.

Achievement & Assessment Institute
AAI and its centers partner with agencies to improve the lives of children and adults through academics, employment, career advancement and building healthy environments.
Biodiversity Institute
The KU Biodiversity Institute is an internationally recognized center for research and graduate education in systematics, evolutionary biology, paleontology and archaeology.
Center for Environmentally Beneficial Catalysis
Researchers at KU's Center for Environmentally Beneficial Catalysis are developing cost-competitive chemical manufacturing processes that prevent waste and conserve natural resources.
Center for Remote Sensing & Integrated Systems
Major research directions include the development and field deployment of radar remote sensing technologies for measurements of ice sheets and sea ice.
Hall Center for the Humanities
The Hall Center for the Humanities supports, creates, and disseminates research in the humanities; provides an intellectual hub for scholars and students; and fosters interdisciplinary conversation across the university.
Institute for Information Sciences
I2S advances knowledge and creates innovative technologies in telecommunications, information systems, bioinformatics and radar.
Institute for Bioengineering Research
IBER provides a research, teaching, and scholarly environment that promotes creativity while catalyzing collaborations that will solve problems impacting societal health and well-being.
Institute for Policy & Social Research
The Institute for Policy & Social Research is a faculty-driven research center supporting social scientists who focus on social problems and policy-relevant questions.
Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research
The Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research is a KU designated research center focused on ecosystems research and remote sensing/GIS programs.
Kansas Geological Survey
The Kansas Geological Survey is a research and service division that investigates and provides information about the state's geologic and groundwater resources.