Recent externally funded awards

December 2024

Includes grants, contracts and subcontracts awarded to KU-Lawrence investigators from external sponsors. 

View previous awards

Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Johnson, MichaelChemistryNational Institutes of HealthAnalytical Tools for Light-Initiated Zn2+ Signaling in Neurodegenerative Disease$3,513,649
Du, HengPharmacology & ToxicologyNational Institutes of HealthGOAT-mediated ghrelin deregulation and hippocampal pathology in Alzheimer's Disease$2,782,030
Bever, JamesEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchU.S. Department of AgricultureIntegrating ecological dilution and genetic resistance to predict pathogen transmission, dynamics and impact$2,500,000
Heggeness, MistySchool of Public Affairs & Administration / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchPolitical Economy Research InstituteImprovements in Measuring a 21st Century Care Economy$1,171,397
Francis, LindsayKU Transportation CenterKansas Department of Transportation2025 Local Technical Assistance Program LTAP$776,426
Graham, AllieMolecular BiosciencesNational Institutes of HealthPlasticity and Nitric Oxide Signaling: Identifying the Novel Adaptive Mechanisms Associated with Response to Hypoxia$747,000
Forbush, KelsieClinical Child Psychology Program / Life Span InstituteNational Institutes of HealthBuilding Healthy Eating and Self-Esteem Together for University Students (BEST-U): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of an mHealth Intervention for Binge-Spectrum Disorders$715,516
Myers, SuzanneLife Span InstituteKansas Board of RegentsKBOR Literacy Blueprint Research and Development$616,670
Caricato, MarcoChemistry / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisNational Science FoundationBimetallic Single-Site Heterogeneous Catalysts: A New Paradigm for Enhancing Reactivity in Olefin Metathesis$602,669
Beck, DarinLaw Enforcement Training CenterU.S. Department of JusticeFY24 University of Kansas Curriculum Integration Award$500,000
Beck, DarinLaw Enforcement Training CenterU.S. Department of JusticeFY24 Kansas Accreditation$300,000
Hageman, MichaelPharmaceutical ChemistryUniversity of VirginiaSmall Molecule ERG Inhibitors for Prostate Cancer$206,871
Li, JianCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringTransportation Research BoardA Novel Constrained-Layer Damper for Wind-induced Vibration Mitigation of High-mast Illumination Poles$140,000
Caricato, MarcoChemistry / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisAmerican Chemical SocietyUnderstanding the Effect of Oriented External Electrical Fields on the Intensification of Phase Transfer Catalysis Reactions at a Liquid-Liquid Interface$125,000
Harris, TheodoreKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchKansas Water OfficeEvaluating and Projecting Long-Term HAB and Water Quality Trends in Federal Reservoirs in the Neosho, Ninnescah, Walnut, Verdigris, and Marais des Cygnes Basins$100,000
Luo, BoElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationPlanning: DCL-EPSCOR: SaTC Frontier: Exploring the Synergy Between Generative AI and Cybersecurity$100,000
Shomaji, SumaiyaElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteDeep AI Encoded ECGs for Cardiovascular Health Prediction and Explainability$57,723
Layzell, AnthonyKansas Geological SurveyUniversity of IowaJoint Iowa-Kansas-Missouri-Nebraska Working Group for the Unification of pre-Illinoian Till Stratigraphy$50,000
Look, KurtKansas Geological SurveyThe Kansas Geological SocietySoftware Development for Kansas Electronic Data Integration$50,000
Walker, DaleLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteProject Eagle: Early Head Start$49,263
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchAmerican Economics AssociationSurvey and Focus Group Research in Support of AEA Co-Impact Design Grant$38,500
Kirkpatrick, AllisonPhysics and AstronomySpace Telescope Science InstituteJWST-GO-05407: "MEOW: The MIRI Early Obscured-AGN Wide Survey"$34,362
Butler Jr, JamesKansas Geological SurveyUniversity of Nebraska - LincolnClarifying the Drivers of Water-level Changes in the High Plains Aquifer in Western Kansas$30,000
Corson, ElizabethChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisWichita State UniversityPlasmon-Enhanced Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction$26,166
Koon, LyndsieLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteThe Impact of Weight Loss on Alzheimers Disease Risk in Adults with Down Syndrome$19,651
Crossfield, IanPhysics and AstronomySpace Telescope Science InstituteHow big can you make a planet? Spectroscopic characterization of HD 206893B$15,000
Hoque, TamzidulElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationNSF Student Travel Grant for 2024 Women in Hardware and Systems Security (WISE) Workshop$10,000
Talbott, JenniferSpencer Museum of ArtEnvironment And Culture Partners (Ecp)T/RH parameters in care for museum collections on energy consumption, costs, and emissions$10,000
Deng, ShiguangMechanical EngineeringNew Faculty Research Development AwardAI-Driven Design for Advanced Manufacturing-Material-Structure Systems$9,999
Knight, LoganSocial WelfareNew Faculty Research Development AwardAltruism as a Survivor-Generated Intervention for Reducing Complex Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Increasing Resilience$9,999
Song, YuHealth, Sport & Exercise ScienceNew Faculty Research Development AwardInvestigating single-leg backward hopping on knee mechanics for improved clinical assessments following anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions$9,997
Grube, WhitneySocial WelfareNew Faculty Research Development AwardSerious Emotional Disturbances (SED) and Medicaid Waiver Services: A Data Feasibility and Pilot Study$9,987
Norman, LaurenAnthropologyNew Faculty Research Development AwardTemporal trends in interregional interactions: Investigating the deep history of Van Tat Gwichin land use in northern Yukon, Canada$9,985
Presnell, JasonMolecular BiosciencesNew Faculty Research Development AwardMorphological and genomic approaches to understanding ctenophore gut development$9,923
Guria, SankhaElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNew Faculty Research Development AwardAutomatic Program Synthesis with Correctness Guarantees$9,562
Wang, HanElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNew Faculty Research Development AwardNFRD: Building Interdisciplinary Collaborations for Privacy-Preserving Smart Communities$8,214
Orozco, RobinMolecular BiosciencesNew Faculty Research Development AwardUnderstanding the benefits of the commonly expressed, disease-causing mutation of PTPN22$5,000

Previous awards

Includes grants, contracts and subcontracts awarded to KU-Lawrence investigators from external sponsors. 

Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Gardner, SaraAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Children's Cabinet And Trust FundKansas Preschool Development Grant Birth Through Five (PDG B-5) Renewal Grant 2024$3,297,177
Martin, SusanAchievement & Assessment InstituteNew Mexico Public Education DepartmentNM STEM Ready Science Assessment$2,632,188
Crossfield, IanPhysics and AstronomyNasaXRP: OrCAS: Origins, Compositions, and Atmospheres of Sub-neptunes$639,996
Peterson, DanaKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchKansas Department of Wildlife And ParksGeographic Information System (GIS) & Remote Sensing Support Services$633,195
Shogren, KarrieLife Span InstituteVirginia Commonwealth UniversityRehabilitation Research and Training Center on Employment Among People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities$290,000
Cox, OwenAchievement & Assessment InstituteMichigan Department of Labor Economic OpportunityMichigan Impact Grant Program Analysis$285,029
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment InstituteWisconsin Department of Children & FamiliesFY25: Wisconsin Family Foundations Home Visiting Shared Measurements System$212,984
Colaco Morais, AnaChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Wise Institute for Sustainable EngineeringNational Science FoundationEPSCoR Research Fellows: NSF: Understanding the effects of tunable media on mass transport during catalytic conversion of polyolefins$204,819
Shoshani, ManarChemistryNational Science FoundationLEAPS-MPS: Cooperative Transformations of N-Heterocycles with Heterometallic Complexes$174,458
McCart, AmyLife Span InstituteIdaho State Department of EducationIdaho Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education (ID-AWARE) Year 5$142,128
Barton, JaredAchievement & Assessment InstituteTfi Family ServicesTFI Family Services ROM 2025$116,786
Crossfield, IanPhysics and AstronomySpace Telescope Science InstitutePanchromatic Phase Curve of the Highest-S/N Hot Neptune$115,000
Baum, KristenEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchUniversity of OklahomaCHIRRP RCN: Building a Community of Practice for Co-Producing Resilient Socio-Ecological Systems in Grasslands$55,773
Grube, WhitneySocial WelfareEverybody MattersEvaluation Plan for Everybody Matters$52,220
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchKansas Hospital AssociationEstimating the Economic Impact of the Health Care Sector in Kansas and Kansas Counties$50,000
Liu, GaishengKansas Geological SurveyKansas Water Resources InstitutePlaya recharge characterization by nuclear magnetic resonance profiling$50,000
Miller, JonathanInstitute for Bioengineering ResearchAxioforce3D force sensing insoles for wearable, AI empowered, high-fidelity gait monitoring$38,805
Sutley, ElainaEngineering Administration / Civil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringFlorida International UniversityHurricane Loss Reduction for Housing in Florida$30,000
Lines, BrianCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringInternational Facility Management AssociationEarly Involvement of Facility Managers in Capital Projects$25,000
Crossfield, IanPhysics and AstronomySpace Telescope Science InstituteJWST-GO-05959, "KRONOS: Keys to Revealing the Origin and Nature Of sub-neptune Systems"$20,000
Han, JieCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringPresto GeosystemsExperimental Evaluation of Geocell-stabilized Granular Bases$12,500
O'Reilly, MatthewCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringRaajratna Metal Industries Ltd.Evaluation of 2205 Stainless Steel Reinforcement$3,600
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteState of New Jersey Department of EducationNew Jersey DLM: 2024 - 2025 Operational/Testing (ELA, Math, Sci) + Additional Services$2,022,705
Wu, JudyPhysics and AstronomyNational Science FoundationFuSe2 Topic 3: Co-design of sub-2nm wide-bandgap semiconductor memristors for neuromorphic computing$1,825,740
Leonard, KevinChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisAvium LlcIn Situ Separator Electrode Assembly (SEA) Formation with Non-Platinum Group Metal Catalysts for High Current Density Liquid Alkaline Electrolysis$1,240,000
Hartley, MeredithChemistryNational Multiple Sclerosis SocietyDefining the role of cholesterol ester metabolism in remyelination$835,102
Shafer, RobinLife Span InstituteNational Institutes of HealthMulti-modal sensory feedback mechanisms of fine and gross motor control in autism spectrum disorders$795,743
Bever, JamesEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Building and testing predictions of context dependence of synergistic benefits to plants from multiple symbionts$690,103
Kemp, PeggyLife Span InstituteKansas Department of Health & EnvironmtKansas Inservice Training System (KITS) - Part C tiny-k Infant/Toddler Program$623,260
Kamatuka, NgondiAchievement & Assessment InstituteU.S. Department of EducationUniversity of Kansas TRIO Training Program for Absolute Priority 1 (KU TTP-1)$619,010
Li, JianCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Department of TransportationHuman-centered Steel Bridge Inspection enabled by Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence$600,000
Shogren, KarrieLife Span InstituteUniversity of Texas-AustinDisentangling Intervention Practices Aligned with Motivational, Agentic, and Self Theories (MAST): An Integrative Meta-Analysis and Scoping Review$517,506
Lovell, ScottMolecular BiosciencesKansas State UniversitySmall Molecule Protease Inhibitors against MERS-CoV and Coronaviruses of Pandemic Potential$459,000
Nash, BrookeAchievement & Assessment InstituteMissouri Department - Elementary/Secondary EdMissouri Pathways for Instructionally Embedded Assessment (PIE) Year 3$432,875
Hoque, TamzidulElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: AHA! AI Hardware Adventures for High Schoolers$354,936
Wu, JudyPhysics and AstronomyNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Strain-mediated Ca diffusion and cation exchange for high-performance superconductor nanocomposites$317,661
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment InstituteIowa Department of Public HealthIowa MIECHV Quality Improvement 2025$300,716
Gould, ElizabethInternational Short ProgramsUniversity of MontanaFY24 Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Academic Fellowship$285,325
Hall, JeanLife Span InstituteWashington State UniversityDisability Perspectives on the Adverse Health Effects of Medical Ableism$273,780
Rojas Villarreal, RaulSpeech-Language-Hearing / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Texas - DallasMeeting the needs of young Hispanic autistic children: Developing a culturally and linguistically sensitive intervention to alleviate core social challenges$261,856
Newell, BradleySchool of Pharmacy / Pharmacy PracticeUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteGeriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program$224,914
Kindscher, KellyEnvironmental Studies Program / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research U.S. Forest ServiceRestoring with culturally significant plants to strengthen food webs for pollinators and Tribal community well-being$221,793
Wu, JudyPhysics and AstronomyNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Atomically-engineered heterostructures for electronic readout of spin valley quantum states using plasmon decay$220,807
Shiflett, MarkChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Wise Institute for Sustainabile EngineeringWashington University Saint LouisLi-Air Redox Flow Battery Using Ionic Liquids$216,671
Layzell, AnthonyKansas Geological SurveyKansas Water OfficeA statewide inventory of the dominant reservoir sedimentation sources to inform targeted watershed conservation and upstream mitigation practices$210,387
Corson, ElizabethChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisDefense Advanced Research Projects AgencySmall-Scale, Transportable Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis System using only Local Groundwater and Electricity$171,969
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment InstituteEarly Impact VirginiaSystem enhancements in the delivery of HRSA funded MIECHV Innovation requirements$144,622
Rowe, NeilAchievement & Assessment InstituteIowa Department of Human ServicesFY25 1st Five Healthy Mental Development Initiative: Evaluation$139,104
Mazzotti, ValerieSpecial Education / Life Span InstituteUniversity of OklahomaELEVATE: Equipping Learning, Empowering Vision, Achieving Transitions, and Engaging Families - A Doctoral Leadership Initiative$122,851
Soper, StevenChemistryUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteThe Kansas Institute for Precision Medicine: COBRE Phase II ADM Core$116,281
Barton, JaredAchievement & Assessment InstituteConnecticut Department of Children & FamiliesConnecticut ROM FY25$108,690
Cox, OwenAchievement & Assessment InstituteKickapoo TribeKickapoo TOR Return to Community Program$100,000
Lovell, ScottMolecular BiosciencesSeattle Children's HospitalSeattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease Renewal$99,929
Alexander, WarrenElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesCollins AerospaceIndustrial Scale Proof Engineering for Critical Trustworthy Applications (INSPECTA)$97,500
Lovell, ScottMolecular BiosciencesSeattle Children's HospitalStructural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease$89,878
Nelson, KennethKansas Geological SurveyKansas Department of RevenueOpen Records for Kansas Appraisers & Statewide Tax Units Database: (ORKA FY 25)$85,637
Zipper, SamuelGeology / Kansas Geological SurveyKansas Water OfficeQuantitative Analysis of Trends in Kansas' Hydroclimatic Compound Extremes$74,959
Franz, NicoBiodiversity InstituteU.S. Department of AgricultureSpecimen Management System Development and Updates for U.S. National Fungus Collections$62,492
Hanson Abromeit, DeannaMusic / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteFrontiers: University of Kansas Clinical and Translational Science Institute$50,000
Dean, EvanLife Span InstituteKansas Department of Commerce & HousingKS Department of Labor Equitable Transition Model$36,641
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchNextera EnergyThe Economic Impacts of Renewable Energy Developments on Jackson County, KS$32,194
Mantzavinos, DionyssiosMathematicsNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Prairie Analysis Seminar 2024 - 2025$25,376
McDonald, MargaretheSpeech-Language-Hearing /Life Span InstituteAmerican Speech-Language-Hearing AssociationPredicting experience-specific bilingual speech development using machine learning$25,000
Roy, AnuradhaBiomedical Services Labs / High Throughput ScreeningChildren's Mercy Hospitals & ClinicsDevelopment of Crk and CrkL inhibitors using the structure-function relationship study for glioblastoma treatment$20,437
Franz, NicoBiodiversity InstituteU.S. Department of AgricultureSustaining the USDA Symbiota Portal and ARS Entomopathogenic Fungal Cultures Collection (ARSEF).$18,475
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchSelectquoteExploring the Association between E-Broker Services and Consumer Choice$16,804
Fleming, KandaceLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteImplementation of the New Pediatric Obesity Clinical Practice Guideline in Rural Families and Clinics: A Randomized Clinical Trial$16,077
Fazzino, TeraPsychology / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteFrontiers Clinical and Translational Science Institute at the University of Kansas$10,887
Fleming, KandaceLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteTalk with Me Baby: Leveraging Well-Child Care to Enhance the Early Home Language Environment$9,388
Herrick, ImogenCurriculum & Teaching / Achievement & Assessment InstituteAmerican Psychological AssociationPhotovoice for Climate Change Education: Exploring Creativity and Cognitive-Emotional Responses Across the Americas$8,500
Han, JieCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringGeosynthetic InstituteImproving Effectiveness of Moisture Reduction in Unsaturated Soils with High Fines Contents Using Coated Wicking Geotextiles$5,000
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Kamatuka, NgondiAchievement & Assessment InstituteU.S. Department of EducationUniversity of Kansas' Kansas City Kansas Public Schools GEAR UP (KCKPS GU)$33,600,000
Shiflett, MarkChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Wise Institute for Sustainable EngineeringNational Science FoundationCenter: NSF Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Applied Refrigerant Technology Hub (EARTH)$30,936,910
Kamatuka, NgondiAchievement & Assessment InstituteU.S. Department of EducationUniversity of Kansas' Kansas City Missouri Public Schools GEAR UP (KCMO GU)$10,640,000
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteTennessee Department of EducationTennessee DLM: 2024 - 2029 Operational/Testing (ELA, Math) + Additional Services$5,614,149
Holmstrom, ErikMolecular BiosciencesNational Institutes of HealthUncovering the Biochemical Mechanisms of Riboregulatory Interaction Involving the Hepatitis C Virus 3 X RNA$1,881,010
Kelly, JohnEcology & Evolutionary BiologyNational Science FoundationEDGE CMT: The genomic basis of male fitness variation in wild populations of Drosophila$1,867,605
Christine, MaryOffice of Faculty Affairs / Institute for Leadership StudiesU.S. Department of StateStudy of the U.S.. Institutes for Young Women Leaders:$1,638,692
Mazza, StephenLaw AdministrationU.S. Department of JusticeUniversity of Kansas School of Law Veterans Legal Support Clinic$1,600,000
Smith, JonKansas Geological SurveyU.S. Geological SurveyGeologic Mapping in Kansas for FY24$1,134,925
Franz, NicoBiodiversity InstituteUniversity of FloridaiDigBio: Sustaining the digitization, mobilization, accessibility, and use of biodiversity specimen data in US. museum and academic collections$1,025,894
Ovchinnikov, DmitryPhysics and AstronomyU.S. Department of EnergyEngineering high-temperature magnetic quantum phases in atomically thin materials$952,000
Dalton, HansMolecular BiosciencesNational Institutes of HealthIdentifying New Therapeutics and Molecular Mechanisms in Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation$731,550
Bichelmeyer, BarbaraProvost Office / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisNational Science FoundationLouis Stokes new STEM Pathways Implementation - Only Alliance: Aligning STEM Trainees for Enterprising Research in Kansas and Nebraska$700,000
Johnson, JenniferKansas Fire & Rescue TrainingU.S. Department of Homeland SecurityFiscal Year 2023 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program$451,455
Kindscher, KellyEnvironmental Studies Program / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchU.S. Department of AgricultureAcquire data on ethnobotanical uses for inclusion in PLANTS. Multiyear effort that addresses some underserved groups, such as American Indians and their uses of plants on Tribal lands$400,000
Kalbas, JamesKansas Geological SurveyU.S. Geological SurveyTrace element characterization of Permian evaporites$399,208
Yun, HeechulElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: SHF: Medium: Effortless Data Locality Through Near-memory On-the fly Data Transformation$396,000
Colaco Morais, AnaChemical & Petroleum EngineeringNational Science FoundationUnderstanding the roles of Co2-tunable media on the hydrothermal deconstruction of poly(ethylene) terphthalate$300,000
Hayes, MelvaLife Span InstituteKansas City, City of MissouriQualitative Community Evaluation of Violence Prevention Outreach Programs$283,804
Subramaniam, BalaChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonConverting Inconsistent and Heterogenous Biomass and Municipal Solid Wastes Into De-Mineralized, and Uniform Feedstock for Catalytic Processing to Renewable Fuels and Chemicals$276,446
Gonzalez, VictorUndergraduate Biology Program / Ecology & Evolutionary BiologyNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: IRES: International Research Experiences on Tropical Plant-Pollinator interactions in a Changing World$268,066
Conrad, KathrynEnglish / Hall Center for the HumanitiesNational Endowment For HumanitiesAI & Digital Literacy: Toward an Inclusive and Empowering Teaching Practice$216,218
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment InstituteState of Nebraska Department of Health & Human ServicesHome Visiting Data Collection and Management - Nebraska (2024-2029)$138,263
Seo, HyunjinJournalismKansas Department of Commerce & HousingDigital Learning Ecosystem for Justice-Impacted Communities$129,786
McCormick, PatrickElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesLockheed MartinMutal Coupling Wideband Array Calibration$99,999
Myers, SuzanneLife Span InstituteLibrary of CongressCitizen Journalism for All Students: Making Journalism in Action's Library of Congress resources more accessible and relevant for students with disabilities$99,996
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment InstituteInstitute For The Advancement Of Family Support ProfessionalsInstitute Maintenance$99,931
Yi, RichardEconomics / Life Span InstituteRutgers UniversityAn Examination of the Joint Contributions of Socioeconomic Disadvantage, Genetics, and COVID-19 on the Development of Delay Discounting and Substance Use Across Adolescence$83,164
Sathyamoorthi, ShyamMedicinal ChemistryKansas State UniversityIlluminating Dark Antibiotics: A Novel Synthesis of Streptothricin F and First Total Synthesis of BD-12 and Albothricin$76,500
Soper, StevenChemistryUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteThe Kansas Institute for Precision Medicine: COBRE Phase II BME Core$60,354
Mills, ElisabethPhysics and AstronomySpace Telescope Science InstituteJWST-GO-05365, "Identifying, counting, and mapping YSOs in Sgr B2: our Galaxy's most massive molecular cloud$57,111
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment InstituteUniversity of IllinoisAll Our Kids Network University of Illinois IRIS Proposal (Year 7)$50,094
Counts, JacquelineAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Health FoundationGrant Writing Assistance to Kansas Non-profit Organizations 2024$49,500
Nelson, KennethKansas Geological SurveyKansas Department of TransportationAutomated Crash Mapping (ACM) Process$42,418
Fry, AndrewHealth, Sport & Exercise Science / Achievement & Assessment InstituteBoston Children'S HospitalFemale Athlete Program and Jayhawk Athletic Performance Lab GRA Funding Agreement, DeLeo$36,313
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Department For Children And FamiliesKansas Early Head Start Data Reporting System (DAISEY) FY25$32,318
Johnson, RachelInternational Affairs Administration / International ProgramsU.S. Department of EducationFulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship Program$25,033
Kim, HyunjoonPharmaceutical ChemistryUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteNovel TLR7/8 agonists for bladder cancer immunotherapy$25,000
Mandel, RolfeAnthropology / Kansas Geological SurveyUniversity of OklahomaA Geoarchaeological Assessment of the Canes Area and Newblock Park in Association with the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre Graves Investigation$22,807
Johnson, JenniferKansas Fire & Rescue TrainingU.S. Department of Homeland SecurityState Fire Training Systems Grant FY24$20,000
Oakley, BerlMolecular BiosciencesKansas State UniversityHeterologous expression of Aspergillus fumigatus cryptic secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters$20,000
Gover, CarltonAnthropology / Biodiversity Institute U.S. Department of Interior-Bureau ReclamationNK-KU Contract for Curation Services$12,607
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Miller, RichardKansas Geological SurveyU.S. Army Corp of EngineersAdvancing Tunnel Detection Capabilities, Accuracy, and Efficiency Through Target Specific Partnering of FWI with Computational Intelligence, Modal Separation, and Hardware/Software Enhancements$15,168,571
Lemon, MichaelAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Department of EducationTech Assistance for Kansas CCLC Grantees$1,928,419
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteNew Hampshire Department of EducationNew Hampshire: Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) assessment program$1,886,500
Mack, KatyaEcology & Evolutionary BiologyNational Institutes of HealthGene regulation and the genetic basis of complex traits$1,869,231
