A crowd listens to Chancellor Douglas A. Girod speak at KU's University Research Awards

Office of Faculty Recognition & Awards for Research

KU’s Office of Faculty Recognition & Awards for Research provides support for faculty nominations for external research awards that recognize outstanding achievements in research, scholarship and creative activity. The awards are national and international honors, memberships, and fellowships granted by prestigious foundations and societies recognized by the National Research Council (NRC) and the Association of American Universities (AAU).

View KU's recipients

How we can help

The office partners with academic and research units to identify faculty eligible for external awards and assists with assembling strong nomination packages. Through this collaboration, the office also develops award ladders to guide researchers as they progress in their careers and attain eligibility for university and state awards, disciplinary awards, and national/international awards. Some of the ways our office and our campus partners can assist include:

  • Identifying honorific awards
  • Goal mapping for future awards
  • Liaison with awarding organizations
  • Writing support
  • Submission management
Huazhen Fang, associate professor of mechanical engineering, at a meeting with colleagues.

How you can help

  • Let someone know of your interest in being nominated for an award — your department chair, a colleague in the discipline, etc.
  • Identify potential nominators/letter of support writers
  • Keep your CV updated
  • Verify accuracy of information in Faculty Insight and update as needed
Elaina Sutley, associate professor of engineering, presenting at the Red Hot Research Research event.

Why do faculty research awards matter?

Honorific awards boost your visibility, adding to your perceived value as a researcher and potential for promotion. They also enhance your ability to garner grant funding.

The process of vying for awards and fellowships requires periodic focus on your skills and career progress and can yield feedback that lets you know how you measure up against other scholars in your field.

Awards raise awareness of your research accomplishments, providing opportunities for collaboration with colleagues at KU and at other institutions. 

Membership in a national society offers valuable opportunities for networking and participation in activities in your discipline as well as member-only benefits.

Highly prestigious awards

The National Research Council designates more than 100 awards, honors and recognitions from a wide range of disciplines as highly prestigious. In addition to bringing increased visibility and elevating opportunities for the faculty recipients, these outstanding achievements are tracked by the AAU as a metric for institutional membership.

Dr. Giselle Anatol participates in AfroRithms Black Futurists workshop. Giselle is the Director of the Hall Center for Humanities

KU award recipients

The work of University of Kansas faculty has been acknowledged by a number of outside organizations with recognitions designated as "prestigious" or "highly prestigious" by the National Research Council. Browse and sort the list below to view faculty awards across all KU campuses.

See something missing? Please contact Robin Lehman.

