For researchers
From laboratories to archives to field sites — and studios and stages in between — KU researchers are making discoveries, advancing knowledge, and interpreting and enhancing the human experience through creative works. The Office of Research and our partners are here to support you every step of the way.

Navigating your research
A research project involves many steps. We're here to help KU researchers + scholars navigate the complexity.
Find funding
The KU Office of Research provides tools to help you keep up with changes in the external funding landscape and develop a personalized, strategic approach to finding funding.
Prepare + submit proposals
Pre-Award Services + Research Development are here to guide and support you from proposal prep through submission.
Manage awards + compliance
The Post-Award team is here to help you navigate financial activities + compliance so you can focus on your research.
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Research rock stars
Many of our planet's major challenges are being addressed right here in Kansas by some of the world’s most distinguished scholars. See research in action.
Internal funding opportunities
Nominate a colleague for a research achievement award + explore other internal funding programs.