Hileman, LenaEcology & Evolutionary BiologyNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: EDGE: CMT: Linking genomic variation to complex floral trait adaptation across a species boundary$1,346,335
Dean, EvanLife Span InstituteKansas Department of EducationKansas Youth Transition Network: Strengthening Partnerships to Advance Transition and Employment Outcomes for Youth (Self-Determination Training)$1,150,000
Nelson, KennethKansas Geological SurveyKansas Information Technology OfficeDASC FY25-FY27 GIS Service Support Contract$840,000
Reuman, DanielEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchNational Science FoundationUnderstanding impacts of climatic variability on distributions of species$800,000
Shoshani, ManarChemistryNational Science FoundationCAREER: CO2 Reduction by Well-Defined Multimetallic Architectures with Earth-Abundant Metals$772,515
Lovell, ScottMolecular BiosciencesSeattle Children'S HospitalSeattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease Renewal$623,836
Fardad, ShimaElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationDMR:TMRP: Transient Photonics in Optically Actuated Soft-Matter$492,489
Hoque, TamzidulElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: SaTC: CORE: Medium: KIPPER: Learning-Guided Hardware IP Protection$400,000
Dean, EvanLife Span InstituteKansas Department of EducationKansas Youth Transition Network: Strengthening Partnerships to Advance Transition and Employment Outcomes for Youth (Evaluation)$367,943
Thompson, WilliamAchievement & Assessment InstituteU.S. Department of EducationExpanding the Functionality and Accessibility of Software for Diagnostic Measurement$347,371
Gonzalez, VictorUndergraduate Biology Program / Biodiversity InstituteNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Developing a research hub for automated bee identification, data sharing, and citizen science using computer vision$342,866
Olcott, AlisonGeologyNasaInteragency Personnel Agreement for Alison Olcott$340,065
Nguyen, TrungChemical & Petroleum EngineeringNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Molecular Structures and Electrochemical Activity of Supersaturated Electrolytes for High-Energy-Density Redox Flow Batteries$249,999
Siahaan, TerunaPharmaceutical ChemistryGenentech, Inc.Delivery, Retention, and Efficacy BDNF-VG1 and mAb-VG1$182,085
Hale, RichardAerospace EngineeringWichita State UniversityKansas National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program 2024$171,450
Dozier, ClaudiaApplied Behavioral ScienceGoodlife Innovations Inc.Technical Assistance for GoodLife (2024-2025)$160,296
Han, JieCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringTensar International Inc.Rigid Pavement Testing with A Mechanically Stabilized Layer in the Large Box for Plate Load Testing$120,000
Lattin, DanaLife Span InstitutePortland State UniversityTransition Coalition Self-Study (TCSS+): Enhancing a Team-Based Professional Development to Improve Outcomes$110,494
Hartley, MeredithChemistryCalifornia Institute of TechnologyChemical approaches to understanding chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycans and their roles in brain plasticity and pathology$109,242
Han, JieCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Department of TransportationKTRAN KU-5: Correlating driven pile resistance with drive point test and measurement-while-drilling data$97,717
Choi, Jae YoungEcology & Evolutionary BiologyUniversity Of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteKansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence 5: DRPP Award$91,221
Stearns, LeighGeology / Center for Remote Sensing & Integrated SystemsNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: ClimPraxis: Creating a Climate Community of Praxis for Mid-Career Researchers$86,008
Parsons, RobertCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Department of TransportationKTRAN KU-7: Developing Specifications for Shale Breakdown$79,881
Parsons, RobertCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Department of TransportationKTRAN KU-10: Stabilizing Leaking Sand Behind MSE Walls$77,481
Tran, DaiCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringIowa State UniversityGuidance for Implementing Utility Investigations in Alignment with Project Delivery$75,000
Scouffas, AntheaLied CenterNational Endowment For The ArtsKU Indigenous Cultures Festival and Powwow$70,000
Kastens, JudeKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchKansas Water OfficeFlood Extent Download Tool Development$50,000
Hageman, MichaelPharmaceutical ChemistryContinuum Educational Technologies PbcTestosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the cornerstone treatment for male hypogonadism$43,605
Martin, JeremyMathematicsLos Alamos LaboratoryFellowship for Sebastian Henderson$40,000
Washburn, JocelynLife Span InstituteFlorida Gulf Coast UniversityFlorida Professional Learning Support$37,235
Williams, SusanChemical & Petroleum EngineeringKansas Soybean CommissionExpanding Biodiesel Education and Utilization through the Kansas Biodiesel Consortium$24,456
Murray, AngelaAchievement & Assessment InstituteAmerican Montessori SocietyAMS Research Consulting Year 5$22,030
Gover, CarltonAnthropology / Biodiversity InstituteNew South AssociatesNWK Curation FY24-25$20,296
Rudnick, GregoryPhysics and AstronomySpace Telescope Science InstituteSkeletons in the Cluster: Unveiling the Stellar Mass Backbone of z=1.6 Galaxies$19,419
Jongman, AllardLinguisticsNational Science FoundationDoctoral Dissertation Research: Clear Speech Productions and Intelligibility Benefit for Native and Non-native Speakers and Listeners$16,998
Heggeness, MistySchool of Public Affairs & Administration / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchFair Play Policy InstituteStandard Occupation Classification Federal Register Notice Letter Research$15,000
Ko, Chien-HoCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringGarney ConstructionGarney Work Zone Geo-Fencing System Design$15,000
Sutley, ElainaEngineering Administration / Civil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringStony Brook UniversityPlanning: Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-1 Community-scale Testbeds to Accelerate Climate Adaptation and Disaster Reduction Research$12,941
Kindscher, KellyEnvironmental Studies Program / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchAmerican Herbal Products AssociationOshá, Ligusticum porteri, Mapping and Co-Occurring Plants in Colorado National Forests$6,000
Appelman, AlyssaJournalism / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchPennsylvania State UniversityTransparency effects: Audience perceptions of journalists ethics training disclosure$5,000
Lewis, IanPhysics and AstronomyU.S. Department of EnergyParticle Physics on the Plains 2024$5,000
O'Reilly, MatthewCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringRaajratna Metal Industries Ltd.Evaluation of 2304 Stainless Steel Reinforcement$3,600
Choi, Jae YoungEcology & Evolutionary BiologySociety For The Study of EvolutionRecombination rate variation in the Hawaiian Metrosideros$2,500
Zhong, CuncongElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteRole of Gut-Immune Interactions in Aging-Associated Bladder Cancer$2,500
Kang, JoonmoSocial WelfareKorean American Social Work Educator AssociationCommunity-Engaged Qualitative Inquiry: Exploring Individual and Systemic Factors in a Farmer Training Program for Refugees.$2,000
Song, YuHealth, Sport & Exercise Science / Achievement & Assessment InstituteInternational Society Of Biomechanics In Sports2024 Internship Grant - International Society of Biomechanics in Sport (ISBS)$2,000
Unckless, RobertMolecular BiosciencesUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteKansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence 5: DRPP Mentor$1,913
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Macdonald, StuartMolecular BiosciencesNational Institutes of HealthInstitutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards (IRACDA) at the University of Kansas$4,285,242
Choi, Jae YoungEcology & Evolutionary BiologyNational Institutes of HealthMolecular mechanisms and evolution of natural telomeric variation$1,881,098
Smith, SeanSpecial Education / Life Span InstituteU.S. Department of EducationProject AI-Score: Artificial Intelligence Scored Composition to Improve Outcomes for Written Expression$1,875,000
Washburn, JocelynLife Span InstituteU.S. Department of EducationProject iSTAR: An Integrated, Strategic Technology-based Adaptive wRiting Program$1,875,000
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteOklahoma State Department of EducationOklahoma DLM 2024 - 2025 Operational/Testing (ELA, Math, Sci) + Additional Services$1,562,462
Sikes, BenjaminEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchNational Science FoundationAccelNet-Implementation Phase 1: MICROBENet-Net: Multi-Institute Collaborative Research on BElowground plant-microbial interactions Network of Networks$1,500,000
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchAlfred P Sloan FoundationEarly Career Doctorates, Postdoctoral Researchers and the Scientific Enterprise$1,030,093
Byers, KaelaAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Department For Children And FamiliesPrevention Grant Evaluation Families First Prevention Services Act$849,188
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteNew Mexico Public Education DepartmentNew Mexico DLM: 2024- 2025 Operational/Testing (ELA, MATH, Sci) + Additional Services$690,440
Sack, SaraLife Span InstituteU.S. Department of Health & Human ServicesKansas State Plan for Assistive Technology$471,111
Medvedev, MikhailPhysics and AstronomyNational Science FoundationExtreme Quantum-Electrodynamic Plasma Physics$430,000
Fang, HuazhenMechanical EngineeringU.S. ArmyBrain-Inspired Human-Robot Cooperative Autonomy via Distributed Inference and Trust$250,000
Unckless, RobertMolecular BiosciencesNational Institutes of HealthBreadth and mechanism of Wolbachia-based inhibition of fungal infection in Drosophila$242,843
Hall, JeanLife Span InstituteU.S. Department of Health & Human ServicesUsing the National Survey on Health and Disability (NSHD) to Assess the Experiences of LGBTQ+ People with Disabilities$200,000
Ackley, BrianMolecular BiosciencesUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteKansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (K-INBRE): Consolidated Projects$174,420
Schnitz, AlanaLife Span InstituteThe Family ConservancyStart Young$144,839
Li, XiaoliChemical & Petroleum EngineeringAmerican Chemical SocietyConfined Phase Behavior of Fluid Mixtures in Mesopores Using Gravimetric Microbalance and Calorimeter Measurements$125,000
Walker, DaleLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteProject Eagle: Early Head Start$120,050
Ortiz, KelseyLife Span InstituteState of Washington Office of SuperintendentOSPI Sped and Learning Options Online Learning and Students with Disabilities$116,529
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteOffice of The State Superintendent of EducationDC DLM: 2024-2029 Operational/Testing (SCI)$112,000
Crossfield, IanPhysics and AstronomyNASAA3C RVs: Atmospheres, Activity, Architectures, and Compositions of Sub-Neptunes with KPF$110,000
Sack, SaraLife Span InstituteFederal Communications CommissionKansas Deaf Blind Equipment Distribution--Assistive Technology for Kansans 2024-25$109,079
Soper, StevenChemistryUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteLiquid Biopsy using Tumor Specific Extracellular Vesicles for the Early Detection of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer$99,919
Kondyli, AlexandraCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Department of TransportationImpact of Double Centerline Rumble Strips (CLRS) on Driver Behavior$85,000
Blunt, ShannonElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesSystems Technology Research (Str)Radar Signal Processing$60,000
Treml, JohnSchool of Professional Studies / KU Edwards CampusBioindustrial Manufacturing And Design EcosystemBioMADE BUILD Academic Challenge (BBAC)$50,000
Snow, NancyPhilosophy / Hall Center for the HumanitiesWake Forest UniversitySupport for leadership and character education programs$46,040
Xu, LiangMolecular Biosciences / Molecular Graphics and Modeling Laboratory Core LabContinuum Educational Technologies PbcHeating up "cold" tumor: improve cancer immunotherapy by targeting RNA-binding protein HuR$38,250
Blum, MichaelGeologyColumbia UniversityFrom Source to Sink: Investigating Pleistocene Himalaya-sourced Megaturbidites from IODP Expedition 354 in the distal Bengal Fan using OSL/IRSL Dating$30,000
Franz, NicoBiodiversity InstituteArizona State UniversityNational Ecological Observatory Network (NEON): Operations (Biorepository)$27,947
Hotze, EileenUndergraduate Biology Program / Molecular BiosciencesUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteMicrobioME: a CURE for Staphylococcus aureus$22,950
Pursel, SydneySpencer Museum of ArtKansas Department of Commerce & Housing"NDN-UITY", a Native Fashion Mural Installation by Mona Cliff$20,000
Takeyama, AkikoWomen Gender & Sexuality / Hall Center for the HumanitiesSocial Science Research CouncilConsent in Sexual Violence: Cross-cultural Perspectives in Japan and the US$20,000
Crossfield, IanPhysics and AstronomyJet Propulsion Lab - California TechnologyCompleting a Survey of Wide Companions in Short-Period Exoplanet Systems$15,600
Buzhardt Jr, JosephLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteInvestigating the Challenging Eating Behaviors of Children with Autism at Mealtime$14,071
Kemper, KateCenter for Service LearningNeo PhilanthropyAsk Every Student Implementation Grant$3,500
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Shogren, KarrieLife Span InstituteU.S. Department of EducationEnhancing Secondary/Transition Outcomes Using Check and Connect with the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction$4,000,000
Walker, DaleLife Span InstituteU.S. Department of EducationPartnership to Build Teacher Capacity to Promote Early Language Learning in Infants and Toddlers with and at Risk for Disabilities$4,000,000
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteMissouri Department - Elementary/Secondary EdMissouri DLM: 2024-2025 Operational/Testing (ELA, Math, Sci) + Additional Services$1,212,569
Wendel-Hummell, CarrieSocial WelfareKansas Department For Aging And Disability ServiceKDADS DSP Career Ladder$999,924
Leuschen, CarltonElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Center for Remote Sensing & Integrated SystemsNorwegian Polar InstituteDevelopment of a RF & Microwave Radar for UAV Based Remote Sensing of Snow and Ice$740,769
Sutley, ElainaEngineering Administration / Civil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringNational Science FoundationNSF-NFRF: Retreating from risk (RFR): Decision-supports for the equitable implementation of retreat to build climate resilience$650,910
Fewins, JoannaKansas Public RadioKansas Department of Commerce & HousingKPR Broadcast Infrastructure Modernization$547,000
Thompson, WardChemistryNational Science FoundationDirect Calculation of Activation Energies and Entropies for Chemical Dynamics$470,465
Davido, DavidMolecular BiosciencesNational Institutes of HealthRole of ICP0 Dimerization in Herpes Simplex Virus Pathogenesis$430,406
Noonan, PatriciaCenter for Research on Learning / Life Span InstituteArizona State Department of EducationAZ College & Career Competency (CCC) Team$388,800
Butler Jr, JamesKansas Geological SurveyKansas Water OfficeHigh Plains Aquifer Index Well Program$318,500
Noonan, PatriciaCenter for Research on Learning / Life Span InstituteMissouri Department - Elementary/Secondary EdMissouri College and Career Competency Project$268,686
Brewer II, JosephEnvironmental Studies Program / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchPurdue UniversityThe Sloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership$245,920
Cizek, MeghanAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Children's Cabinet And Trust FundCommunity-Based Grants for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (CBCAP)$244,488
Cox, KaraKU Transportation CenterKansas Department of TransportationTechnical Services for the Kansas Rural Transit Assistance Program "RTAP"$225,000
Parsons, SheenaKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchDouglas County Heritage Conservation CouncilOpen Spaces: Baldwin Woods Public Access Trails at the Rice Woodland$169,698
Kastens, JudeKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchKansas State UniversityHarvest Activity$152,504
Bever, JamesEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchU.S. Department of AgricultureRestoring Soil Health With Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: Improving Biodiversity And Soil Structure, Nutrients, And Microbes In Restored Lands$119,880
Macdonald, StuartMolecular BiosciencesUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE Data Science Core Facility$114,750
Nelson, KennethKansas Geological SurveyKansas Department of AgricultureKansas Base Flood Elevation Portal$92,983
Zipper, SamuelGeology / Kansas Geological SurveyThe Nature ConservancyPhase 2: Unified Approach to Groundwater Modeling of Streamflow Depletion$84,000
Ecker-Lyster, MeghanAchievement & Assessment InstituteEducational Credit Management Corporation (Ecmc) GroupECMC FAFSA Student Support Strategy$72,911
Dieker, LisaSpecial Education / Achievement & Assessment InstituteUniversity of Central FloridaPreparation through Residencies and Enhanced Partnerships: LEAD PREP$49,896
Goldstein, RobertGeology / GeologyKicc-Ks Interdisc Carbonates ConsortiumDiagenetic Controls on Reservoir Character of the Lower Cretaceous Habshan Formation, UAE (Abu Dhabi) and Oman$39,067
Tanis, EmilyLife Span InstituteOK Department of Human Services Children & FamilyBlack Feathers Evolution$34,718
Xu, LiangMolecular BiosciencesOhio State UniversityFunctional and mechanistic delineation of HuR-Wisp1 signaling on myofibroblast activity$34,427
Hoque, TamzidulElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationCollaborative REU Site: TRUST: Training Research for Undergraduates in Secure and Trusted Systems$30,000
Dieker, LisaSpecial Education / Achievement & Assessment InstituteUniversity of Central FloridaPreparing Next Generation Special Education Leadership Scholars: LEAD NEXT$28,640
Heggeness, MistySchool of Public Affairs & Administration / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchRti InternationalUniversity of Kansas Subject Matter Expert Support for NLSY27$22,568
Ko, Chien-HoCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringAllan MyersWork zone geo-fencing system analysis and design$20,000
Han, XuCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringProfessional Engineering ConsultantsLawrence Climate Change Tool$15,908
Cai, HuiArchitecture DesignJohnson County Department of Health And EnvironmentConnection our County Farmers Markets: An Action Plan for Johnson County, KS$14,994
Layzell, AnthonyKansas Geological SurveyKansas State UniversityMonitoring of Tuttle Creek Reservoir Water Injection Dredging Demonstration in the Kansas and Big Blue Rivers$14,923
Ackley, BrianMolecular BiosciencesKu Center For GenomicsGenomic alterations in stressed C. elegans displaying synapse degeneration$12,500
Unckless, RobertMolecular BiosciencesKu Center For GenomicsMartina Dalikova post doc award: Small piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNA) in the evolution of the W chromosome in moths and butterflies$10,000
Holmes, MajaSchool of Public Affairs & AdministrationWest Virginia UniversityWVU ADVANCE Oklahoma State University Change Agent Group Development for Transformation to Retain Diverse Faculty 2023,$6,426
Girard, JeffreyPsychology / Life Span InstituteAssociation For Psychological ScienceAn Open-source and Web-based Introduction to Generalized Linear Modeling$5,000
Devlin, JohnGeologyEnbridge Energy, Limited PartnershipComparison of shoreline seepage velocities in the lakebed at Unnamed Lake, near Bemidji, MN$4,984
Glor, RichardEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteSociety of Systematic BiologistsUsing next generation sequence data for species discovery and delimitation in a highly diversified Neotropical lizard genus (Sphaerodactylus)$4,000
Matsunaga, KellyEcology & Evolutionary BiologyThe Botanical Society of America2024 Bill Dahl Graduate Student Research Award for Austin Nguyen$1,500
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Macdonald, StuartMolecular BiosciencesNational Institutes of HealthEvaluating a powerful genetic mapping framework to discover lifespan extension genes in Drosophila$617,074
Elles, ChristopherChemistryNational Science FoundationBroadband Two-Photon Absorption Spectroscopy for in situ Measurement and Characterization of Heterogeneous Samples$507,760
Perkins, JonathanOpen Language Resource Center / Office of ResearchInstitute of International Education2024-2025: Building Language Capacity and Cultural Competency to Meet National Security Needs: The University of Kansas Language Training Center$450,000
Lubin, TerraEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchU.S. Department of AgricultureTargeting microbiomes for optimal climate resilience: a case study of arbuscular mycorrhizae and drought resistance$300,000
Gould, ElizabethInternational Short ProgramsInstitute of International Education2024 Eight-Week Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Pre-Academic Training Program$278,335
Baker, DebraKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchSunflower Electric PowerFollow-up Assessment of the Great Bend Station (Sunflower Electric Power Corporation) Selenium Discharge on a Tributary of Dry Walnut Creek (Barton Co., KS)$230,000
Jiang, YunfengMathematicsNational Science FoundationOn enumerative and tautological invariants defined by perfect obstruction theories$194,000
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Children's Cabinet And Trust FundDAISEY Training and Technical Assistance$191,550
Fischer, ChristopherPhysics and AstronomyZenoleap LlcSTTR Phase I: High-sensitivity flexible quantum dots/graphene x-ray detectors and imaging systems$86,323
Pourladian, BamdadMechanical EngineeringHoneywellPolymer 3D Printed Presure Vessels, Compressive Lap Shear Test Fixtures, Modeling Fluid and Mixing Behavior, and Design and Additive Manuafacturing of Fluidic Channels for Synthesis$58,830
Murray, AngelaAchievement & Assessment InstituteWend Ii, Inc.WEND Montessori Research Retreat 2024$50,000
Look, KurtKansas Geological SurveyKansas Corporation CommissionKansas On-line Automated Reporting (KOLAR) project FY2025$40,000
Bredikhina, NataliyaHealth, Sport & Exercise Science / Achievement & Assessment InstituteNational College Athletic AssoicationOnline Resilience: Empowering Student-Athletes in Navigating Social Media Feedback with Intervention Techniques$35,000
Desaire, HeatherChemistryKansas Board of RegentsWorkforce Development in Data Science: Supplement to KU's Big Data / Women's Health COBRE$30,445
Liu, GaishengKansas Geological SurveyU.S. Department of Interior-Bureau ReclamationInnovative Use of the High-Resolution K (HRK) Logging for Optimizing Dewatering System Designs$30,000
Gunda, NikhilaKU Transportation CenterKansas Department of Transportation2024 KDOT Innovative Technologies Summit$29,000
Shomaji, SumaiyaElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNew Faculty Research Development AwardTowards Building a Research Program Focused on Tracking and Surveillance of Hardware and Human$20,000
Hanson Abromeit, DeannaMusic / Life Span InstituteUniversity of California - San FranciscoGroup parent-infant music-based intervention to support pre-linguistic language acquisition for infants at-risk for language delay due to social determinants of health$19,981
McDonald, MargaretheSpeech-Language-Hearing / Life Span InstituteNew Faculty Research Development AwardThe bilingual speech perception-production link and bilingual child speech database$19,587
Onasch, WhitneyInstitute for Policy & Social ResearchKansas Bar AssociationKansas Bar Association Survey of State Judges$10,000
Adams, MelindaIndigenous Studies / Molecular BiosciencesNew Faculty Research Development AwardBuilding Tribal Partnerships for Indigenous-led Cultural Fire Research in Kansas$8,000
Cook, MatthewDesignNew Faculty Research Development AwardPhilodendron Animated Short Project$8,000
Gonzalez, TiffanyHistoryNew Faculty Research Development AwardIrma Rangel: the First Mexican American Feminist State Representative and Feminist Borderlands Politics$8,000
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Desaire, HeatherChemistryNational Institutes of HealthLeveraging Big Data to Improve Women's Health (BD-WH)$11,361,418
Siahaan, TerunaPharmaceutical ChemistryNational Institutes of HealthA Novel Method to Enhance Drug Delivery to the Brain$2,183,627
Gardner, SaraAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Children's Cabinet And Trust FundCPF Multi-Purpose Facility$1,398,996
Nash, BrookeAchievement & Assessment InstituteMissouri Department - Elementary/Secondary EdPathways for Instructionally Embedded Assessment (PIE) project$1,019,889
Miller, RichardKansas Geological SurveyBurns & McdonnellMonitoring High Priority Salt Jugs near the Irsik & Doll Elevator, BNSF RR, V&S RR, and William Street with Supporting VSPs in Hutchinson, Kansas$522,992
Chan, Wai-LunPhysics and AstronomyNational Science FoundationRealizing High Temperature Exciton Condensates at Organic/2D van der Waals Interfaces$503,486
Blunt, ShannonElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesIerus Technologies, Inc.Optimized Waveforms for X-band Missile-Defense Radars - Phase II$450,000
Kirkpatrick, AllisonPhysics and Astronomy Space Telescope Science InstituteMEGA Mass Assembly at Cosmic Noon: MIRI EGS Galaxy and AGN Survey -JWST-GO Proposal 03794$402,406
Potter, NicoleKansas Geological Survey U.S. Geological SurveyPreserving and Inventorying Kansas Wireline Logs and Geochemical Analysis Related to Critical Minerals$172,780
Hansen, AmyCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering University of MinnesotaRobust incentive design for sustainable agricultural systems$119,466
Schrock, StevenEngineering Administration / Transportation CenterMichigan State University2023 Work Zone Safety Grant$102,234
Changstrom, JessicaPhysics and Astronomy National Science FoundationBuilding Capacity to Produce Highly Qualified STEM Teachers$99,999
Han, JieCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Department of TransportationDeveloping Procedures to Implement Advanced Technologies for Monitoring Deformations of Plastic Deformations of Plasitc Pipes under Loads$92,973
Hall, JeanLife Span Institute Brandeis UniversityCommunity Living Policy Center$75,000
Han, XuCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Ashrae1934-TRP, A Survey Study on the Development and Application of Data-Driven Model Predictive Control in Buildings$42,000
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchPlus Power Resources LLCThe Economic Impacts of a Grid-Level Energy Storage Development on Kansas and Kansas Communities$38,250
Azuma, YoshiakiMolecular BiosciencesUniversity of MinnesotaControl of Chromosome Segregation by DNA Topoisomerase II$37,474