Highly Prestigious & Prestigious Faculty Awards
Last NameFirst NameUnitAward NameYearPrestige
AdamsGlennPsychologyCenter for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences/CASBS Residency Fellow2008Highly Prestigious
AkinwuntanAbiodunPhysical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science  & Athletic TrainingFulbright Scholar2013Prestigious
AlianMohammadElectrical Engineering & Computer ScienceNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2023Prestigious
AlyEsamElectrical Engineering & Computer ScienceNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2020Prestigious
ArnoldEmilyAerospace EngineeringNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2019Prestigious
BaileyBethHistoryNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers2005Highly Prestigious
BaileyBethHistoryWoodrow Wilson Center for Scholars Fellow2006Highly Prestigious
BaileyBethHistoryAmerican Council of Learned Societies Fellow2014Highly Prestigious
BardasAlexElectrical Engineering & Computer ScienceNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2022Prestigious
BarybinMikhailChemistryNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2006Prestigious
BatzaKatieWomen, Gender & Sexuality StudiesAmerican Council of Learned Societies Fellow2018Highly Prestigious
BeanAlicePhysics & AstronomyAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2016Prestigious
BeardChristopherEcology & Evolutionary BiologyBiological Anthropology Section/W. W. Howells Book Award2005Prestigious
BeardChristopherEcology & Evolutionary BiologyPhi Beta Kappa Book Awards - Science Book2005Highly Prestigious
BeardChristopherEcology & Evolutionary BiologyMacArthur Fellow2000Highly Prestigious
BessonDavidPhysics & AstronomyCottrell Scholar Awards1996Prestigious
BessonDavidPhysics & AstronomyFulbright Scholar2005Prestigious
BessonDavidPhysics & AstronomyFulbright Scholar2014Prestigious
BeverJamesEcology & Evolutionary BiologyGuggenheim Fellowship2013Highly Prestigious
BeverJamesEcology & Evolutionary BiologyFulbright Scholar2007Prestigious
BeverJamesEcology & Evolutionary BiologyNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2000Prestigious
BeverJamesEcology & Evolutionary BiologyAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2012Prestigious
BiernatMonicaPsychologyAssociation for Psychological Science Fellow2007Prestigious
BiernatMonicaPsychologyAmerican Psychological Association Fellow2002Prestigious
BiernatMonicaPsychologyDistinguished Scientific Awards for an Early Career Contribution to Psychology1998Prestigious
BillingsSharonEcology & Evolutionary BiologyAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2021Prestigious
BirchMelissaBusinessFulbright Scholar2003Prestigious
BiswasIndranilMicrobiology, Molecular Genetics & ImmunologyFulbright Scholar2013Prestigious
BiswasIndranilMicrobiology, Molecular Genetics & ImmunologyFulbright Scholar2023Prestigious
Bowman-JamesKristinChemistyAmerican Academy of Arts & Sciences Member/Fellow2021Highly Prestigious
Bowman-JamesKristinChemistryAmerican Chemical Society Award in Inorganic Chemistry2021Prestigious
Bowman-JamesKristinChemistryAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2023Prestigious
BranscombeNylaPsychologyAssociation for Psychological Science Fellow2007Prestigious
Bravo SuarezJuanChemical & Petroleum EngineeringNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2019Prestigious
BrittonHannahPolitical ScienceFulbright Scholar2011Prestigious
BrownChrisEnvironmental Studies ProgramFulbright Scholar2015Prestigious
BrownMarie GraceHistoryAmerican Association of University Women American Fellowship2015Prestigious
BrownRafeEcology and Evolutionary BiologyFulbright Scholar2024Prestigious
BruceWilliamClassicsMember with Kress Fellowship2011Prestigious
BrunsellNathanielGeography & Atmospheric ScienceHumboldt Research Fellowship2010Prestigious
CaricatoMarcoChemistryNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2017Prestigious
CartwrightPaulynEcology & Evolutionary BiologyNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2010Prestigious
ChanWai-LunPhysics & AstronomyNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2014Prestigious
ChappellBenAmerican StudiesFulbright Scholar2017Prestigious
Colaco MoraisAnaChemical & Petroleum EngineeringHumboldt Research Fellowship2018Prestigious
ColomboJohnPsychologyAssociation for Psychological Science Fellow2003Prestigious
CollinsWilliamCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringFulbright Scholar2022Prestigious
CortegueraLuisHistoryNational Humanties Center Fellow2001Highly Prestigious
