Safe & inclusive fieldwork training
Example training + education
Be sure to check the functionality of all necessary equipment (e.g., satellite communication devices, GPS units, tools, etc.) and include training on equipment use. Consider whether training in first aid skills, basic outdoor skills, outdoor ethics, leadership and/or specialized task-based or hazard management skills would optimize safety and success for your team.
Required or recommended training might also cover sexual violence and harassment, conflict resolution, strategies for being an active bystander, and fostering a respectful community while in the field. As a team, you may wish to discuss when and how to intervene when a team member is being targeted by harm or harassment. Behavior does not need to rise to the level of illegality to be harmful; early intervention can help avoid more serious transgressions in the future.
If you're familiar with training opportunities you think would be valuable to include on this page, please share them with the Office of Research via
First aid & outdoor skills
- KU Health Education Resource Office CPR
- American Red Cross (First Aid, Wilderness First Aid CPR, AED)
- National Outdoor Leadership School
- Wilderness Medical Associates International
Environmental health & safety
KU Environmental Health & Safety strives to meet the EHS training needs of all KU departments. Examples of courses that may be appropriate for different fieldwork settings:
- Biosafety 101
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- EHS Hazard Awareness
- Electrical Safety
- Fall Protection
- Fire Safety and Extinguishers
- Hazard Communication and Chemical Safety (non-lab environment)
- Ladder Safety 101
- Respiratory Protection
Culture of inclusion & protection
KU training + education
- Civil Rights & Title IX
- Harassment, Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct & Sexual Violence Reporting Obligations for New Faculty and Staff
- Annual Harassment, Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct & Sexual Violence Reporting Obligations for Faculty and Staff
- Understanding Policies & the Complaint Investigation Process
- Mandatory Reporting of Harassment, Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct & Sexual Violence Training
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
- Diversity & Inclusion Module
- Reducing Bias, Preventing & Responding to Microaggressions
- Supervision through an Inclusive Lens
- Leadership Framework for Action on Equity & Inclusion
- Unpacking Whiteness in the Workplace
- LinkedIn Learning (variety of DEI and other professional skills modules)
- Sexuality & Gender Diversity
- Safe Zone Training (allyship for queer & trans students)
- Queer & Trans Terminology & Definitions
- Pronoun Usage
- Queer & Trans History
- Sexuality & Gender Identity: An Introduction
- Sexual Assault Prevention & Education
- Sexual Violence Recognition & Response
- Trauma-Informed Response for Professionals
- Other KU resources + opportunities
- Identity Abroad (KU Study Abroad tool for assessing how various identities might impact experiences in different countries or cultures. Can be shared with research team members to consider in advance of field trips.)
- Compassionate Communications (KU Ombuds/HR series training series on communicating in ways that foster understanding, connection, and compassion)
External training + education
- Building a Better Fieldwork Future
- Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (includes enhancing cultural awareness and inclusion practices)
- Green Dot (Active Bystander Training)
- Right To Be (Active Bystander Training)
- Safer Science
Report an incident
Reports can be made to KU's Office of Civil Rights & Title IX in person, by phone or email, or via online complaint form by any individual, regardless of their affiliation with KU or the project.