Long, HaiyingEducational Psychology / Achievement & Assessment InstituteKipp Kansas CityKIPP Endeavor--Innovative Approaches to Literacy Project$33,743
Ercums, KrisSpencer Museum of Art Research GOSTREET NIHONGA: The Art of Jimmy Tsutomu Mirikitani$30,000
Velasco, FranciscaVisual Art Research GOReclaiming Home: Remembering the Topeka Bottoms$30,000
Corson, ElizabethChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisResearch GORecovering Ammonia from Wastewater: Electrolyte Engineering for Selective and Efficient Nitrate Reduction$29,998
Peterson, AndrewEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteResearch GOClimate Change Impacts on Terrestrial Vertebrates of the Great Plains: Measuring Biodiversity Change on Continental Scales$29,448
Mohr, ZacharySchool of Public Affairs & Administration / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchResearch GORefocusing Election Administration Cost Research to 20/20: Understanding the Cost Structure and Cost Dynamics of Election Administration into the 2020s$28,977
Zhao, HuiPhysics and Astronomy Research GOControlling Dipolar Excitons in Van Der Waals Materials for Future Excitonic Devices$28,312
Walker, DaleLife Span Institute University of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteProject Eagle: Early Head Start$27,307
Loecke, TerranceEnvironmental Studies Program / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchResearch GOGeochemical and microbial controls on methane emissions during variable hydrologic conditions$25,289
Harvey, SusanHealth, Sport & Exercise Science / Achievement & Assessment InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteFood is Medicine 2024$25,098
Johnson, MathewMathematics National Science FoundationConference: 2024 KUMUNU-ISU Conference one PDE, Dynamical Systems and Applications$23,031
Ferreira, RosanaMolecular BiosciencesNew Faculty Research Development AwardBacterial interactions and their role in the skin microbiome composition$20,000
Jackson, StephenEducational Leadership & Policy StudiesNew Faculty Research Development AwardThe World in American Education, 1747-1900$19,500
Roundy, JoshuaCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Research GOHydrologic Stable States Analysis$17,546
Hall, JeanLife Span Institute Statewide Independent Living Council of KansasStatewide Independent Living Council of Kansas (SILCK) Needs Survey$15,000
Fazzino, TeraPsychology / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteUniversity of Kansas Clinical and Translational Science Institute$10,887
Agusto, FolashadeEcology & Evolutionary BiologyUniversity of Missouri - ColumbiaGeospatial Epidemiology and Disease Ecology of Tick-borne Diseases$9,892
Galvane, LindaEast Asian Languages & CulturesNew Faculty Research Development AwardExcremental History of Japanese Literature and Culture$8,000
Han, XuCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering New Faculty Research Development AwardPhase change material integrated building envelope to enhance thermal resilience of buildings in vulnerable communities$7,960
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Hron, JanineAchievement & Assessment InstituteSunflower FoundationKansas Fights Addiction 2023 - Comprehensive Needs Assessment$500,000
Benson Jr, DavidChemistryNational Science FoundationREU Site: A Summer Experience for Undergraduates Integrating Research, Education, and Career Development in an Interdisciplinary Environment$465,000
Zipper, SamuelGeology / Kansas Geological SurveyFoundation For Food And Agriculture Research (Ffar)Integrating on-farm solar arrays to enhance groundwater resources, produce energy, and diversify farm income$451,845
Koliba, ChristopherSchool of Public Affairs & Administration / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchRobert Wood JohnsonExamining the economic-security and health-equity impact on marginalized communities in the Kansas City, MO, metro region of state preemptive policy$382,639
Van Vleck, ErikMathematics Office of Naval ResearchEnvisioning Data Assimilation for Adaptive Mesh Computational Models and Intermittency$323,930
Von Esenwein, SilkeAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Department of Health & EnvironmentKDHE Title V Needs Assessment TO #24067$299,768
Mosconi, MatthewApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteColumbia UniversityAcute challenge and open-label trial of Pimavanszerin treatment for behavioral inflexibility in autism$244,032
Rodriguez-Morales, FernandoCenter for Remote Sensing & Integrated SystemsHoneywellDevelopment, Testing and Improvement of Components & Systems for Next-Generation Radar$210,000
Lane, KathleenOffice of Research / Life Span InstituteUniversity of OregonTechnical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports VI$200,000
Hartley, MeredithChemistryAlbany Medical CollegeRole of a Fatty Acid Chaperone in Schwann Cell Myelination$128,725
Holt, ChristinaLife Span InstituteIowa Department of Human ServicesFY24 Community Check Box Evaluation System for Partnerships for Success to Prevent Alcohol Misuse (FPS-PAM) PFS PAM$87,946
Stearns, LeighGeology / Center for Remote Sensing & Integrated SystemsUniversity of MichiganRCN: GOLD-EN: Virtual Ice Community Engagement$63,573
Murray, AngelaAchievement & Assessment InstituteUSD 497, LawrenceSafe and Supportive Schools$52,474
Neuenswander, BradleyAchievement & Assessment InstituteUSD 500, Kansas CityStatus Update Review for the Special Education Department at Kansas City USD 500$48,000
Kindscher, KellyEnvironmental Studies Program / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchExalt Rd LlcEchinacea Seed Yield Research$34,326
Koon, LyndsieLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteThe National Diabetes Prevention Program in Rural Communities$30,306
Azuma, YoshiakiMolecular BiosciencesResearch GoRole of SUMO modification in the structural organization of mitotic chromosomes required for accurate genome transmission in mitosis$30,000
Yi, RichardEconomics / Life Span InstituteResearch GoNeural Correlates of Art-Episodic Future Thinking (ArtEFT)$30,000
Rong, PanyingSpeech-Language-Hearing / Life Span InstituteResearch GoToward a Precision Medicine Approach to Improve the Assessment and Management of Progressive Motor Speech Disorders$29,975
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchKansas Hospital AssociationEstimating the Economic Impact of the Health Care Sector in Kansas$27,000
Raza, MuhammadChild Language Program / Life Span InstituteResearch GoFamily-Based Genetic Study of Specific Language Impairment (SLI)$24,973
Fleming, KandaceLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteModeling Longitudinal Reading Comprehension in Adolescence:Protective and Risk Factors$18,802
Paek, BominHealth, Sport & Exercise ScienceThe Academy of Korean StudiesApplication of visual attention and emotional responses for sport viewership in virtual reality: cross-national research between Korean and US sport consumers$13,200
Crossfield, IanPhysics and AstronomyJet Propulsion Lab - California TechnologyA rare test of planet formation models: the obliquity of the 540-day transiting giant planet HIP 41378 f$7,000
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Mosconi, MatthewApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteNational Institutes of HealthMechanisms and biomarkers of disease progression in Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS)$3,107,586
Martin, SusanAchievement & Assessment Institute New Mexico Public Education DepartmentNew Mexico Assessment of Science Readiness$2,683,109
Seybold, ErinKansas Geological SurveyKansas Department of Health & EnvironmtKansas Ground Water Quality Monitoring Network$1,006,000
Baer, SaraKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchNational Science FoundationPredicting effects of interannual variability in climate an drought on plant community outcomes resilience and soil carbon using temporally replicated grassland reconstructions.$780,658
Butler Jr, JamesKansas Geological Survey Kansas Water OfficeAirborne electromagnetic survey of Groundwater Management District No. 4$700,000
Duncan, WilliamInstitute for Policy & Social ResearchNational Science FoundationNSF Convergence Accelerator Track K: Improving Water Quality and Equity through Sensor Data and Machine Learning Models$650,000
Mills, ElisabethPhysics and AstronomyNational Science FoundationCAREER: RACING - Resolving the Activity Cycle in the Nearest Galaxies$482,550
Tanis, EmilyLife Span Institute Temple UniversityTech Accelerator$326,144
Owen, JonathanInstitute for Information SciencesMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAdvanced Radar Waveforms & Processing$284,690
Buzhardt Jr, JosephLife Span Institute University of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteOASIS Caregiver Training$221,886
Ecker-Lyster, MeghanAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas State UniversityEvaluation of KSU Project RAICES$180,000
Fazzino, TeraPsychology / Life Span InstituteUniversity of California - San FranciscoNSF Convergence Accelerator Track J: Network Of User-engaged Researchers building Interdisciplinary Scientific infrastructures for Healthy food (NOURISH)$99,379
Brady, NancySpeech-Language-Hearing / Life Span InstituteNational Institutes of HealthUnderstanding how caregivers shape reciprocal communication with nonspeaking autistic children$76,859
Holt, ChristinaLife Span Institute Kansas Department of Health & EnvironmtSexual Violence Prevention Community-Based Valuation$75,000
Royon, ChristophePhysics and AstronomyUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteUltrafast FLASH radiation therapy dosimetry$67,416
Ahn, YoonjungGeography and Atmospheric Science Florida State UniversityUnderstanding the Effects of Climate Change on Environmental Hazards in Overburdened Communities$55,196
Seo, HyunjinJournalism Kansas Health FoundationKU Center for Digital Inclusion$50,000
Ecker-Lyster, MeghanAchievement & Assessment Institute Oakland UniversityNRT-HDR: Using a Data Analytics Framework to Merge STEM and Entrepreneurial Training$49,550
Murray, MichaelPhysics and AstronomyFermi National Accelerator Laboratory2024 Jr. LPC Distinguished Researcher Award - Recipient: Georgios Krintiras (PI: M. Murray)$48,617
Tran, DaiCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringOregon State UniversityGuidelines for Digital Technologies and Systems for Remote Construction Inspection for Highway Infrastructure Projects$47,916
Thompson, JomellaApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteCOBRE CEO Core: Implementation Science and Equity$41,094
Blakemore, JamesChemistry / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisChevron Phillips Chemical CompanyRedox Behavior of Catalysts for Olefin Oligomerization 5: Joint Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Studies$40,000
Kirkpatrick, AllisonPhysics and Astronomy Space Telescope Science InstituteRevealing our past faux PAHs: unveiling the hidden drivers of ISM conditions at cosmic noon JWST-GO-04192.003$26,073
Hall, AmberPsychologyUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteDeveloping a Representative Cohort to study Midlife Risk Factors for Alzheimers Disease$10,554
Mosley Jr, NelsonKU Police DepartmentKansas Department of TransportationImpaired Driving Deterrence Project (IDDP): University of Kansas$6,500
Kemp, PeggyLife Span Institute American Academy of PediatricsAct Early Ambassador 2023-2024$6,000
Thompson, JomellaApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteCOBRE ETHICS Core: Implementation Science and Equity$5,858
Swinburne Romine, RebeccaLife Span Institute University of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteHealth Equity and Rural Education (HERE!) Clinical Trial$5,785
Drake, PhillipEnglish / Center for Service LearningCampus Compact2023-24 Newman Civic Fellowship Mini-Grant$1,000
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment Institute Maryland State Department of EducationMaryland DLM English Language, Mathematics and Science Alternative Assessment Test Administration and Consortium Services 2024 - 2026$3,160,296
Dieker, LisaSpecial Education / Achievement & Assessment InstituteU.S. Department of EducationFLITE: STEM Coaching$1,858,624
Hron, JanineAchievement & Assessment InstituteSunflower FoundationKansas Fights Addiction 2023 - Comprehensive Needs Assessment$1,500,000
Unckless, RobertMolecular BiosciencesNational Science FoundationThe genetic basis of divergence in immune defense between species$1,300,000
Tuck, KathleenSpecial Education / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Texas-AustinPreparing Early Childhood Special Education Leaders for Diverse Settings (Project EARLY)$1,250,000
Batza, CatherineWomen Gender & Sexuality StudiesThe Andrew W Mellon FoundationTrans Studies at the Commons$1,000,000
Husic, AdminCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringNational Science FoundationCAREER: Dynamic connectivity: a research and educational frontier for sustainable environmental management under climate and land use uncertainty$609,734
Hansen, AmyCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering National Science FoundationCAREER: Nitrogen exchange and removal in riparian wetlands - the role of vegetation$577,443
Mease, KristinaBusiness / Small Business Development CenterFort Hays State UniversityUniversity of Kansas Small Business Development Center - 2024$321,548
Peelaers, HartwinPhysics and AstronomyNational Science FoundationCAREER: Computational Design of High-Performing V2O5 Cathodes for Zn-ion batteries$288,878
Nelson, KennethKansas Geological SurveyKansas Department of TransportationData Access and Support Center (DASC) GIS Mapping Integration - FY2024$261,872
Snow, NancyPhilosophy / Hall Center for the HumanitiesTempleton Religion TrustIntellectual Humility, Courage, and Religious Literacy and their Roles in Covenantal Pluralism$252,062
Koon, LyndsieLife Span InstituteUniversity of Illinois - Urbana-ChampaignTechnologies to Support Aging Among People with Long-Term Disabilities (TechSAge)$198,554
Bowman-James, KristinChemistry Sandia National LaboratoriesCryptand Molecular Cavities to Capture and Chemically Process CO2$111,200
Koliba, ChristopherSchool of Public Affairs & Administration / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchUniversity of VermontCIROH: Modeling Community Trust: A Collaborative Approach to Scoping Water Forecasting Needs and NOAA Product Use in Indigenous Communities of Northeast Oklahoma$95,060
Hayes, MelvaLife Span InstituteKansas City, City of MissouriEvaluation Service For Aim4Peace Violence Prevention Program$94,984
Harris, TheodoreKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research U.S. Army Corp of EngineersDepth Resolved Algal Bloom Mapping (DRABM) Clinton Lake$82,919
Mazzotti, ValerieSpecial Education / Life Span InstituteAmerican Institutes For ResearchEvaluation of Transition Supports for Youth with Disabilities$70,394
Kondyli, AlexandraCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringNational Academy of SciencesTraffic Capactiy Level of Service Adaptations and Usage$55,000
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchAmerican Society For MicrobiologyAnalysis of trends in the Microbiology workforce$52,000
Look, KurtKansas Geological Survey The Kansas Geological SocietySoftware Development for Kansas Electronic Data Integration$50,000
Schrock, StevenEngineering Administration / Transportation CenterKansas State University Traffic Assistance Services for Kansas (TASK) Program FY24-26$40,000
Johnson, JenniferKansas Fire & Rescue Training Kansas Division of Emergency ManagmentHazardous Materials Training to fire and emergency services personnel in the State of Kansas delivered through Kansas Fire & Rescue Training Institute 2023-2024$31,250
Hardy, SaralynSpencer Museum of Art Humanities KansasEmmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley: Let the World See$30,000
Crossfield, IanPhysics and Astronomy Space Telescope Science InstituteClouds or Chemistry?: Pinpointing the drivers of variability across the L/T transition via the benchmark L/T binary WISE 1049AB (JWST2965)$25,000
Kamatuka, NgondiAchievement & Assessment InstituteArmy Educational Outreach ProgramArmy Educational Outreach Program (UNITE)$20,651
Earle, SusanSpencer Museum of Art Racial Equity FundHighlighting the Work of Black, Indigenous, and Other Women+ of Color$20,000
Forbush, KelsiePsychology / Life Span InstituteRacial Equity FundThe Development of a New Perinatal Eating Disorder Screening Tool for Black, Afro-Caribbean, and African American Individuals$20,000
Weiner Davis, TadeoSocial Welfare Racial Equity FundStand Up KC Community Archive$20,000
Schwaller, RachelHistory Racial Equity FundUnsettled Lawrence: Challenging Collective Memory of Settlement Through the Oral and Public Histories of Unhoused Populations in Lawrence$16,000
Azuma, MizukiMolecular Biosciences Children'S Mercy Hospitals & ClinicsIdentifying compounds that target vulnerabilities imposed by EWS haploinsufficiency to discover novel treatments for EWSR1 fusion-positive childhood sarcomas$13,750
Friis, ElizabethMechanical Engineering Love Lifesciences LlcTesting of single-dose needle-based injection systems$11,300
Romanova, EkaterinaCommunication Studies National Communication AssociationCan Propaganda Reach Beyond Continents? Exploring Media Choice, Conspiracy Beliefs, and Support for Political Violence among the Russian-Speaking Diaspora in the U.S.$9,600
Holmes, CherylSocial WelfareUniversity Of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteLied Pre-Clinical Pilot$5,000
Yi, RichardEconomics / Life Span InstitutePsi Chi, The International Honor Society In PsychologyCognitive Dysfunction Related to Substance Use Among Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence$1,500
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Francis, LindsayTransportation Research Center Kansas Department of Transportation2024 Local Technical Assistance Program LTAP$660,000
Fang, HuazhenMechanical Engineering Tennessee Tech UniversitySecond-life Battery in Mobile EV Charging Application for Rural Transportation (SMART)$500,000
Darwin, DavidCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringConcrete Reinforcing Steel Institute EducationTextured Expoxy-Coated Hooked and Headed Bars$490,000
Kondyli, AlexandraCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering / Transportation CenterUniversity of Nebraska - LincolnMid-America Transportation Center for Transportation Safety and Equity (MATC-TSE)$449,998
O'Reilly, MatthewCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute EducationCorrosion Resistance of Damaged Textured Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement$290,000
Lemon, MichaelAchievement & Assessment InstituteCharles Stewart Mott FoundationKansas Statewide Afterschool Network (2023-2026)$225,000
Counts, JacquelineAchievement & Assessment InstituteIowa Department of Public HealthIowa MIECHV Quality Improvement 2023 Amendment 8$198,237
Darabi Konartakhteh, MasoudCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringTexas A&M Research FoundationEnhancement of PANDA-AP (Pavement Analysis using Nonlinear Damage Approach for Airports)$181,986
Shiflett, MarkChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Institute for Sustainable EngineeringIconium Engineering CompanyIconium Engineering Company Refrigerant Ionic liquid Separation (IEC-RISE)$87,375
Du, HengPharmacology & ToxicologyRoswell Park Comprehensive Cancer CenterDevelopment and analysis of novel experimental platforms for Alzheimer's disease in Down syndrome$76,081
Miller, JonathanPharmaceutical Chemistry / Institute for Bioengineering ResearchAxioforce3D force sensing insoles for wearable, AI empowered, high-fidelity gait monitoring$75,093
Hall, JeffreyCommunication Studies Harvard UniversityInstitute for Rebooting Social Media (RSM) Visiting Scholars Faculty Fellowship$75,000
Dieker, LisaSpecial Education / Achievement & Assessment InstituteUnited Cerebral Palsy Of Central Florida IncPROJECT RAISE: Robots and Artificial Intelligence to Improve Social Skills for Elementary Students$52,639
Sutley, ElainaEngineering Administration / Civil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringFlorida International UniversityHurricane Loss Reduction for Housing in Florida$51,047
Miller, JonathanPharmaceutical Chemistry / Institute for Bioengineering ResearchUniversity of Missouri - Columbia3D force sensing insoles for wearable, AI empowered, high-fidelity gait monitoring (MBArC)$43,094
Bean, AlicePhysics and AstronomyFermi National Accelerator Laboratory2024 LPC Distinguished Researcher Award for Recipient Dr. Alice Bean$40,982
Shiflett, MarkChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Institute for Sustainable EngineeringFaraday Technology Inc.Extraction and Utilization of Water and Gases from Icy Lunar Regolith$35,000
Buzhardt Jr, JosephLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteFoster Resource Center K-CART OASIS training$34,045
Mosconi, MatthewApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteInstitutional Career Development Core$31,383
Peterson, AndrewEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteNorth Dakota State UniversityCAREER: Rapid Phenotypic Divergence & Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Signaling in a Widespread Songbird$22,063
Barati Ghahfarokhi, RezaChemical & Petroleum EngineeringTeverra LlcHeat-Sweep Monitoring with Bubbled Water Seismic Imaging$20,000
Dieker, LisaSpecial Education / Achievement & Assessment InstituteQuabbin Regional School DistrictQuabbin Secondary Co-Teaching Initiative$14,500
Britt, NicholasPharmacy Practice University of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteDrug abuse and HIV-associated pulmonary vascular injury$10,386
Crossfield, IanPhysics and Astronomy Space Telescope Science InstituteEureka!: An Open-Source Pipeline for JWST Time-Series Observations AR-03273 - Brande$10,091
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Keshmiri, ShawnAerospace Engineering / Center for Remote Sensing & Integrated SystemsKansas State UniversityApplied Research and Innovation Scholarship for Engineering Students in Aerospace, AI, and Cybersecurity (ARISE)$3,097,582
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteState of New Jersey Department of EducationNew Jersey DLM: 2023 - 2024 Operational/Testing (ELA, Math, Sci) + Additional Services$2,022,705
Spencer, TrinaLife Span InstituteUS Department of EducationDevelopment of an Implementation Support Package to Install, Implement, and Sustain MTSS in Early Childhood Settings$1,999,914
Gardner, SaraAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Children's Cabinet And Trust FundKansas Workforce Registry$1,068,555
Matsunaga, KellyEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteNational Science FoundationCAREER: Unearthing the conifer tree of death$946,323
Blunt, ShannonElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesAlion Science & TechnologyHangar4F$326,711
Loecke, TerranceEnvironmental Studies Program / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchWichita State UniversityTesting the Effects of Cattle Grazing on CRP Grasslands in Short and Tallgrass Prairie Regions $321,102
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment InstituteWisconsin Department of Children & FamiliesFY24: Wisconsin Family Foundations Home Visiting Shared Measurements System$210,756
Luo, BoElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Security AgencyGenCyber Summer Camp at the University of Kansas - Inspiring the Next Generation of Cyber Stars$149,870
Schnitz, AlanaLife Span InstituteThe Family ConservancyStart Young$146,271
Lattin, DanaLife Span InstituteCommunity Care Corps The Oasis InstituteUniversity of Kansas Transition to Postsecondary Education (KU TPE) Peer Navigators$124,621
Walker, DaleLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteFY 2024 Early Head Start$111,243
Swinburne Romine, RussellAchievement & Assessment InstituteHelen Keller Services For The Blind IncNational Center for Deaf-Blindness (NCDB) Subaward FY24$109,984
Barton, JaredSocial Welfare / Achievement & Assessment InstituteTfi Family ServicesTFI Family Services ROM 2024$106,596
Subramaniam, BalaChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisPfizer IncSustainable Continuous Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals with CO2 Expanded Liquids$100,000
Zipper, SamuelKansas Geological Survey The Nature ConservancyStreamflow depletion modeling in Sonoma County and Scott Valley, CA$82,500
Sutley, ElainaEngineering Administration / Civil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringTexas Tech UniversityHispanic Serving Institutions Research Centers of Excellence, Texas Tech University’s “Center of Excellence in Climate Resilience and Equitable Housing” (CECREH)$71,535
Lemon, MichaelAchievement & Assessment InstituteStem Next Opportunity FundMillion Girls Moonshot: Innovator Grant$55,000
Liu, LinMechanical Engineering Kansas Soybean CommissionPerformance-enabling soybean-derived materials for next-generation solid state lithium-sulfur batteries: FY 2024$50,000
Whelan, RebeccaChemistryUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteLeveraging long-read sequencing and targeted proteomics to explain racial disparities in CA125 levels$50,000
Ecker-Lyster, MeghanAchievement & Assessment InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteTeachers and Students for Community-Oriented Research and Education: Linking Industry Partners, Faculty, and Teachers (TSCORE LIFT)$37,286
Francisco, VincentApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteAll of Us Research Program Heartland Consortium (AoURP-HC)$36,117
Fischer, KennethMechanical Engineering / Institute for Bioengineering ResearchUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteRole of SPECC1L cytoskeletal protein in palate elevation dynamics$28,426
Peterson, DanaKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchAmericaview Inc.StateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Kansas$25,500
Lyles, LindseySchool of Public Affairs & Administration / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchUniversity Corp For AtmosphericClimate Adaptation Outreach Support$20,000
Hashemi, MortezaElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationNSF Student Travel Grant for 2023 ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc)$18,000
Orr, RonaldSpencer Museum of ArtFlorida State UniversityCAREER: Quantification of the kinetic energy of particles in complex flows using magnetic particle tracking.$16,434
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteOffice of The State Superintendent of EducationTest Administrator and Educator Training for the Science DLM-AA$14,673
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteOffice of The State Superintendent of EducationDC DLM Additional Services 2023 - 2024$10,416
Neuenswander, BradleyAchievement & Assessment InstituteUSD 497, LawrenceUSD 497 Portrait of a Graduate$8,000
Chen, Yi ChunJournalism University of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteREACH for equity in Southeast Kansas$6,401
Schulte, ScottEnvironmental Studies Program / KU Edwards CampusMid America Regional CouncilResilient People, Resilient Places$5,000