CortegueraLuisHistoryAmerican Council of Learned Societies Fellow2001Highly Prestigious
CrandallChrisPsychologyAssociation for Psychological Science Fellow2007Prestigious
CravensThomasPhysics & AstronomyAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2018Prestigious
CrennerChristopherHistory & Philosophy of MedicineDerek Price/Rod Webster Prize (outstanding articles)2015Prestigious
DarwinDavidCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringWalter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize1985Prestigious
DarwinDavidCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringMoisseiff Award1991Prestigious
DarwinDavidCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2016Prestigious
DavisAnnPediatricsAmerican Psychological Association Fellow2011Prestigious
DeanBartholomewAnthropologyFulbright Scholar2003Prestigious
DeanBartholomewAnthropologyFulbright Scholar2011Prestigious
DeanEvanKansas University Center on Developmental DisabilitiesFulbright Scholar2020Prestigious
DeerSarahWomen, Gender & Sexuality StudiesMacArthur Fellow2014Highly Prestigious
Del RioRodrigoCell Biology & PhysiologyNeural Control and Autonomic Regulation Section Awards/New Investigator Award2018Prestigious
DenningAndrewHistoryAmerican Council of Learned Societies Fellow2020Highly Prestigious
DesaireHeatherChemistryNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2007Prestigious
DevlinJohnGeologyNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2002Prestigious
DickeyStephenSlavic Languages & LiteraturesNational Endowment for the Humanities2002Highly Prestigious
DienerAlexanderGeography & Atmospheric ScienceFulbright Scholar2004Prestigious
DienerAlexanderGeography & Atmospheric ScienceWilson Center Experts2011Prestigious
DienerAlexanderGeography & Atmospheric ScienceWilson Center Experts2015Prestigious
DonovanBrianSociologyNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers2005Highly Prestigious
DoolittleGaryInternal Medicine - Medical OncologyFulbright Scholar2000Prestigious
DuanChangmingEducational PsychologyAmerican Psychological Association Fellow2011Prestigious
DuncanTyroneMathematicsW. T. & Idalia Reid Prize in Mathematics2013Prestigious
DunnRobertChemistrySloan Research Fellowship-Chemistry2000Prestigious
DunnRobertChemistrySearle Scholar1997Prestigious
DunnRobertChemistryNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award1997Prestigious
DwyerArienneLinguistic AnthropologyFulbright Scholar2020Prestigious
EllesChristopherChemistryNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2012Prestigious
EppCharlesPublic Affairs & AdministrationFellow of National Academy of Public Administration2017Highly Prestigious
FaimanMorrisLife Span InstituteAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow1983Prestigious
FangHuazhenMechanical EngineeringNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2019Prestigious
FarberDavidHistoryAmerican Council of Learned Societies Fellow1992Highly Prestigious
FindleyRichardArchitectureFulbright Scholar2011Prestigious
FitePaulaPsychologyAmerican Psychological Association Fellow2016Prestigious
FowlerSherryHistory of ArtAssociation for Asian Studies NEAC Japan Studies Grants2011Prestigious
FowlerSherryHistory of ArtAssociation for Asian Studies NEAC Japan Studies Grants2016Prestigious
FranciscoVincentApplied Behavioral ScienceAmerican Psychological Association Fellow2016Prestigious
FullerRandallEnglishGuggenheim Fellowship2014Highly Prestigious
FullerRandallEnglishPhi Beta Kappa Book Awards - Christian Gauss Award2011Highly Prestigious
FullerRandallEnglishNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for College Teachers & Independent Scholars2007Highly Prestigious
GintherDonnaEconomicsAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2023Prestigious
Gist-MackeyAngelaCommunication StudiesAmerican Fellowship2017Prestigious
GleasonJenniferEcology & Evolutionary BiologyNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2004Prestigious
GleasonJenniferEcology & Evolutionary BiologyNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2013Prestigious
GonzalezTiffanyHistoryAmerican Fellowship2019Prestigious
GonzalezVictorBiology/KU Biodiversity Institute and Natural History MuseumFulbright Scholar2020Prestigious
GoodyearMariluPublic Affairs & AdministrationFellow of National Academy of Public Administration2001Highly Prestigious
GordonPamelaWomen, Gender & Sexuality StudiesAmerican Council of Learned Societies Fellow1995Highly Prestigious
GrahamMaryemmaEnglishNational Humanities Center Fellow2006Highly Prestigious
GrahamMaryemmaEnglishNational Humanities Center Fellow2005Highly Prestigious