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Stevens, ElizabethSpecial Education / Life Span InstituteU.S. Department of EducationExamining the Efficacy of Aligning Core Content-Area Reading Instruction and Small Group Reading Intervention for Students with Reading Disabilities (Project ALIGN)$3,789,119
Naemi Jimenez, PegahSocial WelfareAdministration For Children & FamiliesKansas Bravely Raising & Activating Voices for Equity$2,500,000
Tanis, EmilyLife Span InstituteU.S. Department of Health & Human ServicesState of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities$2,249,797
Dean, EvanLife Span InstituteKansas Department For Aging And Disability ServiceEmployment First$1,995,944
Kurth, JenniferSpecial Education / Life Span InstituteU.S. Department of EducationKU Para to Teacher Project: Pathway to Low Incidence Teacher Endorsement$1,195,566
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteTennessee Department of EducationTennessee DLM: 2023 - 2024 Operational/Testing (ELA, Math) + Additional Services$1,174,272
Hugh, MariaSpecial Education / Life Span InstituteU.S. Department of EducationProject MounTaiN: Meeting The Need to Prepare Early Interventionists and Special Educators in Data-Based Instruction for Young Children with High Intensity Support Needs$1,100,000
McCormick, PatrickElectrical Engineering & Computer Science /  Institute for Information SciencesDefense Advanced Research Projects AgencyEnabling Spectrally Aware Cognitive RF Sensing$1,000,000
Walker, JamesGeology National Science FoundationCollaborative Research: GEO OSE Track 2: Developing CI-enabled collaborative workflows to integrate data for the SZ4D (Subduction Zones in Four Dimensions) community$850,370
Mazzotti, ValerieSpecial Education / Life Span InstituteU.S. Department of EducationEffects of CIRCLES on the Provision of Transition Services and Resulting Transition Outcomes for Students with Disabilities$816,331
Alexander, PerryElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Security AgencyPredicable and Scalable Remote Attestation$722,322
Colombo, JohnLife Span InstituteNational Institutes of HealthPsychometrics and Predictive Validity of Infant Learning$678,966
Blunt, ShannonElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesSandia National LaboratoriesJoint SAR/GMTI using Agile Waveforms$427,673
Zipper, SamuelKansas Geological Survey Kansas State UniversityIncreasing Water Productivity, Soil Carbon and Sustainability of Integrated Multi-Crop Systems Using Field Scale Research$400,000
Blunt, ShannonElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesSystems Technology Research (Str)Smaller Targeting Radars with Integrated Performance Equivalency STRIPE$358,831
Naemi Jimenez, PegahSocial WelfareUniversity of Texas-AustinEvaluating THRIVE – A Promising Sexual Health Intervention for Youth in Foster Care and Child Welfare Professionals$350,000
Cizek, MeghanAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Children's Cabinet And Trust FundBuilding Early Childhood-Child Welfare Partnerships to Support the Well-Being of Young Children, Families, and Caregivers$259,588
Saraf, AnitaMolecular Structures Group / Mass Spectometry LabaU.S. Department of AgricultureCharacterization of Environmental Effects on Mosquito Saliva Composition Using Mass Spectrometry$250,000
Gardner, SaraAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Children's Cabinet And Trust FundSPARK-Accelerator$247,540
Kong, KyoungchulPhysics and Astronomy U.S. Department of EnergyTheoretical High Energy Physics in the Data-Driven Era$220,011
Symons, JohnPhilosophy / Institute for Information SciencesNational Security AgencyVulnerabilities in the Social Attack Surface - How Undermining Norms Affects the Resilience of Critical Social Institutions$201,852
Long, HaiyingEducational Psychology / Achievement & Assessment InstituteNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Supporting the Whole Student: Identifying and Mitigating Barriers to Persistence for Underserved Post-Traditional Engineering Students$200,041
Alian, MohammadElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Frameworks: Advancing Computer Hardware and Systems' Research Capability, Reproducibility, and Sustainability with the gem5 Simulator Ecosystem$200,000
McCart, AmyLife Span InstituteIdaho State Department of EducationIdaho Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education (ID-AWARE) FY2024$154,006
Rowe, NeilAchievement & Assessment Institute Iowa Department of Public HealthFY24 1st Five Healthy Mental Development Initiative: Evaluation$151,750
Lovell, ScottMolecular Biosciences Seattle Children's HospitalSeattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease Renewal$128,200
Crossfield, IanPhysics and AstronomySpace Telescope Science InstituteLifting the Veil: An Open Source Haze Model for Exoplanet Atmospheric Characterization (JWST3207)$122,959
Nelson, KennethKansas Geological SurveyKansas Department of RevenueOpen Records for Kansas Appraisers (ORKA)$114,000
Barton, JaredSocial Welfare Connecticut Department of Children & FamiliesConnecticut ROM FY24$101,404
Miao, YinglongMedicinal ChemistryNational Institutes of HealthProbing Mechanisms of Polycystin-1 Regulation Using Peptide Modulators Designed by Sequence- and Structure-Based Learning$98,865
Johnson, RachelInternational Affairs AdministrationU.S. Department of EducationFulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship Program$92,150
McCart, AmyLife Span InstituteOklahoma State Department of EducationOklahoma AWARE South$81,765
Fang, HuazhenMechanical Engineering Pacific Northwest National LaboratoriesNexus of Controls and Communications for Battery Energy Storage Systems$79,999
Neuenswander, BradleyAchievement & Assessment Institute U.S.D 259, WichitaComprehensive Needs Assessment of WPS Strategic Plan$78,000
Azuma, MizukiMolecular Biosciences Children's Mercy Hospitals & ClinicsIdentification of compounds that target vulnerabilities of Ewing sarcoma imposed by EWS haploinsufficiency$72,000
Chow, ConnieAchievement & Assessment Institute Wichita State UniversityEnhancing DEI through rich, street level data: How user stories can reveal gaps and alignment between stated goals and student experience$60,000
Lovell, ScottMolecular Biosciences Seattle Children's HospitalSeattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease Renewal$52,484
McCart, AmyLife Span InstituteOklahoma State Department of EducationOK Aware East$50,869
Gudino, OmarApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteGraduate Research Assistant Services on Nelson Projects$50,200
Hardesty, JoLegal Services for Students Internal Revenue ServiceVITA Grant Project$48,610
Ecker-Lyster, MeghanAchievement & Assessment Institute Wichita State UniversityWSU Southeast Wichita GEAR UP Project Evaluation$40,000
Hugh, MariaSpecial Education / Life Span InstituteUniversity of WashingtonInitial Efficacy Trial of a Group-Based Implementation Strategy Designed to Increase Teacher Delivery of Evidence-Based Prevention Programs$38,839
Dieker, LisaSpecial Education / Achievement & Assessment InstituteTaunton Public SchoolsTaunton Co-teaching and Inclusive Practices$37,000
Lovell, ScottMolecular Biosciences Seattle Children's HospitalStructural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease Renewal$34,622
Yi, RichardPsychology / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteGuided Episodic Future Thinking to Increase Physical Activity Adherence and Promote Healthy Brain Aging Among Mid-Life Adults$31,186
Layzell, AnthonyKansas Geological Survey Kansas Water OfficeAssessment of sediment sources in the John Redmond reservoir watershed$15,000
McCannon, GeraldSociology / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchMidwest Sociological Society (Mss)How being both first generation and nontenure track impacts faculty sense of belonging in their departments, their mental wellbeing, and how they might navigate these challenges$1,000
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Kim, TaejoonElectrical Engineering & Computer Science /Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationNSF Convergence Accelerator Track G: Combating Vulnerability and Unawareness in 5G Network Security$5,000,000
Stevens, ElizabethSpecial Education / Life Span InstituteU.S. Department of EducationMath Words: Vocabulary Support for Students Experiencing Difficulty in Mathematics$1,994,476
Davidson, AndrewElectrical Engineering & Computer Science /Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Frameworks: Automated Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the StraboSpot Geologic Information System for Observational Data$1,886,298
Counts, JacquelineAchievement & Assessment Institute Iowa Department of Public HealthIowa MIECHV Quality Improvement 2024$1,443,984
Wang, ZhiAerospace EngineeringDepartment of DefenseGPU and Fast Storage Infrastructure for Massively Parallel Scientific Computing and Reduced Order Modeling$746,258
Cushing, ChristopherApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteNational Institutes of HealthOptimizing a Sensor-Enabled mHealth Intervention for Adolescents with Suboptimal Asthma Control$727,641
Smith, JonKansas Geological SurveyU.S. Geological SurveyGeologic Mapping in Kansas for FY23$605,817
Lindeman, DavidLife Span Institute Kansas Department of Health & EnvironmtKansas Inservice Training System (KITS)-Infant and Toddler Expansion Part C$599,525
Chan, Wai-LunPhysics and AstronomyU.S. Department of EnergyMinimizing the Energy Loss in Charge Separation via Spontaneous Exciton Heating$592,044
Sack, SaraLife Span Institute U.S. Department of Health & Human ServicesKansas State Plan for Assistive Technology$472,693
Tamerler Behar, CandanOffice of Research / Institute for Bioengineering ResearchNational Institutes of HealthPeptide Enabled Tunable Restorative Interface$467,008
Orive, MariaCollege of Liberal Arts & Sciences / Ecology & Evolutionary BiologyUniversity of FloridaInvasive species as conduits for pathogen spillover between natural and agricultural ecosystems$456,839
Walker, JamesGeologyNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: GEO OSE Track 2: Building a multiscale community-led ecosystem for crustal geology through the integration of Macrostrat and StraboSpot$434,415
Rudnick, GregoryPhysics and Astronomy National Science FoundationCollaborative Research: RUI: Tracing Galaxy Quenching in the Cosmic Web With Spatially-Resolved Star-Formation Maps$375,211
Husic, AdminCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering National Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Can Human-Induced Turbidity Currents Enable Sustainability of Freshwater Reservoirs?$350,000
Slusky, JoannaMolecular Biosciences / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchNational Institutes of HealthPlugging & Pulling-in: tuning peptide for ToIC to overcome anitbiotic resistance$311,242
Rojas Villarreal, RaulSpeech-Language-Hearing / Life Span InstituteUniversity of GeorgiaDeveloping culturally appropriate language assessment tools for low-income African American and Hispanic young children$266,728
Miller, RichardKansas Geological SurveyExxonmobil Global Services CompanyHigh Resolution Seismic Investigations of Rock Characteristics Associated with Subsidence$254,003
Besson, DavidPhysics and Astronomy National Science FoundationCollaborative Research: WoU-MMA: Ultrahigh Energy Neutrinos with the Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland$181,285
Sereno, JoanLinguisticsNational Science FoundationYr. 2: NSF Intergovernmental Personnel Act for Joan Sereno$177,697
Look, KurtKansas Geological SurveyKansas Department of Revenue2023-2025 Kansas On-Line Automated Reporting (KOLAR) project$122,000
Tran, DaiCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Iowa State UniversityEvaluation and Selection of 3D Model Viewers for Construction Inspection$110,000
Harris, TheodoreKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research Kansas Water OfficeEvaluating Long-Term HAB Trends at Cedar Bluff and Clinton Reservoirs Kansas Water Office Contract Number #24-111$100,000
Husic, AdminCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringBrigham Young UniversityUnderstanding Reservoir Sedimentation Sources and Economics in the Kansas River Basin for US Army Corps of Engineers Kansas City District$100,000
Sturm, BelindaCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering EvonikEvaluation of Pre-Oxidation of Evonik Wastewater to Improve Biological Nutrient Removal Performance$91,068
Nelson, KennethKansas Geological SurveyKansas Department of AgricultureDWR Mobile WRIS$79,794
Hale, RichardAerospace Engineering Wichita State UniversityKansas National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program 2023$75,729
Lindeman, DavidLife Span InstituteKansas Department For Aging And Disability ServiceProgram Coordination at Parsons State Hospital & Training Center: FY 2024$66,100
Tran, DaiCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Kansas Department of TransportationK-TRAN KU 24-4: Implementation of Constructability Reviews for Highway Construction Projects in KDOT: Best Practices and Key Lessons$65,820
Ginsberg, RichardEducation Administration / Achievement & Assessment InstituteKansas State UniversityKBOR State-Wide Structured Literacy Mini-Grant$52,000
Koon, LyndsieLife Span Institute University of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteExploring the effects of a community-based functional fitness program on frailty among adults aging with mobility disability: A pilot study$50,000
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment InstituteUniversity of IllinoisAll Our Kids Network University of Illinois IRIS Proposal (Year 6)$49,924
Liu, GaishengKansas Geological SurveyKansas Water OfficeUpper Arkansas River Corridor Water Quality Modeling$35,000
MacGonagle, ElizabethHistory / Hall Center for the HumanitiesWorld Learning Inc .Race, History, & Health in African and African Diasporic Communities$34,999
Koliba, ChristopherSchool of Public Affairs & Administration / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchRoskilde UniversityGoverning Green Transitions (GOGREEN)$32,821
Moskovitz, JackobPharmacology & Toxicology University of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteMoskovitz ADRC DPP 23-24: Oxidation of Apolipoprotein J and Alzheimer's disease$25,000
Johnson, JenniferKansas Fire & Rescue TrainingU.S. Department of Homeland SecurityState Fire Training Systems Grant FY23$20,000
Gudino, OmarApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research Institutete Research Assistant Services on KanAWARE$15,716
Parsons, SheenaKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research Douglas County Heritage Conservation Council"Here-ing" cultural and natural heritage: Regenerating Indigenous cultural fire in Douglas County$10,600
Unckless, RobertMolecular Biosciences / Ecology & Evolutionary BiologySociety For The Study of EvolutionGraduate Research Excellence Grant (GREG) R.C. Lewontin Early Award$2,500
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Shogren, KarrieLife Span InstituteUS Department of EducationExamining the Initial Efficacy of the Goal Setting Challenge App: Impacts of Technology-Delivered Self-Determination Instruction on Secondary/Transition Outcomes$3,800,000
Cartwright, PaulynEcology & Evolutionary BiologyNational Science FoundationRaMP: Making meaningful connections: Fostering the Integration of Biodiversity Patterns with Genetic Evolutionary Mechanisms (BioGEM)$2,986,439
Smith, SeanSpecial Education / Achievement & Assessment InstituteUS Department of EducationProject iKNOW: Increasing Knowledge and Natural Opportunities With Social Emotional Competence$2,496,841
Bean, AlicePhysics and AstronomyNational Science FoundationParticle Physics Research with the CMS Experiment$1,781,502
Murray, MichaelPhysics and Astronomy US Department of EnergyPrecision hot and cold QCD with CMS and EPIC$1,500,000
Swinburne Romine, RussellAchievement & Assessment Institute Maryland State Department of EducationMaryland DLM: 2023 - 2027 Social Studies + Additional Services$1,151,989
Seo, HyunjinJournalism / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchNational Science FoundationUniversity-Community Partnerships Broadening Technology Education for Women Transitioning from Incarceration$1,086,078
Potter, NicoleKansas Geological Survey US Geological SurveyPreserving and Inventorying Kansas Geologic Data, Documents, Samples, and Aerial Photographs; and Surveying Drill Hole/Core Holdings Relating to Critical Mineral Resources, FY 2023$782,969
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteNew Mexico Public Education DepartmentNew Mexico DLM: 2024 Operational/Testing (ELA, MATH, Sci) + Additional Services$690,440
Subramanian, JaichandarPharmacology & ToxicologyColumbia UniversityGLO1/AB-mediated mitochondrial and synaptic injury in Alzheimer's disease$648,592
Lovell, ScottMolecular Biosciences Seattle Children's HospitalSeattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease Renewal$619,733
Hashemi, MortezaElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationIMR: MT: AirScope: A Versatile and Programmable UAV Platform for End-to-End Cellular Network Measurements in Rural Environments$600,000
Wu, JudyPhysics and Astronomy National Science FoundationDesign and Synthesis of Atomically Tunable Memristors$349,999
Wu, HuixuanAerospace Engineering National Science FoundationEvaluating the complexity of unsteady turbulent flows using excess entropy$319,971
Hernandez, DanielMathematicsNational Science FoundationA study of hypersurface singularities$220,000
Schneider, BlairKansas Geological SurveyNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: FieldSafe - Changing the Culture of Fieldwork in the Geosciences$214,819
Alian, MohammadElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: EAGER: AI-Assisted Just-in-Time Scaffolding Framework for Exploring Modern Computer Design$200,000
Shiflett, MarkChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Institute for Sustainable EngineeringMidea CompanyHeat Pump Testing with New Low-Global Warming Refrigerants$181,948
Dozier, ClaudiaApplied Behavioral ScienceGoodlife Innovations Inc.Technical Assistance for CLO (2023-2024)$151,473
Wang, JingxinMedicinal ChemistryParkinson's Disease FoundationTreatment of Parkinson's disease using alpha-synuclein RNA degraders$150,000
Chao, HaiyangAerospace Engineering / Center for Remote Sensing & Integrated SystemsGeorgia State UniversitySCC-IRG Track 1: Smart and Safe Prescribed Burning for Rangeland and Wildland Urban Interface Communities$142,232
Sutley, ElainaEngineering Administration / Civil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringHeadwaters EconomicsData and design needs for improving the wildfire and flood resistance of manufactured housing$127,076
Houts, MichaelKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research Information Network of KansasDeveloping the nested hexagon framework as a multiscale annotate geospatial index for Kansas datasets$118,362
Milakhina, DariaInstitute for Policy & Social ResearchKansas Department of Commerce & HousingROI Study for Kansas Works Office of Registered Apprenticeship$101,900
Johnson, MichaelChemistryPinnacle Technology IncFunctionalized Multi-Modal Tetrode Arrays for Real-Time, Site-Specific Neurochemical Monitoring$98,641
Chao, HaiyangAerospace Engineering / Center for Remote Sensing & Integrated SystemsNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Planning: FIRE-PLAN:High-Spatiotemporal-Resolution Sensing and Digital Twin to Advance Wildland Fire Science$96,000
Gudino, OmarApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteGraduate Research Assistant Services on Davis/Bakula Projects$81,325
Besson, DavidPhysics and AstronomyNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: WoU-MMA: Askaryan Radio Array: A world-class, forward-looking, and dynamic neutrino astrophysics observatory from 100 PeV$78,043
Peterson, AndrewEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteUS Department of AgricultureCooperative Agreement to Support Aquaculture Risk Assessment$75,000
Feldman, KelliEducation Administration / Achievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Board of RegentsTeacher Education Competitive Grant: Expanding the World of Teaching through Enhanced Teacher Education Pathways$72,106
Heggeness, MistySchool of Public Affairs & Administration / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchUnited-WeReport on Child Care Licensing in Kansas$57,556
Scouffas, AntheaLied Center National Endowment For The ArtsKU Powwow & Indigenous Cultures Festival (ICF)$55,000
Francis, LindsayTransportation Research Center Kansas Department of TransportationRoad Safety Assessments RSA for locals$50,191
Koon, LyndsieLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical CenterExploring the effects of a community-based functional fitness program on frailty among adults aging with mobility disability: A pilot study$50,000
Miller, JonathanPharmaceutical Chemistry / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research Institute3D force sensing shoe insoles for wearable, remote, high-fidelity gait monitoring$50,000
Lindeman, DavidLife Span InstituteKansas Department For Aging And Disability ServiceActive Treatment Training Program-KNI$35,000
Gard, SarahDole Institute of PoliticsWest Virginia UniversityThe American Congress Digital Archives Portal Project$29,855
Martin, JeremyMathematicsNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Conference: 2023-2025 Kansas Mathematics Graduate Student Conference$24,772
Kelly, KaraBiodiversity InstituteNew South AssociatesNWK Curation FY23-24$18,451
Rogers, DavidKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchAleut Community of Saint Paul IslandBiodiversity Assessment of Ephemeral Freshwater Pools on St. Paul Island$14,117
Mazzotti, ValerieSpecial Education / Life Span InstituteUniversity of North Carolina CharlotteNational Technical Assistance Center on Transition for Students and Youth with Disabilities$10,475
Curran, JohnAudit, Risk & Compliance / Provost OfficeUniversity Risk Management And Insurance Association Inc.Be the Change: Funded Internship 2023$7,500
Kindscher, KellyEnvironmental Studies Program / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchAmerican Herbal Products AssociationOshá, Ligusticum porteri, Mapping and Co-Occurring Plants in Colorado National Forests$6,000
Unckless, RobertMolecular Biosciences University of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE DRPP Mentorship Award$1,913
Bever, JamesEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchDonald Danforth Plant Science CenterBII New Roots for Restoration: Arbuscular mycorrhizal mediation of drought stress in intermediate wheatgrass domestication$851
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Kamatuka, NgondiAchievement & Assessment InstituteU.S. Department of EducationUniversity of Kansas Upward Bound (KU-UB)$2,400,725
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteDelaware Department of EducationDelaware DLM: 2023-2026 Operational/Testing (ELA, MATH, Sci) + Additional Services$1,781,087
Kamatuka, NgondiAchievement & Assessment InstituteU.S. Department of EducationUniversity of Kansas Veterans Upward Bound (KU-VUB): 2023 - 2028$1,547,547
Li, FengjunElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesGriffiss InstituteFortifying the Cyber and Electromagnetic Frontlines: Establishing a Virtual VICEROY Institute in Midwest$1,499,983
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteMissouri Department - Elementary/Secondary EdDLM Operational Testing Agreement: Missouri FY 2024$1,212,569
Stearns, LeighGeology / Center for Remote Sensing & Integrated SystemsHeising-Simons FoundationImpact of ice shelf estuaries on ice shelf stability$599,412
Koch, LisaTransportation Research Center Kansas Department of TransportationTechnical Services for the Kanas Rural Transit Assistance Program "RTAP"$256,245
Colella, JocelynEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteSociety For Conservation BiologyReconstructing Lahontan cutthroat trout population history to inform future management strategies in Summit Lake, NV$226,848
Liu, LinMechanical Engineering Wichita State University23-2023EPSCoR-0022, Physics-Informed-AI Enabled Smart Electrospinning of Nanofiber Memberanes Towards In-Space Manufactuing$185,000
Hoque, TamzidulElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesWright State UniversityNational Pathway to Success (NPS)$126,841
Han, JieCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Kansas Department of TransportationK-TRAN 24-5: Evalaution of Portland Limestone Cement-Treated Subgrade Soils and Bases in Kansas$125,373
Shogren, KarrieLife Span InstituteAmerican Institutes For ResearchEvaluation of Transition Supports for Youth with Disabilities$113,486
Farber, RachaelChemistryAmerican Chemical SocietySelective Ethanol Dehydrogenation over Oxide-Supported Metal Nano-Islands$110,000
Sack, SaraLife Span InstituteFederal Communications CommissionKansas Deaf Blind Equipment Distribution--Assistive Technology for Kansans$109,293
Royon, ChristophePhysics and AstronomyUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteUltrafast FLASH radiation therapy dosimetry$100,142
Koliba, ChristopherSchool of Public Affairs & Administration / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchUniversity of VermontEnhanced Forecast Design Through Experimental Gaming and Social Impact Assessment of Connected River and Floodplains$95,807
Darabi Konartakhteh, MasoudCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Kansas Department of TransportationDevelopment of a database on surface free energy of asphalt binders to evaluate moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixtures used in the state of Kansas$92,761
Wilson, BlakeKansas Geological Survey U.S. Geological SurveyMaintain and expand Kansas-based data services to the NGWMN, 2023 - 2024$90,374
Johnson, JenniferKansas Fire & Rescue Training U.S. Department of Homeland SecurityAFG Assistance to Firefighters$87,877
Barati Ghahfarokhi, RezaChemical & Petroleum Engineering Kansas Department of TransportationGeomechanical and mineralogical properties of limestone samples from Kansas - Joint project with KSU$81,189
Han, JieCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Kansas Department of TransportationK-TRAN KU 24-I: Aggregate Specification to Reduce Dust and Improve Sustainability of Local Rock-surfaced Roads$79,989
Weinsztok, SarahLife Span InstituteUniversity Of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteA prospective behavioral economic analysis of alternative sources of reinforcement for hazardous alcohol use$76,680
Parsons, RobertCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Kansas Department of TransportationDevelopment of a Geotechnical Asset Management System for Slopes$59,832
Kastens, JudeKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchKansas Water OfficeKansas Real-Time Flood Mapping Tool Development: SPARK Efficiency and Modernization$50,000
Lemon, MichaelAchievement & Assessment Institute University Of Missouri - ColumbiaRaise Awareness of Afterschool OST in the Greater Kansas City Metro Area (Modules)$48,000
Koon, LyndsieLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteFunctional training for overweight/obese adults with mobility-related disabilities$46,255
Unckless, RobertMolecular BiosciencesUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE Post Doctoral Award: Jessamyn Perlmutter$38,250
Kong, KyoungchulPhysics and AstronomyU.S. Department of EnergyTheoretical Particle Physics in the Data-Driven Era$33,000
Flinders, JenniferAchievement & Assessment InstitutePrairie BandPrairie Band Potawatomie Nation Native Connections Evaluation (Y3)$31,085
Zhang, JieLinguisticsNational Science FoundationDoctoral Dissertation Research: The Representation and Processing of Vowel Contrasts in Brazilian Portuguese and English$18,354
Crossfield, IanPhysics and Astronomy Jet Propulsion Lab - California TechnologyFollow-up and Validation of TESS Planets with Keck AO Imaging IX - Polanski$16,500
Cushing, ChristopherApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteUniversity of FloridaPersonalized Mobile Health Platform to Promote Physical Activity in Adolescents and Young Adults with Cystic Fibrosis$15,329
Cox, OwenAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Department For Children And FamiliesHead Start Collaboration Office Needs Assessment 2023$14,705
Rudnick, GregoryPhysics and AstronomyJet Propulsion Lab - California TechnologyRevealing Gas Flows in High-Redshift Cluster Galaxies - PID 96/2023B_N201$13,750
Orr, RonaldSpencer Museum of ArtKansas Department of Commerce & HousingHere-ing$9,500
Daley, DorothySchool of Public Affairs & Administration / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchUniversity of Massachusetts Medical SchoolJCOIN Coordination and Translation Center$9,200
Mosconi, MatthewApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteAmerican College of Medical Genetics GenomicsMidwest Autism Patient-Centered Research Consortium (MARC)$8,723
Moyle, RobertEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteKansas Department of Wildlife And ParksCentury-scale Changes in Terrestrial Vertebrate Faunas of Eastern Kansas$8,500
Goebel, FrankAnthropologyRust Family FoundationEarly Human Settlement of Southern Patagonia: A Proposal for Rescue Excavations at the Paleoindian Locality of La Gruta 1, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina$7,971
Kindscher, KellyEnvironmental Studies Program / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchU.S. Forest ServiceMapping populations of Osha (Ligusticum porteri) in the Rio Grande National Forest, Colorado$5,000
Han, JieCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Geosynthetic InstituteEffects of Moisture and Fine Contents on Wicking Geotextile-Soil Interface Strengths$5,000
Gallagher, PhilipHealth, Sport & Exercise ScienceAmerican College of Sports Medicine Foundation2023-2024 Student Research Grant Award$1,500
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Blunt, ShannonElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesOffice of Naval ResearchWaveform-Diverse RF Capabilities$2,186,643
Wendel-Hummell, CarrieSocial Welfare Kansas Department For Aging And Disability ServiceHome and Community Based Services (HCBS) Workforce Training$2,009,797
Farrell, MarkMedicinal ChemistryNational Institutes of HealthGlycoscience Tools and Therapeutics$1,912,500
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteOklahoma State Department of EducationFY 2024 Oklahoma DLM Operational Testing$1,562,142
Gaumer Erickson, AmyCenter for Research on Learning / Life Span InstituteKansas Department of EducationSPDG Evaluation$750,000
Colella, JocelynEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: PurSUiT: Systematic viral discovery through structured search of host phylogeny$737,127
Byers, KaelaSocial Welfare Kansas Department For Children And FamiliesFamily Resource Center Evaluation$499,370
Dunn, RobertChemistryNational Science FoundationPlanar Capillary Electrophoresis$472,804
Subramaniam, BalaChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisU.S. Department of EnergyRecycling of End-of-Life Solar Panels using Near-critical Fluids and Ozone$433,333
Ewing, MarkAerospace Engineering / Office of ResearchFederal Aviation AdministrationA68 - Validate Small Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Detect and Avoid (DAA) Well-Clear Requirements$400,000
Buzhardt Jr, JosephLife Span InstituteUniv of North Carolina At Chapel HillEffects of Implicit Bias on Children's Early Outcomes$335,761
Shontz, SuzanneEngineering Administration / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: CDS&E: An Experimentally Validated, Interactive, Data-enabled Scientific Computing Platform for Cardiac Tissue Ablation Characterization and Monitoring$283,686
Bigelow, KathrynLife Span Institute National Science FoundationCOLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Social-Emotional Analysis of the Language Environment (SEAL): Key Word & Phrase Spotting in Early Childhood Care Settings$174,362
Tanis, EmilyLife Span InstituteOK Department of Human Services Children & FamilyAccessibility of Wearables$156,213
O'Reilly, MatthewCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Department of TransportationEffects of Carbon Sequestration on Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete in Kansas$151,000
Wagner, MargaretEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchU.S. Department of AgricultureBuilding better bioinoculants: Using experimental evolution to improve the efficacy of a plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria$120,000
Choi, Jae YoungEcology & Evolutionary BiologyUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE DRPP:Genetics and developmental functions of natural telomere length variation$114,750
Han, JieCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Department of TransportationStandardizing Rigid Inclusions for Transportation Projects$113,317
Billings, SharonEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchKansas State UniversityCollaborative Research: How roots, regolith, rock and climate interact over decades to centuries - the R3-C Frontier$111,093
Soper, StevenChemistryUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteThe Kansas Institute for Precision Medicine$110,056
Paden, JohnCenter for Remote Sensing & Integrated SystemsBritish Antarctic SurveyIntegration of a CRESIS Radar Depth Sounder on a Windracers UAV$107,882
Lemon, MichaelAchievement & Assessment InstituteUniversity of Missouri - ColumbiaRaise Awareness of Afterschool$100,000
Kondyli, AlexandraCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Kansas Department of TransportationK-TRAN KU: 24-3: Creating Effective Graphic Changable DMS Messaging$85,000
Harris, TheodoreKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchCity of LawrenceWater quality monitoring in Clinton Lake, Kansas with a water quality buoy$78,196
Schrock, StevenCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering / Transportation CenterKansas Department of TransportationEffectiveness of Automated Pavement Restriping Systems - Phase II$70,000
Herda, TrentHealth, Sport & Exercise Science / Achievement & Assessment InstituteChildren's Mercy Hospitals & ClinicsA comprehensive and non-invasive assessment of skeletal muscle in adolescents with single ventricle circulation$61,269
Hefty, PhillipMolecular BiosciencesInez Jay FundA comprehensive and non-invasive assessment of skeletal muscle in adolescents with single ventricle circulation$61,269
Xu, LiangMolecular BiosciencesInez Jay FundImproving Breast Cancer Immunotherapy by Targeting RNA-Binding Protein HuR$60,000
Soper, StevenChemistryUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteLiquid Biopsy using Tumor Specific Extracellular Vesicles for the Early Detection of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer$52,676
Fehr, AnthonyMolecular BiosciencesUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteInvestigating approved therapeutics for their ability to inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 ADPribosylhydrolase: 2022-2023$50,000
Murray, AngelaAchievement & Assessment Institute Wend Ii, Inc.WEND Montessori Research Retreat 2023$50,000
Seybold, ErinKansas Geological SurveyKansas Water OfficeGroundwater Quality Patterns, Trends, and Drivers in GMD2$45,000
Look, KurtKansas Geological SurveyKansas Corporation CommissionKansas On-Line Automated Reporting (KOLAR) project FY2024$40,000
Thompson, JomellaApplied Behavioral Science / Center for Service LearningUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteFrontiers: University of Kansas Clinical and Translational Science Institute$37,680
Lindeman, DavidLife Span InstituteKansas Department For Aging And Disability ServiceActive Treatment Training Program-Parsons State Hospital-FY24$35,000
Beard, KennethEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteLeakey FoundationEarly primate evolution in Big Bend National Park, Texas$30,000
Logan, RandallSchool of Professional Studies / KU Edwards CampusDirector of National IntelligenceCollaborative Cybersecurity Research Initiative: Fostering Innovation and Empowering Students in the IC CAE Kansas Consortium$30,000
Von Esenwein, SilkeAchievement & Assessment InstituteHorizons Mental Health CenterMental Health Awareness Training Project Evaluation$24,442
Chao, HaiyangAerospace Engineering / Center for Remote Sensing & Integrated SystemsWichita State UniversityHigh-Fidelity System Identification and Simulation of UAS/UAM Vehicles$19,272
Han, JieCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringPresto GeosystemsExperimental Evaluation of Geocell-stabilized Granular Bases$15,000
Unruh, KathrynLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteFrontiers: University of Kansas Clinical and Translational Science Instituter$13,167
Neuenswander, BradleyAchievement & Assessment InstituteGreenbush Southeast Kansas Education ServiceSEKESC School District Strategic Planning (Effort Only)$12,500
Francis, LindsayTransportation Research CenterKansas Department of TransportationPurchase of Pavement marking Retroflectometer$10,000
Hileman, LenaEcology & Evolutionary Biology The Botanical Society Of America2023 Kaplan Dissertation Award in Comparative Morphology: Evolution of bee-exclusionary corolla width differences in Penstemon$10,000
Seo, HyunjinJournalismGoogle, Inc.Digital Skills for Women with Criminal Justice Involvement$10,000
Zeigler, ZacharyUniversity Press of Kansas City of LawrenceUniversity Press of Kansas NEA ARP Subgrant$10,000
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Day, StuartEdwards Campus Johnson County, KansasJohnson County Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Subrecipient Grant Agreement – Workforce Development $1,166,670
Walker, DaleLife Span InstituteHealth Resources & Service AdministrationBuilding Capacity of Early Childhood Providers to Promote Language Learning of Infants and Young Children from Underserved Communities$900,000
Salandrino, AlessandroElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesAir Force Office of Scientific ResearchCoherent Space-Time-Varying Electromagnetic Structures$450,335
Huang, ChengAerospace EngineeringAir Force Office of Scientific ResearchGeneralizable Data-Driven Modeling Framework for Understanding and Modeling Turbulent Combustion$450,000
Shiflett, MarkChemical & Petroleum EngineeringNational Science FoundationREU SITE: IDEA Incubator for Porous Materials: Integrating Discovery, Engineering and Art$399,892
Cizek, MeghanAchievement & Assessment Institute Kansas Children's Cabinet And Trust FundWellBeing Mapping CBCAP Program$378,685
Noonan, PatriciaCenter for Research on Learning / Life Span InstituteMissouri Department - Elementary/Secondary EdMissouri Post-Secondary Success Project/ Social-Emotional Learning for All$298,421
Gould, ElizabethInternational Short Programs Institute of International Education2023 Eight-Week Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Pre-Academic Training Program$288,877
Buzhardt Jr, JosephLife Span InstituteUniversity of North Carolina At Chapel HillValidation of an Outcome Measure of Early Social-Communication for Young Children with ASD$280,566
Chen, GengMathematicsNational Science FoundationStability, uniqueness and existence for solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws and nonlinear wave equations$234,974
Billings, SharonEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchU.S. Department of AgriculturePlant community composition, diversity, and precipitation effects on carbon retention and loss in grassland soils$225,000
Shiflett, MarkChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Institute for Sustainable EngineeringHudson TechnologiesImproving Flammability Testing of Refrigerant Mixtures$209,776
Macdonald, StuartMolecular Biosciences University of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE Bioinformatics Core Facility$153,794
Kastens, JudeKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchTrihydro CorporationTechnical Support to prepare remote sensing plan in support of the Russell, Kansas site$150,000
McCormick, PatrickElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesLockheed MartinDual-function Radar/Comms Methods and Robust Calibration Approaches$150,000
Allgeier, AlanChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisPfizer IncEvaluating the influence of pharmaceutical feed impurities and solvents on Pd catalyzed flow hydrogenation$140,000
Rojas Villarreal, RaulSpeech-Language-Hearing / Life Span InstituteUniversity of GeorgiaThe Role of Fathering in the Language Development of Young, Low-Income African American and Latino Children$130,464
Brumberg, JonathanSpeech-Language-Hearing / Life Span InstituteWispr AiSilent Speech Data Collection: Testing and Analysis$92,611
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment Institute Illinois Action For ChildrenIllinois Community Systems Statewide Supports (CS3) IRIS$65,000
Wang, ZhuoPharmaceutical Chemistry University of GeorgiaThe activation of benzoxaborole prodrug AN15368, a clinical candidate for Chagas disease$61,386
Ackley, BrianMolecular BiosciencesUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE Summer Scholars yr 10$54,540
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchKansas Department of Commerce & HousingDigital Equity Asset Mapping$53,230
Ackley, BrianMolecular BiosciencesUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE Undergraduate Research Office (URO)$53,025
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchKansas Board of RegentsJobs and Degree Requirements for 2030:An Expanded Analysis of Projections from Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce$40,690
Rosa-Molinar, EduardoPharmacology & ToxicologyUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteP30 CATCH UP Above Accrual Goal Administrative Supplement Request$38,250
Barati Ghahfarokhi, RezaChemical & Petroleum EngineeringKicc-Ks Interdisc Carbonates ConsortiumExperimental investigation of High-Pressure, High-Temperature Methane/Co2 Adsorption for Organic-Rich, Tight/Ultra-Tight Carbonates$36,086
Cushing, ChristopherApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteChildren's Mercy Hospitals & ClinicsType 1 Diabetes Rapid Learning Lab$34,088
Scott, ErikRussian, Eastern European & Eurasian Studies Michigan State UniversityScience, Art and Faith: Architectural Heritage and Islam$30,000
Brown, RafeEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteResearch GoDecolonization through Digitization: Enabling Free and Equitable Access to KU's Historically Unique and Globally Significant Reptile and Amphibian Collection with the Emerging Field of Museum Genomics$29,548
Koch, LisaTransportation Research CenterKansas Department of Transportation2023 KDOT Innovative Technologies Summit$25,196
Davido, DavidMolecular Biosciences University of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteRole of ICP0 Dimerization in Herpes Simplex Virus Pathogenesis$25,000
Ackley, BrianMolecular BiosciencesUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteKINBRE Star Trainees yr 10$21,210
Murray, AngelaAchievement & Assessment Institute American Montessori SocietyAMS Research Consulting Year 4$20,017
Yun, HeechulElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesWichita State UniversityAnytime Perception and Control for Intelligent and Safe Advanced Air Mobility$19,272
Koon, LyndsieLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteThe Impact of Weight Loss on Alzheimers Disease Risk in Adults with Down Syndrome$17,294
Ackley, BrianMolecular BiosciencesUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE Campus Coordinator 2023-2024$15,150
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Forbush, KelsiePsychology / Life Span InstituteDepartment of DefenseAssessment of Eating Disorder and Comorbidity Risk and Resilience in a Nationally Representative Sample of Recent Military Enlistees$4,230,958
Bigelow, KathrynLife Span InstituteKansas Department of Health & EnvironmentKansas Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program$664,840
Sack, SaraLife Span Institute Kansas Department of Health & EnvironmentMedicaid Equipment Exchange$628,420
Tunge, JonChemistryNational Science FoundationCAS: Enabling synthesis through small molecule liberation$575,000
Iqbal, AsifKansas Geological SurveyKansas Department of AgricultureKansas Online Water Use Report - CY2023-2025$224,200
Allgeier, AlanChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisDanisco Usa Inc.Development of Process for Derivatization of Engineered Polysaccharides through Enzymatic Polymerization Through Carboxylic Acids to the Corresponding Engineered Polysaccharide Esters$206,724
Choi, Jae YoungEcology & Evolutionary Biology University of Nevada, Las VegasThe Genetic Basis of Local Adaptation Across an Island Adaptive Radiation$96,884
Soper, StevenChemistry University of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteThe Kansas Institute for Precision Medicine: Biomedical Engineering Core$63,863
Rojas Villarreal, RaulSpeech-Language-Hearing / Life Span InstituteMomentous InstituteCollaborative Research Study on Bilingual Language and Self-Regulation Development$63,615
Girard, JeffreyPsychology / Life Span InstituteMassachusetts General HospitalMultimodal Dynamics of Parent-Child Interactions and Suicide Risk$59,446
Diener, AlexanderGeography and Atmospheric ScienceUniversity of ConnecticutThe Middle of Somewhere: Place Attachment and the Geographies of Being$50,000
Harvey, SusanHealth, Sport & Exercise Science / Achievement & Assessment InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteFood is Medicine$43,294
Sturm, BelindaCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering EvonikBiological Nutrient Removal testing$42,467
Garstka, TeriAchievement & Assessment Institute Kansas Department For Children And FamiliesKansas Early Head Start Data Reporting System (DAISEY) FY24$37,425
Jiang, YunfengMathematicsResearch GoGromov-Witten Counting Surface Invariants$30,000
Mahajan, KirtiCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringResearch GoAssessment of In-Vehicle Human Machine Interfaces (HMI's) Based on Cognitive-Visual Load$30,000
Schnitz, AlanaLife Span Institute Research GoDevelopment of the Blended Early Literacy, Language, and Social-Emotional Intervention (BELLS) for Preschool Teachers$30,000
Wang, JingxinMedicinal Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterResearch GoDevelopment of an Oral Stimulator of Interferon Genes Agonist for Cancer Treatment$30,000
Teator, AaronChemistryResearch GoCyclopolymer Materials Enabled by Spring-Loaded Polymerization$29,993
Snow, NancyPhilosophy / Hall Center for the HumanitiesResearch GoThe Meaning and Importance of "Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself" in Today's World$29,978
Myers, SuzanneLife Span InstituteResearch GoWriting with Purpose: Improving Adolescent Writing Achievement through a Focus on Authentic Purpose$29,299
Sturm, BelindaCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringResearch GoInvestigating the Role of Microplastics as Carriers of Antibiotic Resistance into the Environment$29,228
Sabarwal, TarunEconomics Research GoControl and Spread of Information in Decentralized Networks$27,457
Ovchinnikov, DmitryPhysics and Astronomy Research GoElectric Field Control of Magnetism in Two-Dimensional Quantum Materials$27,447
Johnson, ChristopherMusicNational Endowment For The ArtsImpact of the Quality of Music Programs on the Overall School Climate in High Schools$27,136
Hileman, LenaEcology & Evolutionary BiologyResearch GoConnecting Genome to Phenome in the Evolution of Trait Complexity$26,433
Dixon, DanMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterK-Inbre Institutional FundsOmics profiling and biological function of plasma-derived extracellular vesicles in colorectal cancer$25,000
Macdonald, StuartMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterResearch GoDissecting the Genetic Basis of Longevity in Drosophila$17,306
Moyle, RobertEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryCollaborative Research: All Birds: A Time-scaled Avian Tree From Integrated Phylogenomic and Fossil Data$9,998
Fischer, KennethMechanical Engineering University of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteSingle Stage Surgical Intervention for Treatment of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury$4,187
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Smith, AdamPharmacology & ToxicologyNational Institutes of HealthNeurocircuit of Partner-seeking Following Social Loss$3,213,479
Heggeness, MistySchool of Public Affairs & Administration / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchAlfred P Sloan FoundationThe Care Board: A Dashboard on, for, and about Care Work and Caregivers in the U.S.$761,886
Cordell, StacyAcademic / Professional ProgramsKansas Department of TransportationKDOT Transportation Safety Conference 2023 - 2027$755,266
Alian, MohammadElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationCAREER: Near-Memory Datacenter Network$533,095
Douglas, JustinMolecular Structures Group National Science FoundationHelium Recovery Equipment: Acquisition of Helium Recovery and Liquefaction Hardware for the University of Kansas$500,000
Mosconi, MatthewApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteNational Institutes of HealthNeurodegenerative Mechanisms of Motor, Executive, and Memory Decline in Females with Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS)$465,831
Liu, ZhipengMathematicsNational Science FoundationExact Formulas of the KPZ Fixed Point and the Directed Landscape$296,885
Ecker-Lyster, MeghanAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas State UniversityRESPETAME: Reimagining Educational Systems by Practicing Equity and Translanguaging and Accessing Multiliterate Experiences$217,263
Soberon, JorgeEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteNational Science FoundationOPUS: A Computational Theory of Biodiversity$139,114
Yi, RichardPsychology / Life Span InstituteJohns Hopkins UniversityAn Examination of the Joint Contributions of Socioeconomic Disadvantage, Genetics, and COVID-19 on the Development of Delay Discounting and Substance Use Across Adolescence$75,332
Rogers, DavidKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchKansas Department of Health & EnvironmentLyme Disease Tick Surveillance$75,063
Roediger, DavidAmerican Studies Huntington Library, Art Collection & Botanical GardensAvery Distinguished Fellowship for Academic Year 2023-2024$75,000
Crossfield, IanPhysics and Astronomy Space Telescope Science InstituteThe SPACE Program: a Sub-neptune Planetary Atmosphere Characterization Experiment (17192)$43,626
Gane, BrianAchievement & Assessment Institute University of Illinois-ChicagoCollaborative Research: Improving Multi-dimensional Assessment and Instruction: Building and Sustaining Elementary Science Teachers' Capacity Through Learning Communities$40,123
Miller, RichardKansas Geological SurveyBurns & McdonnellGround Truth Testing and Correlation of Seismic Interpretation and Borehole Sampling at Mosaic's Legacy Well Field in Hutchinson, Kansas$37,006
Du, HengPharmacology & Toxicology / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteUniversity of Kansas Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (KU ADRC)$28,620
Chen, YiYangMusicRacial Equity FundWorld Music: A Portrait Series of Modern Composers$20,000
Duncan, PhilipLinguisticsRacial Equity FundLanguage ideology and the dilution of Black student voices through "proper grammar."$20,000
Nguyen, CambreyPharmacy Practice Racial Equity FundPromoting health equity through cultural competency: Exploring the patient perspective of community pharmacists delivering care to racially diverse individuals with disabilities: KUEA#37083$20,000
Pursel, SydneySpencer Museum of Art Racial Equity FundIndigenous Fashion Show & Exhibition: Spencer Museum of Art.$20,000
Pourladian, BamdadMechanical Engineering HoneywellPredictive Model for Silicone Pad Failure and Predicting Uniaxial Compression of Foam Using Computer Vision$18,399
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Brady, NancySpeech-Language-Hearing / Life Span InstituteGeorgia Institute of TechnologyDiscovering novel predictors of minimally verbal outcomes in autism through computational modeling$1,049,667
Counts, JacquelineAchievement & Assessment Institute Kansas Children's Cabinet And Trust FundKansas Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five Planning Grant 2$1,030,522
Garstka, TeriAchievement & Assessment Institute Kansas Children's Cabinet And Trust FundKansas Early Childhood Integrated Data System Distinct Count of Children Project$800,000
Nash, BrookeAchievement & Assessment Institute Missouri Department - Elementary/Secondary EdPathways for Instructionally Embedded Assessment (PIE) project$618,232
Han, JieCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringNational Science FoundationPorous absorbent-coated geotextile to enhance water drainage from soil$549,996
Flinders, JenniferAchievement & Assessment Institute Minnesota Department of EducationMinnesota Interagency Community Voice & SenseMaking Project$361,763
Pu, BingGeography and Atmospheric ScienceNational Science FoundationUnderstanding the formation and impacts of warm-season trans-Atlantic African dust extremes$360,739
Barati Ghahfarokhi, RezaChemical & Petroleum EngineeringSun Specialty Products CorporationExtraction of Rare Earth Elements Using Polyelectrolytes and Polyelectrolyte Complexes$300,000
Beach, JamesBiodiversity InstituteNatural History MuseumIntegrating Geoscience Collections into Specify Software$223,711
Stearns, LeighGeology / Center for Remote Sensing & Integrated SystemsNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: NSF Directorate for Geosciences-Natural Environment Research Council: Understanding surface-to-bed meltwater pathways across the Greenland Ice Sheet using machine-learning and physics-based models$191,868
Hron, JanineAchievement & Assessment Institute Greenbush Southeast Kansas Education ServiceKansas Department of Education Summer Enrichment Program Sunflower Summer 2023$176,620
Li, XianglinOffice of Research / Mechanical EngineeringWichita State UniversityMultifunctional Ceramics for Space and Aircraft Applications$149,999
Colella, JocelynEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Ranges: Building Capacity to Extend Mammal Specimens from Western North America$146,497