GrahamMaryemmaEnglishAmerican Council of Learned Societies Fellow2002Highly Prestigious
GreenbergMarcSlavic Languages & LiteraturesNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellow1993Highly Prestigious
GreeneJ. MeganHistoryResearch Grants1995Prestigious
HaleRichardAerospace EngineeringNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2000Prestigious
HanJieCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringMartin S. Kapp Foundation Engineering Award2017Prestigious
HannoumMajidAnthropologyFulbright Scholar2010Prestigious
HannoumMajidAnthropologyFulbright Scholar2022Prestigious
HansenAmyCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2024Prestigious
HansonPaulChemistryNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2000Prestigious
HarringtonJosephEnglishFulbright Scholar2004Prestigious
HawleyScottStowers InstituteNational Academy of Sciences Member2011Highly Prestigious
HawleyScottStowers InstituteAmerican Academy of Arts & Sciences Member/Fellow2006Highly Prestigious
HawleyScottStowers InstituteAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2001Prestigious
HawleyScottStowers InstituteSearle Scholar1984Prestigious
HeadJohnCenter for East Asian StudiesFulbright Scholar2016Prestigious
HerlihyPeterGeography & Atmospheric ScienceFulbright Scholar2004Prestigious
HillMaryGeologyWalter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize2000Prestigious
HillMaryGeologyNational Academy of Engineering Membership2021Highly Prestigious
HolwerdaSethAnesthesiology, Pain & Preoperative MedicineAmerican Physiological Society2017Prestigious
HusicAdminCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2024Prestigious
HutchisonJustinCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2023Prestigious
IngramRickPsychologyDistinguished Scientific Awards for an Early Career Contribution to Psychology1990Prestigious
IsenbergDrewHistoryFulbright Scholar2001Prestigious
IshmanScottKansas Geological SurveyFulbright Scholar2015Prestigious
JacksonTimothyChemistryNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2011Prestigious
JenkinsScottPhilosophyNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers2013Highly Prestigious
JohnsonChristopherMusicFulbright Scholar2004Prestigious
JohnsonJayGeography & Atmospheric ScienceAmerican Council of Learned Societies Collaborative Research Fellowship2014Highly Prestigious
JohnsonMatMathematicsSociety for Industrial & Applied Mathematics Activity Group on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations Best Paper Prize2015Prestigious
JongmanAllardLinguisticsAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2019Prestigious
KanekoMakiHistory of ArtAssociation for Asian Studies NEAC Japan Studies Grants2016Prestigious
KennedyJohn JamesPolitical ScienceFulbright Scholar2010Prestigious
KerrBarbaraEducational PsychologyFulbright Scholar2023Prestigious
KindscherJamesAnesthesiologyAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2020Prestigious
KingstonNealEducational PsychologyAmerican Psychological Association Fellow2022Prestigious
KingstonNealEducational PsychologyAssociation for Psychological Science Fellow2023Prestigious
KoenigTerrySociologyFulbright Scholar2011Prestigious
KoenigTerrySociologyFulbright Scholar2023Prestigious
KolibaChristopherPublic Affairs & AdministrationFellow of National Academy of Public Administration2023Highly Prestigious
KolibaChristopherPublic Affairs & AdministrationFulbright Scholar2014Prestigious
KrumlaufRobertStowers InstituteNational Academy of Sciences Member2016Highly Prestigious
KrumlaufRobertStowers InstituteAmerican Academy of Arts & Sciences Member/Fellow2003Highly Prestigious
KrumlaufRobertStowers InstituteAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2007Prestigious
KulkarniPrasadElectrical Engineering & Computer ScienceNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2010Prestigious
KwonGibumMechanical EngineeringNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2020Prestigious
LairdBrianChemistryNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award1995Prestigious
LambJonathanEnglishAndrew W. Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship2009Highly Prestigious
LandauMarkPsychologyDistinguished Scientific Awards for an Early Career Contribution to Psychology2017Prestigious
LascanoMarcyPhilosophyNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for College Teachers & Independent Scholars2015Highly Prestigious
LeonMecheleTheatre & DanceBarnard Hewitt Award for Outstanding Research in Theatre History2010Highly Prestigious
LeonMecheleTheatre & DanceNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers2005Highly Prestigious