Schnitz, AlanaLife Span InstituteThe Family ConservancyFY23 Start Young Agreement$144,839
Wallisch, AnnaLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteInvestigating the Challenging Eating Behaviors of Children with Autism at Mealtime$119,564
McCart, AmyLife Span InstituteOklahoma State Department of EducationOklahoma Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education South$113,522
Walker, DaleLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteProject Eagle: Early Head Start$104,295
Sturm, BelindaCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Water Research FoundationEngineering the Reactive Surface of Aerobic Granular Systems for Contaminant and Pathogen Removal$100,000
Rowe, NeilAchievement & Assessment Institute Kansas Department of Health & EnvironmtKansas Universal Home Visiting Expansion Project Evaluation (TO 23039)$75,000
Kastens, JudeKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research Kansas Water OfficeFlood Mapping Tool Development: Real-time Flood Mapping for Kansas$60,000
McCart, AmyLife Span InstituteOklahoma State Department of EducationOK Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education East$55,714
Walker, JamesGeologyUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonTechnical Support: Kansas$55,000
Walker, DaleLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteUrban Action Partner Technology Pilot$49,655
Hageman, MichaelPharmaceutical Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteNCI Cancer Center Support Grant - Lead Development and Optimization Core (Hageman)$41,776
Yi, RichardPsychology / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteGuided Episodic Future Thinking to Increase Physical Activity Adherence and Promote Healthy Brain Aging Among Mid-Life Adults$40,568
Hardesty, JoLegal Services for Students Internal Revenue ServiceVolunteer Income Tax Assistance Grant Project$39,100
Mills, ElisabethPhysics and Astronomy National Radio Astronomy ObservatoryNational Radio Astronomy Observatory  Student Observing Support (SOS) Proposal to support Benjamin Moreau$31,354
Walker, DaleLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteProject Eagle: Early Head Start$29,664
Fazzino, TeraPsychology / Life Span InstituteUniversity of California - San FranciscoNSF Convergence Accelerator Track J: Network Of User-engaged Researchers building Interdisciplinary Scientific infrastructures for Healthy food (NOURISH)$24,344
Roy, AnuradhaBiomedical Services Labs / High Throughput ScreeningUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteNCI Cancer Center Support Grant -  Lead Development and Optimization Core Core (Roy)$24,018
Christine, MaryOffice of Faculty Affairs / Institute of Leadership StudiesKansas State UniversityKansas Leadership Center Research Initiative$20,765
Shen, ZuchaoLife Span InstituteUniversity of FloridaOptimal Design of Experimental Studies Investigating Mediation Effects With Individual-Level Mediators$18,305
Mosconi, MatthewApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteEvaluating sleep disturbances in adolescents and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities$15,787
Han, JieCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringTensar International Inc.Experimental Investigation of Interaction between InterAx Geogrid Products and Granular Fill$15,000
Choi, Jae YoungEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Center For GenomicsRecombination Rate Variation and Evolutionary Mechanisms of Adaptive Radiation$13,909
Brown, RafeEcology & Evolutionary Biology KU Center For GenomicsKUgenoTypes: democratizing access to the University of Kansas' globally and historically significant herpetological collection with museum genomics$13,063
Koch, LisaTransportation Research CenterSouth Carolina Department of TransportationSouth Carolina Department of Transportation Dispatching and Scheduling Training 2023$11,193
Lattin, DanaLife Span InstituteUniversity of North Carolina CharlotteNational Technical Assistance Center on Transition for Students and Youth with Disabilities$10,000
Scouffas, AntheaLied Center City of LawrenceKU Indigenous Cultures Festival Artists$10,000
Talbott, JenniferSpencer Museum of ArtCity of LawrenceGallery Reopening Community Promotion$10,000
Wang, JingxinMedicinal Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteSmall molecule enhances anti-cancer tumor radiosensitivity via activation of the cGAS-STING pathway$10,000
Orozco, RobinMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Center For GenomicsPro-autoimmune allele of PTPN22 influences immune cell functions during virus infection$9,900
Wallisch, AnnaLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteInvestigating the Challenging Eating Behaviors of Children with Autism at Mealtime$7,000
Friis, ElizabethMechanical Engineering Directsync Surgical, LlcSpinal Fusion Implant with Integrated Fusion Progression Diagnostic Capability$6,000
Liu, GaishengKansas Geological Survey Vista Clara, Inc.Dynamic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logging Technologies for High-Resolution Measurement of Hydrogeologic Properties and Soil Response$5,100
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Macdonald, StuartMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterNational Institutes of HealthA Resource for the Genetic Dissection of Complex Traits$2,962,239
Mohammadi Dehcheshmehi, SaharKansas Geological SurveyU.S. Geological SurveyCritical Minerals in Pennsylvanian black shales of the U.S. Midcontinent$975,000
Vakser, IlyaComputational BiologyNational Science FoundationU.K. Research and Innovation/Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council - NSF Directorate for Biological Sciences: Modeling of protein interactions to predict phenotypic effects of genetic mutations$930,155
Shiflett, MarkChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Institute for Sustainable EngineeringBooz, Allen, Hamilton, Inc.Design of an Ammonia + Ionic Liquid Development Test Rig$638,638
Hutchison, JustinCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering National Science FoundationCAREER: Thermal proteome profiling applications for in-situ bioreporting of contaminant degradation in soils$441,172
Lequesne, RemyCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Electric Power Research Institute, IncAdvanced Nuclear Reactors: Bond under High Temperature$395,000
Carta, JudithLife Span InstituteUniversity of IowaEvaluate effectiveness of Waterloo Central School District & Council Bluffs Central School District Exploratory Projects & Statewide Implementation of Specially Designed Instruction, Including Evaluation of the State Identified Measure of R$374,052
Schoeneich, ChristianPharmaceutical Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterNovartis Pharma AgSubQ Application of Biologics - in vivo degradation in the SubQ space as impact factor for reduced bioavailability$310,000
Timmons, LisaMolecular BiosciencesNational Science FoundationEArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER): Overcoming transformation and germline expression barriers$300,000
Swinburne Romine, RussellAchievement & Assessment InstituteNational Center On Deaf BlindnessNational Center on Deaf-Blindness (NCDB)$298,268
Prohira, StevenPhysics and Astronomy / Center for Remote Sensing & Integrated SystemsNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Windows on the Universe - Multi-Messenger Astrophysics: The Radar Echo Telescope for Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos: Toward a Transformative Technology for Neutrino$297,439
Husic, AdminCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering National Science FoundationResearch Infrastructure Improvement Track-4:NSF:Assessing Dynamic Connectivity of Streams and Wetlands across Spatial and Human Gradients with Deep Learning$259,515
Walker, JamesGeologyTexas A & M University College StationBroadening Community Use and Adoption of StraboSpot$233,536
Peterson, AndrewEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteUniversity of OklahomaPredictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention Phase 1: International Center for Avian Influenza Pandemic Prediction and Prevention$219,264
Liming, KileySocial WelfareOklahoma Department of Mental Health & Substance AbuseOklahoma Infant Toddler Court Program (OKITCP)$156,250
Davidson, AndrewElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Security AgencyGenCyber Summer Camp at the University of Kansas -- Inspiring the Next Generation of Cyber Defenders$145,794
Yi, RichardPsychology / Life Span InstituteHenry Ford Health SystemImproving Decision Making to Prevent Substance Misuse among Adolescents from Traditionally Underserved Communities$118,981
Teator, AaronChemistryAmerican Chemical SocietyPost-Polymerization Diversification of Polyacrylamides Using Amide Activation$110,000
Layzell, AnthonyKansas Geological SurveyKansas Water OfficeStreambank Evaluation of the Cottonwood and Neosho Rivers above John Redmond Reservoir$100,000
Hall, JeanLife Span Institute The City University of New York

Disability and Health Data Collaborative: Using Data to Promote the Health and Wellness of People with Disabilities

Lovell, ScottHiguchi Biosciences Center Seattle Children's HospitalSeattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease Renewal$81,652
Wolfe, MichaelMedicinal Chemistry University of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteDevelopment of a Simple Animal Model for Familial Alzheimer's Disease$65,000
Parsons, RobertCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Maxtech Inc.Lightweight Cellular Concrete Testing for Use as an Approved Substitute for Flowable Fill A Research Proposal$58,000
Look, KurtKansas Geological Survey The Kansas Geological SocietySoftware Development for Kansas Electronic Data Integration$50,000
Mollet, AmandaEducational Leadership & Policy Studies / Achievement & Assessment InstituteSpencer FoundationQueer Intimacies: A qualitative examination of LGBTQ+ college students' expericence in healther intimate relationships$49,866
Hardy, SaralynSpencer Museum of Art National Endowment For The ArtsTo support research and preliminary work for the 2025 exhibition STREET NIHONGA: The Art of jimmy Tsutomu Mirikitani and accompanying publication$40,000
Miao, YinglongMolecular BiosciencesKU Endowment AssociationMechanism of polycystin-1 signal transduction in complex with polycystin-2$40,000
Sack, SaraLife Span Institute Kansas Department of Health & Environmenttiny-k Infant Toddler Assistive Technology Services$40,000
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchKansas Hospital AssociationEstimating the Economic Impact of the Health Care Sector in Kansas and Kansas Counties$39,793
Kastens, JudeKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchTerrametrics Agriculture Inc.U.S. County Level Corn & Soybean Yield Modeling and Brazil & Argentina Soybean Yield Model Development & Implementation$34,000
Kwon, GibumMechanical Engineering Kansas Soybean CommissionSustained Irrigation of Soybean-Farm Utilizing Soybean Nanoclays as Natural Soil Additives$32,856
Dixon, DanMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteCancer Center Support Grant - Drug Discovery, Delivery and Experimental Therapeutics Component (D3ET)$31,539
Neufeld, KristiMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteCancer Center Support Grant - Cancer Biology Program$28,949
McCoy, KellyKansas Fire & Rescue TrainingKansas Division of Emergency ManagmentHazardous Materials Training to fire and emergency services personnel in the State of Kansas delivered through Kansas Fire & Rescue Training Institute 2022-2023$25,000
Crossfield, IanPhysics and AstronomyJet Propulsion Lab - California Technology2023A Keck/NIRC2: TESS Planet Validation with AO Imaging VIII$17,700
Crossfield, IanPhysics and AstronomyJet Propulsion Lab - California TechnologyNASA/Keck: Go Long: Wide Companions in Short-Period Exoplanet Systems$17,700
Alian, MohammadElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationConference: Student Travel Grant Request for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software$15,000
Von Esenwein, SilkeAchievement & Assessment InstituteVan Go IncVan Go, Inc. Data Audit and Impact Report$12,488
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Wills, HowardEducational Psychology / Life Span InstituteU.S. Department Of EducationClass-Wide Functon-Related Intervention Teams Rural Expansion: Gaining More Time to Learn and More Time to Teach in Rural Schools$14,999,997
McCart, AmyLife Span InstituteU.S. Department Of EducationSupporting Effective School Leaders through Professional Learning and Resources for Equity Leadership & Educator Well-Being$10,112,318
Berkland, CoryPharmaceutical Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterThe Leona M And Harry B Helmsley Charitable TrustDevelopment of SAgA-T1D as Type 1 Diabetes Antigen Specific Immunotherapy$3,025,839
Alian, MohammadElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesUniversity Of Illinois - Urbana-ChampaignEvolvable Computing for Next Generation Distributed Computer Systems$1,269,661
Lane, KathleenOffice of Research / Life Span InstituteArizona State UniversityPreparing Productive Special Education Scholars to Lead in Evidence-based Practices in Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-tiered (Ci3T) Models of Prevention (Project EPIC)$1,231,269
Mitchiner, MelindaLife Span InstituteOregon Department Of EducationMulti-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)$1,183,518
Schrock, StevenCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering / Transportation CenterKansas Department Of Transportation2023 Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)$660,000
Lindeman, DavidLife Span InstituteKansas Department of Health & EnvironmentKansas Inservice Training System (KITS)-Infant and Toddler Expansion$576,758
Greenhoot, AndreaCenter for Teaching ExcellenceHoward Hughes Medical InstituteA Comprehensive Shift Toward Achievement-oriented Thinking and Practices$529,500
Jorgenson, LindsayInstitute for Policy & Social ResearchHaskell FoundationLarge-scale CoPe: Rising Voices, Changing Coasts: The National Indigenous and Earth Sciences Convergence Hub$483,775
Leonard, KevinChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisU.S. ArmyExperimental and Simulation Investigations into Novel Mechanisms for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction$449,374
Rowe, NeilAchievement & Assessment Institute Kansas Department of Health & EnvironmentKansas Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Coordinated State Evaluation (TO 23031)$438,853
Fehr, AnthonyMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterNational Institutes of HealthIdentifying the targets of virus-induced PARPs during SARS-CoV-2 infection$424,184
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchOffice of The Governor of KansasKansas Fiscal Transparency Project (KFTP): Tracking the Impact of Government Funding in Kansas.$367,658
Flinders, JenniferAchievement & Assessment Institute Kansas Department of Health & EnvironmentOur Tomorrows (KDHE Health Equity) (TO 22066)$315,000
Jorgenson, LindsayInstitute for Policy & Social ResearchUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteTEAMSPORT to Community TEAMSPORT: Validating and Adapting a Precision Oncology Reflex Testing Team Intervention to Reduce Rural Disparities in Cancer Care Delivery$272,664
Shogren, KarrieLife Span InstitutePatient-Centered Outcomes Research InstituteKansas Health And Research Participation (K-HARP) Network: Building Capacity for Self-Determination$250,000
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment Institute Wisconsin Department of Children & FamiliesWisconsin Family Foundations Home Visiting Shared Measurements System$208,305
Mease, KristinaBusiness / Small Business Development CenterFort Hays State UniversityUniversity of Kansas Small Business Development Center: 2023$200,927
Rowe, NeilAchievement & Assessment InstituteIowa Department of Public HealthFY23 1st Five Healthy Mental Development Initiative: Evaluation$182,183
Von Esenwein, SilkeAchievement & Assessment InstituteCrawford CountyCertified Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Planning, Development, and Implementation Grant Project Evaluation --Crawford County$166,508
Forrest, MarcusPharmaceutical Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKinimmuneDevelopment of a Tumor-retentive Immunostimulant as Adjunct Therapy for Solid Tumor Cancers$160,182
McCart, AmyLife Span InstituteIdaho State Department of EducationIdaho Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education (ID-AWARE)$152,632
Barton, JaredSocial WelfareTFI Family ServicesTFI Family Services ROM 2022-2023$130,647
Zipper, SamuelKansas Geological Survey University Of Illinois - Urbana-ChampaignSustaining Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Landscapes Through a Better Understanding of Decision-support Systems$116,970
Blunt, ShannonElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesSandia National LaboratoriesAdaptive Waveform Development For Optimized ReTurns- Enhanced Scene Interpretation and Interference Mitigation(A WD Fort-e S1m)$100,000
Clifford, RyanDesignIowa State UniversityNorth Central Integrated Pest Management Center NCIPMC: A Regional Approach to Pest Management Implementation FY23-FY27$100,000
Wu, JudyPhysics and Astronomy Honeywell2D Semiconductor Reliability- KU$95,000
Blakemore, JamesChemistry / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisChevron Phillips Chemical CompanyRedox Behavior of Catalysts for Olefin Oligomerization 4: Joint Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Studies$94,999
Ecker-Lyster, MeghanAchievement & Assessment InstituteNewman UniversityNavigating the University Experience$80,000
Kindscher, KellyEnvironmental Studies Program / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchOsage NationOsage Ethnobotany Brochures and Educational Materials$78,071
Fazzino, TeraPsychology / Life Span InstituteUniversity of California - DavisPromoting the Purchase to Plate Tools for Food Demand and Diet Quality Research$75,000
Yi, RichardPsychology / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteExamining the Effects of Gambling Volatility on Drinking Behavior$73,107.75
Sutley, ElainaEngineering Administration / Civil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringFlorida International UniversityHurricane Loss Reduction for Housing in Florida$67,494
Look, KurtKansas Geological Survey Kansas Department of Health & EnvironmentExpansion of Underground Injection Control (UIC) submittals to Kansas Online Automated Reporting (KOLAR) Website$60,000
Colella, JocelynEcology & Evolutionary BiologyUniversity of New MexicoPIPP Phase I: Center for Emerging Pathogen Prediction and Integration$57,797
Bumble, JenniferLife Span InstituteKansas Department For Children And FamiliesKansas Navigator Series for Supported Decision-Making$55,341
Mills, ElisabethPhysics and AstronomyUniversities Space Research Association (Usra)A Hot Meal: Mapping the Molecular H2 Feeding the Milk Way's Supermassive Black Hole$51,700
Flinders, JenniferAchievement & Assessment InstituteKickapoo TribeKickapoo TOR Return to Community Program$50,000
Look, KurtKansas Geological Survey The Kansas Geological SocietySoftware Development for Kansas Electronic Data Integration$50,000
Schoeneich, ChristianPharmaceutical Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterAbbvieActivation Energies for Methionine Oxidation in Peptides Liquid Formulations$50,000
Yang, XinmaiMechanical Engineering / Institute for Bioengineering ResearchUniversity Of Missouri - ColumbiaMidwest Biomedical Accelerator Consortium: MBArC$44,585.73
Outka, UmaLaw Administration / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchBarry UniversityJust Energy Transitions and Place$41,272
Lemon, MichaelAchievement & Assessment InstituteStem Next Opportunity FundMillion Girls Moonshot$40,000
Wang, ZijunPharmacology & ToxicologyUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteKansas Idea Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Bridging Award Year 2022$40,000
Wolfe, MichaelMedicinal ChemistryKU Endowment AssociationP01 Planning Award: Metabolic Dysfunction in Alzheimer's Disease$36,848
Hugh, MariaSpecial Education / Life Span InstituteUniversity of MinnesotaInitial Efficacy Trial of a Group-Based Implementation Strategy Designed to Increase Teacher Delivery of Evidence-Based Prevention Programs$35,524
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchChildren's Mercy Hospitals & ClinicsChildhood Housing Assistance and Adult Health: Life Course Critical Periods and Cumulative Impact$34,775
Rowe, NeilAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Department of Health & EnvironmentKansas MIECHV Community Readiness Assessment (TO 23030)$33,659
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Department of Health & EnvironmentCARE Project Referral Network - Integrated Referral and Intake System (IRIS) $33,546
Forbush, KelsiePsychology / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteFrontiers: University of Kansas Clinical and Translational Science Institute$33,503
Mills, ElisabethPhysics and AstronomyNational Radio Astronomy ObservatoryNRAO Student Observing Support (SOS) Proposal to support Benjamin Moreau$31,354
Dixon, DanMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteIn Vivo Model for Assessment of Intestinal Adenoma-derived Extracellular Vesicles$25,000
Hansen, AmyCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Kansas Water Resources InstituteUnraveling Spatiotemporal Patterns in Watershed Nutrient and Sediment Yields Under Conditions of Ongoing Rapid Crop Conversion Using Direct Sampling and Remote Sensing Observations$25,000
Husic, AdminCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Water Resources InstituteForecasting Streamflow and Groundwater Depletion with Deep Learning Models to Sustain Kansan Water Resources$25,000
Moody, JenniferKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchKansas Water Resources InstituteHerbal Medicine for Sick Ponds: Are Native Aquatic Macrophytes a Cheap and Easy Way to Mitigate Harmful Algal Blooms?$25,000
Neufeld, KristiMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of KansasIdentification of Tumorigenic APC mutant Interacting Proteins$25,000
Wang, JingxinMedicinal Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteDown-regulation of Interferon Signaling by Splicing Modulators$25,000
Kerr, SteffanyAchievement & Assessment Institute Kansas Children's Service LeagueKansas Children's Service League Thriving Families Parent Cafe Data Analysis$24,969
Crossfield, IanPhysics and AstronomySpace Telescope Science InstituteThe Life and Death of Ultra-Hot Jupiter WASP-12b$24,686
Mills, ElisabethPhysics and AstronomySpace Telescope Science InstituteDissecting the Prototypical Starbursts NGC 253 and M 82 and Their Cool Galactic Winds$21,183
Dixon, DanMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteColon Cancer Chemoprevention Through Inhibition of Exportin 1 (XPO1)$20,810
Unruh, KathrynLife Span Institute University of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteSPeCTRE 2.0: The Sunflower Pediatric Clinical Trials Research Extension$17,607
Saint Onge, JarronSociology / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchCenter For Practical BioethicsBuilding a Circuit of Civic Learning, Dialogue, and Connection to Advance Health Equity: A Deliberative Model, Materials, and Metrics$16,076
Watts, JudyJournalismNational Communication AssociationInvestigating The Effects of Media on Racial Literacy Among Black, Latino, and White Families$14,850
Schneider, BlairKansas Geological SurveyKansas State Historical Society2022-2023 Second Fort Zarah Location Geophysical Survey Contract$13,424
Wilson, SaraMechanical Engineering American Society For Engineering EducationStudent Engagement in Engineering: How Has The Pandemic Impacted What We Do?$5,000
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Bourque, KatherineLife Span InstituteNational Institutes of HealthExamining Adaptive Peer-mediated Interventions for Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Limited or No Spoken Language: A Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial$2,691,060
Wang, ZijunPharmacology & ToxicologyNational Institutes of HealthThe Role of DNA Breaks and Repairs in Opioid Addiction$2,295,000
Song, KwangokCurriculum & Teaching / Achievement & Assessment InstituteU.S. Department of EducationPromoting English Learners Academic Achievement and Cultivating Educational Equity through Professional Development$2,290,405
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteState of New Jersey Department of EducationNew Jersey Dynamic Learning Maps Operational Testing Agreement 2022 - 2023$1,986,438
Kingston, NealEducational Psychology / Achievement & Assessment InstituteEnterpriseKCEnterpriseKC Cybersecurity Center of Excellence Cybersecurity Assessments (Project 1) and Cybersecurity Talent Exchange (Project 2)$1,891,860
Neufeld, KristiMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterNational Institutes of HealthRoles for Adenomatous Polyposis Coli in Colon Injury Prevention and Wound Healing$1,114,341
Metz, BrentLatin American & Caribbean Studies / Hall Center for the HumanitiesU.S. Department of EducationCenter for Latin American and Caribbean Studies: Strengthening Communities$1,055,100
Friis, ElizabethMechanical EngineeringContinuum Educational Technologies PbcSmart Tools to Accelerate Research Translation by Uplifting Participants for the Central IDeA State Region (STARTUP Central)$1,014,493
Arnold, EmilyAerospace Engineering / Center for Remote Sensing & Integrated SystemsNational Science FoundationMRI: Development of a Reconfigurable Radar for UAS Applications$997,861
Walters, JamesEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Institute for Information SciencesUniversity of Alabama-BirminghamBill: IISAGE - Discovering the Mechanisms and Evolution of Aging Differences Between Females and Males$989,587
Metz, BrentLatin American & Caribbean Studies / Hall Center for the HumanitiesU.S. Department of EducationCenter for Latin American and Caribbean Studies: Strengthening Communities$906,664
Gomez Garcia Alvestegui, DanielCenter Remote Sensing Integtr Sys / Center for Remote Sensing & Integrated SystemsNASA Goddard Space CenterCryospheric Uncrewed-Aerial-System Experiment$903,730
Tapia Takaki, Jesus DanielPhysics and AstronomyU.S. Department of EnergyStudying Nuclear Gluon Dynamics Using Novel Technologies with the A Large Ion Collider Experiment and at the Electron-Ion Collider Sponsor$750,000
Smith, JonKansas Geological SurveyU.S. Geological SurveyGeologic Mapping in Kansas for FY22$599,195
Kamatuka, NgondiAchievement & Assessment InstituteU.S. Department of EducationKU TRIO Training Program for Absolute Priority 2 (KU TTP-2)$595,202
Sack, SaraLife Span InstituteU.S. Department of Health & Human ServicesKansas State Plan for Assistive Technology 2021-2023$462,353
Schultz, JerryLife Span InstituteUniversity of South CarolinaUnderstanding Community Obesity Initiatives and Informing Tailored Community Interventions to Reduce Childhood Obesity$447,809
Hall, JeanLife Span InstituteLangston University (Public University)Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers: Equity Center in Employment Domain$400,000
Blunt, ShannonElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesAlion Science & TechnologyFoundational Research for EW Operations$380,873
Huerter, AaronInternational Short ProgramsInstitute of International EducationHosting Agreement: Six-week English Language Certificate Program for High School English Teachers (“Participants”) from Brazil$312,620
Wolfe, MichaelMedicinal ChemistryBrigham & Women's Hospital Research AdministrationLeveraging Heterogeneity in Autosomal Dominant AD to Elucidate Pathophysiology and Improve AD Biomarkers$278,325
Hefty, PhillipMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of WashingtonFunctional Genomics for Chlamydia$275,468
Thompson, JomellaApplied Behavioral Science / Center for Service LearningUSD 500, Kansas CityThrYve Collaborative for Out-of-School Time Supports in KCK$135,000
Harris, TheodoreKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchKansas Water OfficeEvaluating Long-Term HAB Trends at Wilson and Kirwin Reservoirs Kansas Water Office Contract Number 23-110$100,000
Kaplinger, BrianAerospace EngineeringWichita State UniversityExperimental Measurement of Granular Flow Free Colling in Microgravity$94,512
Darwin, DavidCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringOK Department of TransportationEffectiveness of Magnesium-Alumino-Liquid Phosphate-Based Concrete as a Repair Material$92,699
Mandel, RolfeKansas Geological SurveyHistory NebraskaA Statewide Geographic Information System (GIS) as a Predictive Tool for Locating Deeply Buried Archeological Deposits in Nebraska: (PHASE III-The Sandhills Region)$88,515
Wu, JudyPhysics and AstronomyZenoleap LLCEnergy Efficient Superconducting Neuromorphic Computing Circuits$85,333
Lindeman, DavidLife Span InstituteKansas Department for Aging And Disability ServiceSoutheast Kansas Respite Care Services (SEKRS)$66,100
Bagwell-Gray, MeredithSocial WelfareArizona State UniversityEnhancing the Public Health Response to Domestic Violence in the Context of COVID-19$59,525
Husic, AdminCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Department of Health & EnvironmentMonitoring and Modeling Hillsdale Lake Under Changing Land Use and Climate Drivers to Assess Tipping Point of Hypereutrophic Lake Conditions - TO 22088$46,000
Liu, LinMechanical Engineering Kansas Soybean CommissionPerformance-enabling Soybean-derived Materials for Next-generation Solid State Lithium-sulfur Batteries$44,982
Berkland, CoryPharmaceutical ChemistryColumbia UniversityIn Vivo Analysis of Human Islet Graft Infiltration and Its Immunomodulation by Antigen-specific Therapy$41,924
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment InstituteUniversity of IllinoisAll Our Kids Network University of Illinois IRIS Proposal (Year 5)$40,001
Ecker-Lyster, MeghanAchievement & Assessment InstituteWichita State UniversityWSU Southeast Wichita GEAR UP Project Evaluation$40,000
Desaire, HeatherChemistryDuke UniversityDuke Center for HIV Structural Biology: Protein Analytics Support to Characterize Env Proteins$38,250
Colaco Morais, AnaChemical & Petroleum EngineeringKansas Soybean CommissionProduction of Soybean Protein Concentrates with Enhanced Nutrient Profile for Pet Nutrition$35,820
Johnson, RachelInternational Affairs Administration / IP International ProgramsU.S. Department of EducationFulbright Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad$35,225
Forrest, MarcusPharmaceutical Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstitutePersonalized T Cell Therapy for Mantle Cell Lymphoma$35,000
Lindeman, DavidLife Span InstituteKansas Department for Aging And Disability ServiceActive Treatment Training Program-Parsons State Hospital$35,000
Clifford, RyanDesign /School of Architecture & DesignIowa State UniversityCrop Protection and Pest Management Competitive Grants Program - North Central IPM Center$25,000
McCoy, KellyKansas Fire & Rescue TrainingU.S. Department of Homeland SecurityState Fire Training Systems Grant FY23$20,000
Seo, HyunjinJournalismKansas Department of Commerce & HousingInnovative Partnership for Community-based Art Experience Involving Women Transitioning from Incarceration and the Public$20,000
Cox, OwenAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Department for Children And FamiliesHead Start Collaboration Office Needs Assessment 2022$12,805
Azuma, YoshiakiMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteSpecific Chromatin Interaction of DNA Topoisomerase II Isoforms and Its Role on Regulation of Their Cellular Function$10,000
Sims, MeganBiodiversity InstituteBureau of Land Management Montana State OfficeMT DAK Preservation & Curation of Fossil Vertebrates from the Late Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation$9,062
Scouffas, AntheaLied CenterKansas Department of Commerce & HousingNORTH & the Underground Railroad$7,500
Liu, GaishengKansas Geological SurveyVista Clara, Inc.Switched-Field Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for Enhanced Detection and Resolution of Shallow Groundwater$5,766
Mosconi, MatthewApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteKansas Idea Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Developmental Research Project Program Mentor Award$1,894
Forbush, KelsiePsychology / Life Span InstituteAmerican Psychological Association2022 American Psychological Association of Graduate Students/Psi Chi Junior Scientist Fellowship$1,000
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
McCart, AmyLife Span InstituteU.S. Department of EducationNational Technical Assistance Center for Inclusive Practices and Policies$10,000,000
Alexander, WarrenElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Office of ResearchResearch RisingTrusting Our Worlds Physical, Digital, Social$3,000,000
Choi, Jeong HoonLife Span InstituteU.S. Department of EducationResources Aligned and Integrated for Student Equity (RAISE): Protocol for Grade-level Teams to Intensify Instruction for Students With or At-risk for Disabilities$2,998,288
Logan, RandallSchool of Professional StudiesIntelligence Community Center For Academic ExcellenceKansas Coalition Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence (KC-IC CAE)$2,410,931
Brady, NancySpeech-Language-Hearing / Life Span InstituteNational Institutes of HealthFXS: Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood$2,230,022
Kamatuka, NgondiAchievement & Assessment InstituteU.S. Department of EducationThe University of Kansas Child Care Access means Parents in School Program (KU-CCAMPIS)$1,794,248
Slusky, JoannaMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterNational Science FoundationData-Adaptive and Metamorphosis Machine Learning Architectures for Generative Protein Design of Metal Biosensors$1,500,000
Counts, JacquelineAchievement & Assessment InstituteIowa Department of Public HealthIowa Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Quality Improvement 2023$1,064,746
Dean, EvanLife Span InstituteKansas Department For Aging And Disability ServiceStudying the Waiting List for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Physical Disabilities Home and Community Based Services$971,608
Adams, GlennKansas African Studies Center / Hall Center for the HumanitiesU.S. Department of EducationNational Resource Center: Supporting Sustainable Connections: The Kansas African Studies Center$967,444
Scott, ErikRussian, Eastern European & Eurasian Studies / Hall Center for the HumanitiesU.S. Department of EducationNational Resource Center: Rethinking Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies in the Heartland for a Global and Digital Age$843,580
Lieberman, BruceEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Biodiversity on a Changing Planet Implementation: Using the Past to Predict the Future: How Physiology and other Functional Traits Determine Survival and Extinction in W. Atlantic Mollusks$799,138
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteNew Mexico Public Education DepartmentNew Mexico Dynamic Learning Maps: 2022 - 2023$690,440
Lovell, ScottHiguchi Biosciences CenterSeattle Children's HospitalSeattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease Renewal$590,226
Soper, StevenChemistryNational Institutes of HealthMolecular Sub-typing Breast Cancer Patients using a Liquid Biopsy$568,979
Davidson, MeghanSpeech-Language-Hearing / Life Span InstituteNational Institutes of HealthMore and Less Social Comprehension: Child and Text Factors for Autistic Children$556,279
Fang, HuazhenMechanical EngineeringThe Army Contracting CommandReinforcement-Learning-based Aerial-Ground Multi-Robot Collaboration with Human-on-the-Loop in Complex Environments$500,000
Gardner, SaraAchievement & Assessment InstituteKauffman FoundationKauffman 2022 Inclusive Ecosystems$290,000
Adams, GlennKansas African Studies Center / Hall Center for the HumanitiesU.S. Department of EducationForeign Language and Area Studies: Supporting Sustainable Connections: The Kansas African Studies Center$269,582
Scott, ErikRussian, Eastern European & Eurasian Studies / Hall Center for the HumanitiesU.S. Department of EducationForeign Language and Area Studies: Rethinking Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies in the Heartland for a Global and Digital Age$269,582
Kokobobo, AniSlavic, German and Eurasian Studies / Hall Center for the HumanitiesThe U.S. Russia FoundationRussian Studies Program for Kansas High Schools$213,400
Cizek, MeghanAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Children's Cabinet And Trust FundCommunity-Based Grants for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (CBCAP)$179,542
Hui, RongqingElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Computer and Network Systems Core: Medium: A Testbed and a Toolkit for Expediting Investigation of and Accelerating Advancements in All-Optical Neural Networks$154,928
Kirkpatrick, AllisonPhysics and AstronomyNasaHow Much Do Active Galactic Nuclei Host Galaxies Contribute to Cosmic Star Formation?$144,455
Tilden, ChristopherAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Department of Health & EnvironmtLimited-Scope, Interim Year Maternal and Child Health Needs Assessment (TO 23016)$126,556
Unruh, KathrynLife Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteKansas-Idea Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Developmental Research Project Program: Cortical-striatal Correlates of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorder$113,595
Nelson, KennethKansas Geological SurveyKansas Department of RevenueOpen Records for Kansas Appraisers (OKRA)$113,500
Kindscher, KellyEnvironmental Studies Program / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchThe Land InstituteSilphium Ethnobotany and the Cultural Dynamics of New Crop Development$113,424
Sack, SaraLife Span InstituteFederal Communications CommissionKansas Deaf Blind Equipment Distribution--Assistive Technology for Kansans$109,480
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchAmerican Society For MicrobiologyAn Evaluation of the Education-Workforce Continuum for Microbiologists$80,501
Hale, RichardAerospace EngineeringWichita State UniversityKansas National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program - Opportunities in NASA STEM FY 2020-2024$75,729
Sprague-Jones, JessicaAchievement & Assessment InstituteFamilies And Communities Rising, Inc.National Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention$70,000
Tran, DaiCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Department of TransportationK-TRAN KU 23-16: Evaluation of Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Alternative Contracting Projects: Impementation Strategies and Key Lessons for KDOT$62,329
Kondyli, AlexandraCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Department of TransportationKTRAN KU 23-2: Understanding the Effects of Automated Truck Platoooning on Workforce in Kansas$55,000
Lequesne, RemyCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Department of TransportationK-Tran: KU 23-5: Legal Truck Load Ratings for Standard Reinforced Concrete Boxes and Rigid Frame Boxes for HL 93 Loading$44,049
Williams, SusanChemical & Petroleum EngineeringKansas Soybean CommissionExpanding Biodiesel Education and Utilization Through the Kansas Biodiesel Consortium$42,670
Liu, LinMechanical EngineeringWichita State UniversitySRI: Enhancing Sustainability and Resilience of Solid-State Battery Systems for Space Exploration via Precision Prognostics and Health Management$40,000
Look, KurtKansas Geological SurveyKansas Corporation CommissionKansas On-Line Automated Reporting (KOLAR) project FY 2023$40,000
Brook, JoannaSocial WelfareOK Department of Mental Health & Substance AbuseOklahoma Partnership Initiative, Phase 3: Program Evaluation FY23$38,500
Hall, AmberPsychologyKU Endowment AssociationDeveloping a Representative Cohort to study Midlife Risk Factors for Alzheimers Disease$36,594
Lindeman, DavidLife Span InstituteKansas Department For Aging And Disability ServiceActive Treatment Training Program-KNI$35,000
Kelly, KaraBiodiversity InstituteEnvironmental Solutions And Innovations Inc.Archaeological Curation Services (FY22-23), Northwestern Division, Kansas City District$33,155
Johnson, DavidHiguchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of Maryland - BaltimoreProtein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type D Phosphatase Inhibitors for Stimulant Use Disorders$26,775
Tamerler Behar, CandanEngineering Administration / Institute for Bioengineering ResearchUniversity of OsloMultispecies Biofilm for Investigate Non-antibiotic Therapies in Dentistry (MISFAITH)$25,100
Sathyamoorthi, ShyamMedicinal Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteSyntheses and Biological Evaluation of Underexplored Antibiotics and Analogues$25,000
Ginsberg, RichardEducation Administration / Achievement & Assessment InstituteU.S.D. 231 - Gardner EdgertonEvaluation Audit of Gardner USD 231 Special Education Department$20,000
Sikes, BenjaminEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchWichita State UniversityDeveloping NASA partnerships for a Space Fungal Ecology Program$19,272
Murray, MichaelPhysics and AstronomyJefferson Science Associates LLCRadiation Hardness Tests of Glass Blocks and Software Development for Data Analysis and Simulations$16,590
Schoenen Jr, FrankHiguchi Biosciences CenterChildren's Mercy Hospitals & ClinicsCapitalizing on p53 Losses/Mutations in Osteosarcoma by Novel Compounds$12,719
Douglas, JustinMolecular Structures Group / Nuclear Magnetic Resonance LabUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteKansas-Idea Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Core Facility Support$12,716
Kemp, PeggyLife Span InstituteAssociation of University Centers On DisabilitiesAct Early Ambassador 2022 - 2024$12,000
Rosa-Molinar, EduardoPharmacology & Toxicology / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteNeuroglial Tumor Synapse Revisited$10,000
Peterson, AndrewEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteKansas Department of Wildlife And ParksThe Bunker Resurvey Project: A Century of Environmental Change in Kansas$8,800
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment Institute

Kansas Department of Health & Environment

KSKidsMAP, Integrated Referral and Information System Expansion$5,623
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstitutePennsylvania Department of EducationPennsylvania Dynamic Learning Maps: 2022-2027 Operational/Testing + Science Development + Additional Services$18,245,344
Wolfe, MichaelMedicinal ChemistryResearch RisingBig Data for Drug Discovery$3,000,000
Unckless, RobertMolecular BiosciencesResearch RisingGrowing KU's Interdisciplinary Strengths in Genomics$2,999,272
Colombo, JohnCollege of Liberal Arts & Sciences / Life Span InstituteResearch RisingAdvancing Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research at KU$2,969,753
Beck, DarinLaw Enforcement Training Center / CED Center for Public Safety LeadershipU.S. Department of JusticeRural Law Enforcement Training$2,000,000
Kamatuka, NgondiAchievement & Assessment InstituteU.S. Department of EducationUniversity of Kansas Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program$1,615,330
Kamatuka, NgondiAchievement & Assessment InstituteU.S. Department of EducationUniversity of Kansas Upward Bound Math and Science Program, Leavenworth and Turner$1,488,005
Burgin, AmyEnvironmental Studies Program / Higuchi Biosciences CenterNational Institutes of HealthBridges to the Baccalaureate Research Training Program at the University of Kansas/Haskell Indian Nations University$1,233,748
Takeyama, AkikoWomen Gender & Sexuality Studies / Hall Center for the HumanitiesU.S. Department of EducationForeign Language and Area Studies Fellowship Program: Global Asia$1,078,328
Takeyama, AkikoWomen Gender & Sexuality Studies / Hall Center for the HumanitiesU.S. Department of EducationNational Resource Center: Global Asia$1,053,688
Kim, TaejoonElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesNational Science FoundationGrant Opportunity for Academic Liaison with Industry: Computer and Network Systems: Medium: Communication-Computation Co-design for Rural Connectivity and Intelligence under Nonuniformity: Modeling, Analysis, and Implementation$1,000,000
Schneider, BlairKansas Geological SurveyNational Science FoundationResearch Infrastructure Improvement Program: Bridging EPSCoR Communities: Mitigating COVID-19 Career Challenges with Research an Professional Development Training for Undergraduate Students and Mentors in Field-based Environmental Sciences$999,835
Gardner, SaraAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Children's Cabinet & Trust FundKansas Workforce Registry$775,000
Agusto, FolashadeEcology & Evolutionary BiologyNational Science FoundationResearch Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering: Incorporating Human Behavior in Epidemiological Models: Project Inclusion of challenges from Social Isolation Governed by Human behavior through Transformative research in epidemiological modeling$711,148
Mechem, DavidGeography & Atmospheric ScienceU.S. Department of EnergyUsing Atmospheric System Research Observations and Large-eddy Simulation to Constrain Cloud Processing of Cloud Condensation Nuclei in Boundary-layer Clouds Over the Eastern North Atlantic$618,448
Shogren, KarrieLife Span InstituteU.S. Department of Health & Human ServicesKansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities: 2022-2027$577,735
Schneider, BlairKansas Geological SurveyNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers Partnership: Empowering Scientists to Transform Workplace Climate Through the ADVANCEGeo Community-based Intervention Program$482,617
McCart, AmyLife Span InstituteOak Foundation USAValidate the Equity/Multi-tiered Systems of Support Tools to Assess and Monitor Progress for Educators, Schools and Districts$450,000
Peterson, AndrewEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Digitization and Enrichment of U.S. Herbarium Data from Tropical Africa to Enable Urgent Quantitative Conservation Assessments$425,065
Bloom, StevenMedicinal Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterNational Institutes of HealthNew Catalytic Strategies to Make Non-proteinogenic Peptides$382,500
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchNational Institutes of HealthScience of Science Policy Approach to Analyzing and Innovating the Biomedical Research Enterprise: Examining the Career Barriers Confronting African American or Black Biomedical Scientists$277,523
Walker, JamesGeologyNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research | Facility: Next Generation Interoperable Data Infrastructure for Geoscience Sample Data: Interdisciplinary Earth Daya Alliance Reinvented$265,042
Hardy, SaralynSpencer Museum of ArtInstitute of Museum & Library ServicesDatabase and Application Development for Access, Education, and Research$250,000
Shiflett, MarkChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Institute for Sustainabile EngineeringNational Science FoundationThe Kansas University Refrigerant Ionic Liquid Separation (KU-RISE)$249,551
Butler Jr, JamesKansas Geological SurveyKansas Water OfficeKansas River Alluvial Aquifer Observation Well Network Maintenance and Modeling$240,000
Stearns, LeighGeology / Center for Remote Sensing & Integrated SystemsNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Machine-enabled Modeling of Terminus Ablation for Greenland's Outlet Glaciers$238,655
Potter, NicoleKansas Geological SurveyU.S. Geological SurveyPreserving Kansas Geologic Data, Documents, Samples, and Aerial Photographs; and Surveying Drill Hole/Core Holdings Relating to Critical Mineral Resources$185,619
Fry, AndrewHealth Sport & Exercise Science / Achievement & Assessment InstituteHewlett-Packard CompanyStress Responses During Collegiate eSports Competition: A Psycho-Physiological Examination$127,978
Barton, JaredSocial WelfareConnecticut Department of Children & FamiliesAnnual Subscription to Results Oriented Management Reports (Connecticut FY 2023)$101,315
Subramaniam, BalaChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisOrigin MaterialsOrigin 3.4: Analytical Support Services for Origin Materials$82,142
Darwin, DavidCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Department of TransportationK-Transportation Research and New Developments Program KU 23-3: Evaluation of Multi-layer Polymer Concrete Overlays$77,662
Blunt, ShannonElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesLockheed MartinDual-function Radar/Communications Waveforms and Multi-GHz Bandwidth Array Calibration$74,999
Marshall, CraigGeologySouthwest Research InstituteMicrohabitable Environments in Ice$74,977
Schrock, StevenCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering / Transportation CenterKansas Department of TransportationEvaluation of Rural Roundabouts$62,500
Atkinson, SimonOffice of ResearchKansas Department of Commerce & HousingH2Hub Hydrogen Hub$50,000
Johnson, MichaelChemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstituteSub-cellular Neurotransmitter Population Dynamics in Chemobrain$35,000
McCormick, PatrickElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesDefense Engineering CorporationMulti-Function Emission Characterization with Radio Frequency Digital Arrays in the Presence of Modeling Errors$35,000
Slusky, JoannaMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterK-INBRE Institutional FundsExploring Uncharted Regions of Protein Space in the Design of De Novo Barrels$25,000
Unckless, RobertMolecular BiosciencesK-Inbre Institutional FundsSingle-nucleus RNA Sequencing to Uncover Sperm Developmental Alterations During Spermatogenesis Due to Genetic Conflict in Drosophila$25,000
Scurto, AaronChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Institute for Sustainabile EngineeringW. L. Gore Associates Inc.Measurement of Polymer Solubility in Supercritical Fluids$20,930
Hageman, MichaelPharmaceutical ChemistryUniversity of New MexicoSpray Drying Od Essential Oil-base Larvicides$19,500
Lundquist, ErikOffice of Research / Molecular BiosciencesKU Medical Center Research InstituteService Contract for the Illumina NextSeq550 and MiSeq Sequencing Systems in the KU Genome Sequencing Core$15,300
Bartlow, NoelGeologyNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Near-Trench Community Geodetic Experiment$15,288
Gumbel, RobertaMusicNational Endowment For The ArtsTo Support a Workshop Production of Never Quite by Composer Susan Kander and Librettist Roberta Gumbel$10,000
Siahaan, TerunaPharmaceutical Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstituteThe Kansas Institute for Precision Medicine$7,238
Kaplinger, BrianAerospace EngineeringKSF Space FoundationJupiter I Rocket Development Project$7,000
Von Esenwein, SilkeAchievement & Assessment InstituteEmory UniversityEmory Home Visiting Program$6,732
Cai, HuiArchitecture & DesignPerkinswillDesign of the Rush University Medical Tower and the Impact on the Perception of Provision Care$4,600
Shellhorn, JeremyDesignUniversity of MontanaDesigning and Testing Leave No Trace Signage Using Research-based Visual Communication and Outdoor Recreation Messaging Principles$2,994
Hanson Abromeit, DeannaMusicFlorida Gulf Coast UniversityFeasibility of the Musical Contour Regulation Facilitation Intervention to Support Emotion Regulation in At-Risk Preschoolers: A Clinical Pilot Study$2,951
Amlung, MichaelApplied Behavioral ScienceSociety for the Advancement of Behavior AnalysisExamining the Effect of Cannabis-Related Cues on Demand for Cannabis in Everyday Drug-Use Contexts$2,500
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Sturm, BelindaOffice of Research / Kansas NSF EPSCoRNational Science FoundationRII Track-1: Adaptive and Resilient Infrastructures Driven by Social Equity (ARISE)$23,097,733
Lane, KathleenOffice of Research / Life Span InstituteU.S. Department of EducationProject ENGAGE: Enhancing Student Engagement to Facilitate Learning and Well-Being$3,000,000
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteMaryland State Department of EducationMaryland DLM: 2022-2023 Operational/Testing (ELA, Math, Sci) + Additional Services$2,328,436
Caricato, MarcoChemistryNational Science FoundationPeriodic Coupled Cluster Methods for Optical Activity in Chiral Crystals$456,483
Noonan, PatriciaCenter for Research on Learning / Life Span InstituteMissouri Department of Elementary & Secondary EducationFY2023: Missouri Post-Secondary Success Project/ Social-Emotional Learning for All$298,422
Huerter, AaronInternational Short ProgramsInstitute of International Education2022 Eight-Week Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Pre-Academic Training Program$296,811
Subramaniam, BalaChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisOrigin MaterialsNon-MC Screening and Kinetic Studies$186,567
Mease, KristinaBusiness / Small Business Development CenterFort Hays State UniversityUniversity of Kansas Small Business Development Center 2022$167,328
Gudino, OmarApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteGuadalupe CentersResearch and Clinical Services for Underserved Kids in Kansas City$147,846
Barati Ghahfarokhi, RezaChemical & Petroleum EngineeringSamuel Gary Jr. & Associates Inc.Stewart Field: Simulation and History Matching of Waterflooding and CO2 Injection$136,563
Baker, DebraKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchKansas Water OfficeShoreline Lacustrine Wetlands in Large Kansas Reservoirs: Status, Trends and Limiting Factors$122,858
Williams, SusanChemical & Petroleum EngineeringAssociation of American UniversitiesRe-envisioning Evaluation of Effective Teaching Using Multidimensional Processes$100,000
Roundy, JoshuaCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringU.S. Department of Interior Bureau of ReclamationIncorporating Climate Uncertainty into Water Allocations in Kansas $97,822
Azuma, YoshiakiMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of MinnesotaA High-Throughput Screen for Inhibitors of Plk1-Interacting Checkpoint Helicase (PICH)$91,180
Dean, BartholomewAnthropology / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchKU Medical Center Research InstituteGenetic and Environmental Causes of Diabetes Mellitus 2.0 in Amazonian Populations of Peru$66,000
Ackley, BrianMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE Summer Scholars Year 9$60,600