LiLinhengStowers InstituteAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2010Prestigious
LiebermanBruceEcology & Evolutionary BiologyCharles Schuchert Award2002Prestigious
LieseBruceFamily Medicine & Community HealthAmerican Psychological Association Fellow1998Prestigious
LundquistErikMolecular BiosciencesNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2001Prestigious
LundquistErikMolecular BiosciencesAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2015Prestigious
LunteSusanChemistryAmerican Chemical Society Award in Analytical Chemistry2023Prestigious
LunteSusanChemistryNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award1997Prestigious
LunteSusanChemistryAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2017Prestigious
LutkenhausJosephMicrobiology, Molecular Genetics & ImmunologyNational Academy of Sciences Member2014Highly Prestigious
LylesLindsey WardPublic Affairs & AdministrationNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2018Prestigious
MacGonagleElizabethHistoryFulbright Scholar2004Prestigious
MafiArashPhysics & AstronomyOptical Society of America Fellow2018Prestigious
MafiArashPhysics & AstronomyNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2013Prestigious
MalinakovaHelenaChemistryNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2003Prestigious
MarinaAreliHistory of ArtRome Prize2000Highly Prestigious
MatsunagaKellyEcology & Evolutionary BiologyNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2024Prestigious
MayhewJonathanSpanish & PortugueseNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers2007Highly Prestigious
MayhewJonathanSpanish & PortugueseNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers1992Highly Prestigious
McLaughlinCraigAerospace EngineeringNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2006Prestigious
McMahonKeithEast Asian Languages & CulturesNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers2009Highly Prestigious
McNairAmyHistory of ArtNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers2001Highly Prestigious
McNairAmyHistory of ArtNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers2006Highly Prestigious
McNairAmyHistory of ArtChiang Ching-Kuo Foundation Scholar Grant2010Prestigious
MihesuahDevonHumanitiesAmerican Council of Learned Societies Fellow1992Highly Prestigious
MillsElisabethPhysics & AstronomyNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2024Prestigious
MishraSanjayBusinessFulbright Scholar2011Prestigious
MoSophiaFrench, Francophone & Italian StudiesAndrew W. Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship2022Highly Prestigious
MorenoJamesTheatre and DanceFulbright Scholar2011Prestigious
MorrisEdwardApplied Behavioral ScienceAmerican Psychological Association Fellow1991Prestigious
MortMarkEcology & Evolutionary BiologyNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2013Prestigious
MoyleRobEcology & Evolutionary BiologyAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2022Prestigious
MuehlenhardCharlenePsychologyAmerican Psychological Association Fellow1994Prestigious
MureMinaeChemistryNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2008Prestigious
MurphyScott BrandonMusicThe Emerging Scholar Award2009Prestigious
MurrayMichaelPhysics & AstronomyNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2004Prestigious
NagelJoaneSociologyAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2020Prestigious
NajafizadehMehrangizSociologyFulbright Scholar2003Prestigious
NajafizadehMehrangizSociologyFulbright Scholar2021Prestigious
OakleyBerlMolecular BiosciencesAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2005Prestigious
OjoAkinloluPopulation HealthNational Academy of Medicine Member2022Highly Prestigious
OkutHayrettinPopulation HealthFulbright Scholar2003Prestigious
OriveMariaEcology & Evolutionary BiologyRadcliffe Institute Fellowship2007Prestigious
OriveMariaEcology & Evolutionary BiologyAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2022Prestigious
O'RourkeDennisAnthropologyAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2007Prestigious
OutkaPaulEnglishAmerican Council of Learned Societies Fellow2004Highly Prestigious
ParkerAnnaDietetics & NutritionMary P. Huddleson Memorial Award2015Prestigious
PeelaersHartwinPhysics & AstronomyNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2024Prestigious
PetersonAndrew TownsendEcology & Evolutionary BiologyAmerican Ornithological Society Katma Award2007Prestigious
PetersonAndrew TownsendEcology & Evolutionary BiologyFulbright Scholar2011Prestigious
PetersonAndrew TownsendEcology & Evolutionary BiologyFulbright Scholar2013Prestigious
PetersonAndrew TownsendEcology & Evolutionary BiologyFulbright Scholar2015Prestigious
PetersonAndrew TownsendEcology & Evolutionary BiologyAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2017Prestigious
PetersonKennethBiochemistry & Molecular BiologyFulbright Scholar2009Prestigious
PetrDavidElectrical Engineering & Computer ScienceFulbright Scholar2015Prestigious
ProhiraStevenPhysics & AstronomyMacArthur Fellow2022Highly Prestigious
PtomeyLaurenInternal Medicine - Physical Activity & Weight MgmtMary P. Huddleson Memorial Award2016Prestigious
RakeLanceDesignFulbright Scholar2015Prestigious
RakeLanceDesignFulbright Scholar2019Prestigious
RaoReenaInternal Medicine - Nethrology & HypertensionNeural Control & Autonomic Regulation Section Awards/Postdoctoral & Early Career Research Recognition Award2009Prestigious
RaoReenaInternal Medicine - Nethrology & HypertensionRenal Section Awards/Research Recognition Award2009Prestigious
RathEricHistoryAssociation for Asian Studies NEAC Japan Studies Grants2013Prestigious
RiceMabelSpeech-Language-Hearing: Sciences & DisordersAssociation for Psychological Science Fellow2011Prestigious
RiceMabelSpeech-Language-Hearing: Sciences & DisordersAmerican Speech-Language-Hearing Association Honors of the Association2004Prestigious
RiceMabelSpeech-Language-Hearing: Sciences & DisordersAmerican Psychological Association Fellow1999Prestigious
RiceMabelSpeech-Language-Hearing: Sciences & DisordersAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2004Prestigious
RoedigerDavidHistoryMerle Curti Award1992Highly Prestigious
RoedigerDavidHistoryCarlton C. Qualey Memorial Article Award1997Prestigious
RoedigerDavidHistoryCarlton C. Qualey Memorial Article Award2005Prestigious
RoganChristopherPhysics & AstronomyHarvard Society Junior Fellow2013Highly Prestigious
RoganChristopherPhysics & AstronomyNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2020Prestigious
Rohrschneider RobertPolitical ScienceFulbright Scholar2023Prestigious
RosenblumBrianKU LibrariesFulbright Scholar2003Prestigious
RovitRebeccaTheatre and DanceFulbright Scholar2016Prestigious
RovitRebeccaTheatre and DanceAmerican Council of Learned Societies Fellow1997Highly Prestigious
RowlandAnnEnglishNational Humanities Center Fellow2019Highly Prestigious
RowlandRobertCommunication StudiesDouglas W. Ehninger Distinguished Rhetorical Scholar Award2011Prestigious
RudnickGregoryPhysics & AstronomyHumboldt Research Fellowship2012Prestigious
RuryJohnEducational Leadership and Policy StudiesFulbright Scholar2017Prestigious
SchieberleMistyEnglishNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship2021Highly Prestigious
SchieberleMistyEnglishAmerican Fellowship2012Prestigious
SchmidAndreasInternal Medicine - Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Med.American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2008Prestigious
SchulmeisterMarciaGeologyFulbright Scholar2015Prestigious
ScioliEmmaClassicsRome Prize2004Highly Prestigious
ScottErikHistoryAndrew W. Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship2010Highly Prestigious
ScottErikHistoryAndrew W. Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship2017Highly Prestigious
ScottErikHistoryAndrew W. Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship2018Highly Prestigious
ScottErikHistoryNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship2019Highly Prestigious
ScottErikHistoryAmerican Council of Learned Societies Fellow2019Highly Prestigious
SerenoJoanLinguisticsAssociation for Psychological Science Fellow2021Prestigious
SerenoJoanLinguisticsAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2020Prestigious
SerenoJoanLinguisticsHumboldt Research Fellowship1998Prestigious
ShogrenKarrieSpecial EducationAmerican Psychological Association Fellow2021Prestigious
ShontzSuzanneElectrical Engineering & Computer ScienceNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2011Prestigious
ShontzSuzanneElectrical Engineering & Computer SciencePresidential Early Career Awards for Scientists & Engineers (PECASE)2011Prestigious
SiKausikCell Biology & Physiology / Stowers InstituteSearle Scholar2006Prestigious
SinclairThomasDesignGuggenheim Fellowship2013Highly Prestigious
SoberonJorgeEcology & Evolutionary BiologyAmerican Academy of Arts & Sciences Member/Fellow2018Highly Prestigious
SoperStevenMechanical EngineeringAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2009Prestigious
SpencerPauletteMechanical EngineeringFulbright Scholar2014Prestigious
SpencerPauletteMechanical EngineeringAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2007Prestigious
StearnsLeighGeologyNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2013Prestigious
SteeleRicPsychologyAmerican Psychological Association Fellow2008Prestigious
StillerMayaHistory of ArtAssociation for Asian Studies NEAC Korean Studies Grant2010Prestigious
StillerMayaHistory of ArtAssociation for Asian Studies NEAC Korean Studies Grant2016Prestigious
SuarezMarinaGeologyNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2016Prestigious
SubramaniamBalaChemical & Petroleum EngineeringAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2023Prestigious
SutleyElainaCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2019Prestigious
SyrettNicholasWomen, Gender & Sexuality StudiesAmerican Council of Learned Societies Fellow2020Highly Prestigious
TamerlerCandanMechanical EngineeringAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2018Prestigious
TellDaveCommunication StudiesGolden Anniversary Monograph Award2013Prestigious
TellDaveCommunication StudiesKarl R. Wallace Memorial Award2012Prestigious
TellDaveCommunication StudiesNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers2016Highly Prestigious
TimmermannBarbaraMedicinal ChemistryAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2000Prestigious
TrainorPaulCell Biology & Physiology / Stowers InstituteAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2023Prestigious
TuckerSherrieAmerican StudiesNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers2010Highly Prestigious
TuckerSherrieAmerican StudiesEarle Johnson Bequest for Book Publication Subvention2014Prestigious
TungeJonChemistryNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2006Prestigious
UncklessRobertMolecular BiosciencesNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2021Prestigious
UrieDaleHumanitiesFulbright Scholar2011Prestigious
VakserIlyaMolecular BiosciencesAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow2015Prestigious
VanderhurstStaceyWomen, Gender & Sexuality StudiesFulbright Scholar2022Prestigious
VanderhurstStaceyWomen, Gender & Sexuality StudiesAndrew W. Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship2013Highly Prestigious
VyatkinaNinaSlavic, German, & Eurasian StudiesFulbright Scholar2014Prestigious
WaltersJamieEcology & Evolutionary BiologyFulbright Scholar2022Prestigious
WarfBarneyGeography & Atmospheric ScienceFulbright Scholar2010Prestigious
WarrenKimSocial WelfareSpencer Fellow2006Prestigious
WarrenKimSocial WelfareFulbright Scholar2017Prestigious
WarriorRobertEnglishAmerican Academy of Arts & Sciences Member/Fellow2018Highly Prestigious
WehmeyerMichaelSpecial EducationAmerican Psychological Association Fellow2011Prestigious
WhelanRebeccaChemistryCottrell College Science Award2006Prestigious
WilliamsCrispinEast Asian Languages & CulturesNational Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers2008Highly Prestigious
WittEmilyMathematicsNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2020Prestigious
WongKettyMusicFulbright Scholar2013Prestigious
WoodNathanHistoryFulbright Scholar2011Prestigious
WorkmanJerryKU Cancer CenterAmerican Academy of Arts & Sciences Member/Fellow2013Highly Prestigious
WorkmanJerryKU Cancer CenterHoward Hughes Medical Institute Investigator/Alumni Investigator1998Highly Prestigious
WoszidloAlesiaCommunication StudiesFulbright Scholar2012Prestigious
XuHongguoMathematicsHumboldt Research Fellowship1994Prestigious
YiRichardPsychologyAmerican Psychological Association Fellow2021Prestigious
YungCorey RayburnLawRadcliffe Institute Fellowship2019Prestigious
ZandersSarahCell Biology & Physiology / Stowers InstituteSearle Scholar2018Prestigious
ZeitlingerJuliaStowers InstitutePew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences2008Prestigious
ZhangJieLinguisticsChiang Ching-Kuo Foundation Research Grant2005Prestigious
ZhangJieLinguisticsChiang Ching-Kuo Foundation Research Grant2013Prestigious
ZhangLisaPharmacology, Toxicology & TherapeuticsGastrointestinal & Liver Section Awards/Research Recognition Award2012Prestigious
ZhaoYongEducational Leadership & Policy StudiesAmerican Education Research Association Early Career Award2003Prestigious
ZhaoYongEducational Leadership & Policy StudiesNational Academy of Education Member2020Highly Prestigious
ZhengLongPathology & Laboratory MedicineClaude P. Brown Memorial Lectureship2017Prestigious
ZhongCuncongElectrical Engineering & Computer ScienceNational Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award2020Prestigious
ZogryMichaelReligious StudiesAmerican Academy of Religion Individual Research Grant2006Prestigious
RaffJenniferAnthropologyGuggenheim Fellowship2024Highly Prestigious

See something missing? Please contact Robin Lehman.

Award highlights

winners of the National Science Foundation's Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award since 1995
Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Percent of current KU faculty who have received a national/international award
Robin Lehman


Robin Lehman is KU's Director of Faculty Recognition & Awards. Questions about the process?

Connect with Robin

Faculty recognition news

Read the latest stories celebrating KU faculty award recipients, as well as informative articles about KU's faculty recognition program.

Faculty recognition news

Portrait of Robin Lehman, director of faculty recognition & awards, next to a dark blue geometric background.

Aspiring to membership in the National Academies

For many scholars, being selected as a member of one of the three National Academies — Sciences, Engineering or Medicine — is one of the highest professional honors. Why? Because NAS, NAE or NAM membership represents being acknowledged as one of the best and brightest scientific minds.
Six KU faculty members pose for a photo in front of a AAAS Fellows backdrop at the 150th anniversary gala of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

KU delegation makes connections at AAAS gala in Washington, D.C.

The university supported the Sept. 21 event as an institutional sponsor and invited a delegation of fellows to participate as a way to elevate the institution’s visibility in the organization and form connections that contribute to opportunities for engagement related to research and science policy, career development, and potential collaborations with peers.
KU professor Jomella Watson-Thompson is recognized for research excellence at a KU football game. She is standing next to Alicia Doan, associate dean for research in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, on the football field.

Shining a 'Spotlight on Faculty Excellence'

Honorees for the 2024-25 program, to be announced in the weeks ahead, have contributed significantly to society, their disciplines and the local and/or university community. They have also demonstrated a commitment to developing future leaders in their fields through mentoring.
Screenshot of Office of Faculty Recognition & Awards webpage

Faculty Recognition & Awards website launches

KU faculty can now find information about external achievement awards on the newly published Office of Faculty Recognition & Awards website. The site offers general advice about why awards matter, ways in which the office can assist with support for nominations, and a table that lists KU faculty who have been acknowledged by various outside organizations.