Neufeld, KristiMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstituteRoles for Adenomatous Polyposis Coli in Colon Injury Prevention and Wound Healing$56,510
Ackley, BrianMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE Undergraduate Research Office$53,025
Harris, TheodoreKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchCity of LawrenceWater Quality Monitoring in Clinton Lake, Kansas to Optimize Drinking Water Intake Depth$45,672
Wang, JingxinMedicinal Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstituteInhibition of SARS-CoV-2 by RNA-Binding Molecules$38,250
Ackley, BrianMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE Star Trainees Year 9$31,815
Ackley, BrianMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE Campus Coordinator 2022-2023$15,150
Swinburne Romine, RebeccaLife Span InstituteKU Medical Center Research InstituteiAmHealthy Parents First$14,832
Cushing, ChristopherApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteChildren's Mercy Hospitals & ClinicsFeasibility, Acceptability and Preliminary Effectiveness of a Targeted Mobile App for Youth Preparing for Bariatric Surgery$13,285
Alian, MohammadElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesSamsung Electronics Co. Ltd.Near-Memory Acceleration of Layer-5 Network Protocols$10,000
Schneider, BlairKansas Geological SurveyKansas State Historical Society2022 Grinter Place State Historic Site Geophysical Survey$3,858
Moyle, RobertEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteAmerican Ornithological SocietyBirds as Islands: Using an Avian Contact Zone to Investigate Their Parasite Population Structure$2,500
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Sturm, BelindaOffice of Research / Kansas NSF EPSCoRNational Science FoundationRII Track-1: Adaptive and Resilient Infrastructures Driven by Social Equity (ARISE)$23,097,733
Lane, KathleenOffice of Research / Life Span InstituteU.S. Department of EducationProject ENGAGE: Enhancing Student Engagement to Facilitate Learning and Well-Being$3,000,000
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteMaryland State Department of EducationMaryland DLM: 2022-2023 Operational/Testing (ELA, Math, Sci) + Additional Services$2,328,436
Caricato, MarcoChemistryNational Science FoundationPeriodic Coupled Cluster Methods for Optical Activity in Chiral Crystals$456,483
Noonan, PatriciaCenter for Research on Learning / Life Span InstituteMissouri Department of Elementary & Secondary EducationFY2023: Missouri Post-Secondary Success Project/ Social-Emotional Learning for All$298,422
Huerter, AaronInternational Short ProgramsInstitute of International Education2022 Eight-Week Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Pre-Academic Training Program$296,811
Subramaniam, BalaChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisOrigin MaterialsNon-MC Screening and Kinetic Studies$186,567
Mease, KristinaBusiness / Small Business Development CenterFort Hays State UniversityUniversity of Kansas Small Business Development Center 2022$167,328
Gudino, OmarApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteGuadalupe CentersResearch and Clinical Services for Underserved Kids in Kansas City$147,846
Barati Ghahfarokhi, RezaChemical & Petroleum EngineeringSamuel Gary Jr. & Associates Inc.Stewart Field: Simulation and History Matching of Waterflooding and CO2 Injection$136,563
Baker, DebraKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchKansas Water OfficeShoreline Lacustrine Wetlands in Large Kansas Reservoirs: Status, Trends and Limiting Factors$122,858
Williams, SusanChemical & Petroleum EngineeringAssociation of American UniversitiesRe-envisioning Evaluation of Effective Teaching Using Multidimensional Processes$100,000
Roundy, JoshuaCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringU.S. Department of Interior Bureau of ReclamationIncorporating Climate Uncertainty into Water Allocations in Kansas $97,822
Azuma, YoshiakiMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of MinnesotaA High-Throughput Screen for Inhibitors of Plk1-Interacting Checkpoint Helicase (PICH)$91,180
Dean, BartholomewAnthropology / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchKU Medical Center Research InstituteGenetic and Environmental Causes of Diabetes Mellitus 2.0 in Amazonian Populations of Peru$66,000
Ackley, BrianMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE Summer Scholars Year 9$60,600
Neufeld, KristiMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstituteRoles for Adenomatous Polyposis Coli in Colon Injury Prevention and Wound Healing$56,510
Ackley, BrianMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE Undergraduate Research Office$53,025
Harris, TheodoreKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchCity of LawrenceWater Quality Monitoring in Clinton Lake, Kansas to Optimize Drinking Water Intake Depth$45,672
Wang, JingxinMedicinal Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstituteInhibition of SARS-CoV-2 by RNA-Binding Molecules$38,250
Ackley, BrianMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE Star Trainees Year 9$31,815
Ackley, BrianMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE Campus Coordinator 2022-2023$15,150
Swinburne Romine, RebeccaLife Span InstituteKU Medical Center Research InstituteiAmHealthy Parents First$14,832
Cushing, ChristopherApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteChildren's Mercy Hospitals & ClinicsFeasibility, Acceptability and Preliminary Effectiveness of a Targeted Mobile App for Youth Preparing for Bariatric Surgery$13,285
Alian, MohammadElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesSamsung Electronics Co. Ltd.Near-Memory Acceleration of Layer-5 Network Protocols$10,000
Schneider, BlairKansas Geological SurveyKansas State Historical Society2022 Grinter Place State Historic Site Geophysical Survey$3,858
Moyle, RobertEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteAmerican Ornithological SocietyBirds as Islands: Using an Avian Contact Zone to Investigate Their Parasite Population Structure$2,500
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Bennett, CarolineCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringU.S. Army Corp of EngineersImproving the Performance of Concrete Dam Infrastructure Through Use of Fiber-reinforced Polymers$7,740,921
Zipper, SamuelKansas Geological SurveyU.S. Department of AgricultureIrrigation at the New 100th Meridian: Adaptation to Manage Climate Risks and Preserve Water Resources in the Eastern Kansas River Basin$750,000
Jackson, TimothyChemistryNational Science FoundationProperties and Activation Mechanisms of Mn-hydroperoxo and Mn-alkylperoxo Complexes$437,828
Cox, OwenAchievement & Assessment InstMichigan Department of Labor Economic OpportunityAn Analysis of Michigan's Deployment of TANF Dollars and Barriers to Access of Benefits$378,767
Ginther, DonnaEconomics / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchChan Zuckerberg InitiativeEvaluation of the Science Diversity Leadership Program$310,000
Nguyen, TrungChemical & Petroleum EngineeringLargo Clean Energy CorpElectrolyte Densification for Shipping (EDS) Process$225,000
Shiflett, MarkChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Institute for Sustainable EngineeringThe Chemours CompanyPersistent Bioaccumulative Toxic (PBT) Chemical Separation and Destruction to Enable Recovery of Useful Materials for Value Added Applications: KU-Chemours$218,037
Mantzavinos, DionyssiosMathematicsNational Science FoundationNonlinear Wave Models in Domains with a Boundary$168,087
Sereno, JoanLinguisticsNational Science FoundationNSF Intergovernmental Personnel Act for Joan Sereno$157,706
Macdonald, StuartMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstituteK-INBRE Bioinformatics Core Facility 2022-2023$152,850
Volkin, DavidPharmaceutical Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterStanford UniversityCreating High-resolution, Epitope-focused Vaccines$147,565
Shogren, KarrieLife Span InstituteU.S. Department of Health & Human ServicesExpanding the Public Health Workforce in Kansas$113,670
Han, JieCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringMixOnSite USA Inc.Experimental Study of Lightweight Cellular Concrete Fill for MSE Walls and Buried Pipes$90,000
Sack, SaraLife Span InstituteU.S. Department of Health & Human ServicesATPH-Expanding the Public Health Workforce within the Disability Network: AT St. Grants$80,000
Lovell, ScottHiguchi Biosciences CenterLouisiana State UniversitySmall Molecules for Perturbing Iron Homeostasis in Bacterial Biofilms$68,850
Brockman, JenniferSexual Assault Prevention & Education CenterKansas Department of Health & EnvironmentEvaluation of Programs at KU Sexual Assault Prevention & Education Center$42,163
Stinson, PhilipClassics / Hall Center for the HumanitiesHarvard UniversitySalary Support for Completion of the Final Publication on the Excavations of the Julio-Claudian Sebasteion of Aphrodisias, Caria$40,000
Cai, HuiArchitecture & DesignFoundation for Healthcare Environments ResearchEmergency Department (ED) Design for Pandemic Conditions: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic$30,000
Koon, LyndsieLife Span InstituteResearch GOEffects of Functional Fitness for Adults with Mobility-related Disability: A Pilot Study$30,000
Kwon, GibumMechanical EngineeringResearch GOAll-in-one Electrode Assembly for Single-step Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 and in Situ Collection of the Produced Alcohols$30,000
Tapia Takaki, Jesus DanielPhysics & AstronomyResearch GO958: Quantum-aware On-board Devices for Multiple Applications in Fundamental and Applied Research$30,000
Irvin, DwightLife Span InstituteResearch GOUsing Data to Build the Capacity of Teachers to Support Preschool Children Not Making Progress in Learning Literacy$29,965
Colaco Morais, AnaChemical & Petroleum EngineeringResearch GOMechanist Understanding of Direct Hydrodeoxygenation of Carbohydrates into High Carbon Alkanes Toward Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production$29,943
Harvey, SusanHealth, Sport & Exercise ScienceResearch GOAn Evaluation of the Purposeful Plates of Food Waste Reduction and Food Recovery Program$29,929
Sikes, BenjaminEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchResearch GOErnst 37083X: Space Stress Resistance of Microbial Communities$29,793
Hashemi, MortezaElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesResearch GORetention 43154X: Development of X-Planet: An Experimental Testbed for Advanced 5G and 6G Wireless Research at KU$29,426
Zhao, HuiPhysics & AstronomyResearch GORetention 43154X: Electron Transfer in Artificial Mixed-Dimensional Heterostructures$27,185
Tell, DavidCommunication StudiesResearch GOFund Code 958: The Emmett Till Memory Project$26,503
Grasley-Boy, NicoletteLife Span InstituteResearch GO958: Development of the Caregiver Report of Early Language Interactions (CRELI) Measurement Tool$25,917
Kirkpatrick, AllisonPhysics & AstronomyResearch GORetention - 43154X: Observing Supermassive Black Holes with the James Webb Space Telescope$25,148
Chao, HaiyangAerospace EngineeringResearch GOFund Code 958: Fire Fuel Load Estimation Using Multiscale Satellite and UAS Data Fusion$25,000
Poggio, JohnEducational PsychologyKU Endowment AssociationKU Retirees Survey$25,000
Unckless, RobertMolecular BiosciencesResearch GOHidden Avenues of Natural Selection in Drosophila Melanogaster: Selection on Sperm$15,105
Bankart, CharlesInternational AffairsInstitute of International EducationIIE American Passport Project$4,125
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Brewer II, JosephIndigenous Studies / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchAlfred P Sloan FoundationSloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership$500,000
Cartwright, PaulynEcology & Evolutionary BiologyNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Phylogeny of Cnidaria - Convergent Evolution of Eyes, Gene Expression, and Cell Types$494,890
McKenna, ThomasKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchPerennial Agriculture Project, LlcInteraction of the Perennial Grain Kernza and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: Effects of Selection Pressure and Impacts on Soil Health$305,343
Swinburne Romine, RussellAchievement & Assessment InstituteUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonItem Development for New Forms of Alternate ACCESS for ELLs (Alt ACCESS Advancing ALTELLA: Alternate Assessment Redesign$264,487
Scurto, AaronChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Institute for Sustainable EngineeringThe Chemours CompanyPhysical Properties and Phase Equilibria of Refrigerant Blends and Co-Blowing Agents in Lubricants, Polystyrene and Polyols: KU-Chemours Part IV$254,422
Miedlar, AgnieszkaMathematicsNational Science FoundationCAREER: Acceleration Methods, Iterative Solvers and Heterogeneous Architectures: The New Landscape of Large-Scale Scientific Simulations$237,272
Darwin, DavidCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Department of TransportationConstruction of Low-Cracking High-Performance Bridge Decks Incorporating New Technology$180,000
McLean, NoahGeologyNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research: Catalytic Track: Improving Accuracy and Efficiency of Multicollector Mass Spectrometry$128,642
Sun, HongyangElectrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Information SciencesVanderbilt UniversityCollaborative Research: SHF: Small: Learning Fault Tolerance at Scale$124,999
Walker, DaleLife Span InstituteKU Medical Center Research InstituteProject Eagle: Early Head Start$96,046
Shogren, KarrieLife Span InstituteUniversity of California - Los AngelesAutism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (AIR-P)$80,000
Look, KurtKansas Geological SurveyKansas Corporation CommissionKansas Online Automated Reporting (KOLAR) Project FY 2022$40,000
Schultz, JerryLife Span InstituteKU Medical Center Research InstituteHealthy Communities$37,786
Jarmolowicz, DavidApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteKU Medical Center Research InstituteChemobrain: Agent Specific Effects on Hippocampal and Striatal Function$34,916
Kastens, JudeKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchTerrametrics Agriculture Inc.U.S. County Level Corn & Soybean Yield Modeling and Brazil & Argentina Soybean Yield Model Development & Implementation$34,000
Delisle, JenniferKansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological ResearchKansas Department of Wildlife and Parks5-year Review of Species of Greatest Conservation Need$30,478
Desaire, HeatherChemistryDuke UniversityNovel Immunogens to Elicit Broadly Cross-reactive Antibodies that Target the Hemagglutinin Head Trimer Interface.$30,300
Greenhoot, AndreaCenter for Teaching ExcellenceHoward Hughes Medical Institute2021 IE3LC: Dr. Andrea Greenhoot$30,000
Seybold, ErinKansas Geological SurveyKansas Water Resources InstituteSpatial Variability and Subsurface Controls of Groundwater Recharge and Nutrient Mobilization in Dry Streams$20,000
Layzell, AnthonyKansas Geological SurveyKansas Water Resources InstituteSimulating the Effects of Reservoir Management Strategies on In-stream Sediment Load, Streambank Stability, and Water Quality - 2022$10,192
O'Rourke, DennisAnthropologyKU Center for GenomicsGenomic Assessment of Inuit Prehistory and Adaptation$9,000
Wagner, MargaretEcology & Evolutionary BiologyKU Center for GenomicsMining Bacterial Genomes for Genetic Factors Involved in Microbial Drought Adaptation and Microbially-mediated Drought Tolerance in Plants$9,000
Devlin, JohnGeologyEnbridge Energy, Limited PartnershipTransverse Profiling of the Lakebed Seepage Velocities Across Southern Half of Unnamed Lake, near Bemidji, MN: 2022$6,060
Vu, HongJournalismWichita State UniversityCreating Educational Technologies to Assist Refugee Learners: Project Education for All$5,000
Mollet, AmandaEducational Leadership & Policy Studies / Achievement & Assessment InstituteAmerican College Personnel Association2022-2024 ACPA Emerging Scholar$3,000
Tremblay, AnnieLinguisticsLanguage Learning: Journal of Research in Applied LinguisticsTesting the Transfer of Online /i/-/i/ Training Effect to Korean L2 Learners of English$2,000
Primary InvestigatorHome / Admin UnitSponsorAward TitleTotal Anticipated Award Amount
Zhao, LiqinPharmacology & Toxicology / Life Span InstituteNational Institutes of HealthReshaping ApoE4 and Alzheimer's Brains with ApoE2$2,931,935
Du, HengPharmacology & Toxicology / Higuchi Biosciences CenterNational Institutes of HealthmtDNA Leakage and STING-dependent Microglial Innate Immune Response in Alzheimer's Ddisease$2,374,430
Karvonen, MeaganAchievement & Assessment InstituteOklahoma State Department of EducationOklahoma State Department of Education$1,649,729
Hasiuk, FranciszekKansas Geological SurveyUniversity of IowaRII Track-2 FEC: Critical Resource Availability for the Future of the Renewable Energy Industry: Critical Minerals and Ground Water Resources in Iowa and Kansas$827,539
Subramaniam, BalaChemical & Petroleum Engineering / Center for Environmentally Beneficial CatalysisKansas Board of RegentsKansas Board of Regents EPSCoR Grant Program (2021 - 2025)$725,000
Tanis, EmilyLife Span InstituteU.S. Department of Health & Human ServicesState of the States in Developmental Disabilities: Ongoing Data Collection and Information Dissemination$635,293
Zipper, SamuelKansas Geological SurveyVirginia TechDISES: Toward Resilient and Adaptive Community-driven Management of Groundwater-dependent Agricultural Systems$590,042
McDaniel, JenaLife Span InstituteNational Institutes of HealthIncreasing Word Learning Efficiency in Children Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing through Retrieval Practice$551,148
Bardas, AlexandruElectrical Engineering & Computer ScienceNational Science FoundationCAREER | SATC: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice: Automation and Metrics in Security Operation Centers$524,322
Davis, BrandonSchool of Public Affairs & Administration / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchNational Science FoundationCAREER | We Dare Defend Our Rights: The Political Use of Law in the Enforcement of Voting Rights$483,302
Soper, StevenChemistryUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel HillNanopore Methods for Determining Capsid Viability$470,546
Peelaers, HartwinPhysics & AstronomyNational Science FoundationREU SITE: University of Kansas Physics and Astronomy Research Experiences for Undergraduates$398,029
Wagner, MargaretEcology & Evolutionary BiologyNorth Carolina State UniversityDissecting Molecular Plant-microbiome Interactions for Improved Drought Tolerance in Maize$388,634
Picking, WendyPharmaceutical Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of Maryland - BaltimoreAdjuvant Development of the TLR4 Ligand BECC438$336,857
Graham, MaryemmaEnglishNational Endowment for the HumanitiesBuilding Literacy and Curating (Critical Cultural) Knowledge in Black Humanities: BLACK DH$325,000
Gillam, RebeccaAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Health FoundationGrant Writing Assistance to Kansas Non-profit Organizations 2022 - 2024$298,393
Bennett, CarolineCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringFederal Highway AdministrationImproved Detailing in Steel Bridges to Prevent Constraint-induced Fracture$265,166
Nelson, KennethKansas Geological SurveyKansas Department of TransportationData Access and Support Center (DASC) GIS Mapping Integration$253,022
Wu, JudyPhysics & AstronomyZenoLeap LLCUncooled Quantum Infrared Focal Plane Arrays$250,000
Naemi Jimenez, PegahSocial WelfareMissouri Childrens Trust FundSafe Sleep Grant Program Evaluation for the Missouri Childrens Trust$248,528
Colombo, JohnCollege of Liberal Arts & Sciences / Life Span InstituteSouth Australian Health Medical Research InstituteThe Effects of Feeding In-term Infants with an Improved Infant Formula on Neurodevelopmental Outcomes (IMAGINE)$230,550
Tamerler Behar, CandanMechanical EngineeringArcher Daniels MidlandADM-KU Research Initiative on Enzyme Immobilization$218,809
Holmes, CherylSocial WelfarePatient-Centered Outcomes Research InstituteHealth, Food, and Family: Rural Systems and COVID-19 Decision Making$200,000
Hoque, TamzidulElectrical Engineering & Comp Science / Information & Telecommunication Technology CenterNational Science FoundationCollaborative Research | Peek Inside the Box: Gamified Learning of Computing Hardware Fundamentals$200,000
McCart, AmyLife Span InstituteIdaho State Department of EducationSECTR: Idaho Lives Project (ID-AWARE)$161,503
Berkland, CoryPharmaceutical ChemistryUniversity of Missouri - ColumbiaMidwest Biomedical Accelerator Cconsortium: MBArC$153,000
Collins, WilliamCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringModjeski MastersAssessment of Ultra-gigh Toughness Steel for Highway Bridges$129,896
McCart, AmyLife Span InstituteOklahoma State Department of EducationOklahoma AWARE South$124,689
Soper, StevenChemistryBioFluidicaDevelop POCT COVID-19 Instrument$116,178
Tilvawala, RonakMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of California - San DiegoEngineering Native E. coli to Detect, Report, and Treat Colorectal Cancer - 1 U01 CA265719-01$111,275
Geana, MugurJournalismUniversity of Kansas Medical Center Research InstituteLocalized Health Approach to Boosting COVID-19 Testing and Vaccine Literacy, Access, and Uptake among Women with Criminal Legal System Involvement in Three Cities$110,873
Layzell, AnthonyKansas Geological SurveyKansas Water OfficeStreambank Evaluation of the Cottonwood and Neosho Rivers above John Redmond Reservoir$100,000
Daley, DorothySchool of Public Affairs & Administration / Institute for Policy & Social ResearchUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonClimate Change and Health Equity: Examining the Intersection of Climate Change Risks and Health Equity$99,539
Harms, RandiAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Department of Health & EnvironmentMAVIS Project KCC Perinatal Behavioral Health Activities$99,482
Bigelow, KathrynLife Span InstituteKansas Department of Health & EnvironmentMIECHV Continuous Quality Improvement FY22$92,159
Sprague-Jones, JessicaAchievement & Assessment InstFamilies & Communities Rising Inc.National Center for Community-based Child Abuse Prevention$85,000
Bean, AlicePhysics & AstronomyUniversity of Nebraska - LincolnU.S. CMS Operations at the Large Hadron Collider$84,850
Sutley, ElainaCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringFlorida International UniversityHurricane Loss Reduction$63,394
Ginther, DonnaEconomicsThe Reach Healthcare FoundationThe Costs to Kansans of Failure to Expand Medicaid$55,000
Schrock, StevenCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Department of TransportationEffectiveness of Automated Pavement Restriping Systems: Phase I$50,000
Xu, LiangMolecular Biosciences / Higuchi Biosciences CenterKU Medical Center Research InstitutePrecision Cancer Medicine Targeting the RNA-binding Protein Musashi$50,000
Hardesty, JoLegal Services for StudentsInternal Revenue ServiceVITA Grant Project$47,680
Forrest, MarcusPharmaceutical Chemistry / Higuchi Biosciences CenterUniversity of Missouri - ColumbiaImmunAdvisor: High-throughput T Cell Receptor Discovery for Affordable Commercial Personalized Cancer Therapies$46,323
Bumble, JenniferLife Span InstituteUniversity of California - Los AngelesMapping My Health: A Community Mapping Intervention to Enhance the Self-Determination and Physical Health and Well-Being of Autistic Adolescents$42,347
Kastens, JudeKansas Biological SurveyKansas Water OfficeFlood Mapping Tool Development: Real-time Flood Mapping for Kansas Part 3$40,000
Blunt, ShannonElectrical Engineering & Comp Science / Information & Telecommunication Technology CenterIerus Technologies Inc.SBIR Phase I: Optimized Waveforms for X-band Missile-defense Radars$40,000
Von Esenwein, SilkeAchievement & Assessment InstituteKansas Department of Health & EnvironmentKDHE Master Agreement: Ripple Effects Mapping Task Order 22032$39,682
Nguyen, CambreyPharmacy PracticePharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America FoundationProviding Accessible Written Medication Information for Patients Using Assistive Technology$37,500
Murray, MichaelPhysics & AstronomyJefferson Science Associates LLCServices of EIC Fellowship Winner, Alexander "Sasha" Bylinkin during the Period 2/1/22 - 5/31/22$36,000
Jarmolowicz, DavidApplied Behavioral Science / Life Span InstituteUniversity of Kansas Cancer CenterChemobrain: Agent-specific Effects on Hippocampal and Striatal Function$34,916
Adair, MaryBiodiversity InstituteU.S. Department of Interior-Bureau ReclamationLong-term Property Curation with the University of Kansas$33,386
Sack, SaraLife Span InstituteKansas Department of Health & EnvironmentTiny K: Infant Toddler Assistive Technology Services$29,584
Elliott, LindsayInstitute for Policy & Social ResearchKU Medical Center Research InstituteTeachers and Students for Community-oriented Research and Education: Linking Industry Partners, Faculty, and Teachers (TSCORE LIFT)$28,767
Dhar, PrajnaparamitaChemical & Petroleum EngineeringImmunovant Inc.Surfactant Studies for Immunovant Formulations$26,678
Kamatuka, NgondiAchievement & Assessment InstituteArmy Educational Outreach ProgramArmy Educational Outreach Program (UNITE)$25,200
Rong, PanyingSpeech-Language-Hearing / Life Span InstituteAmerican Speech-Language-Hearing AssociationA Novel Multimodal Framework for Automated Objective Evaluation of Speech Impairment in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis$25,000
Seven, YagmurLife Span InstituteAmerican Speech-Language-Hearing AssociationDevelopment and Initial Validation of the Family Need Assessment Survey$25,000
Bergman, PatriciaEconomic Development / Office of ResearchKU Medical Center Research InstituteThe Sustainable Heartland Accelerator Regional Partnership (SHARP) Hub$22,000
Li, XiaoliChemical & Petroleum EngineeringUniversity of North DakotaSaturation Pressure and Swelling Factor for Oil/Ethane and Oil/Propane Systems$20,499
Bagwell-Gray, MeredithSocial WelfareKU Racial Equity FundPromoting Cervical Health for Latina Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Community Engagement Project to Culturally Adapt a Trauma-Informed Approach$20,000
Barati Ghahfarokhi, RezaChemical & Petroleum EngineeringKansas Water Resources InstituteExperimental and Modeling Investigation of Fluid-fluid and Rock-fluid Compatibility between Arbuckle and Lansing Kansas City Formations with the Purpose of Produced Water-Exchange Between the Two Form$20,000
Ukpokodu, PeterAfrican & African American StudiesKU Racial Equity FundThe Search for Anno Domini MMXXI-I-VI$20,000
Husic, AdminCivil, Environmental & Architectural EngineeringKansas Water Resources InstituteBenthic Cyanobacterial Mats: A Potential Source of Harmful and Nuisance Compounds to Kansas Streams$20,000
Dhar, PrajnaparamitaChemical & Petroleum EngineeringKU Racial Equity FundPromoting Retention for Underrepresented Engineering Graduate Students through Inclusive Teaching and Research Lab Practices$19,997
Christensen, KaraPsychology / Life Span InstituteAmerican Academy of Sleep Medicine Foundation (Aasm Foundation)SLEEP-E: Sleep Education for Eating Disorder Treatment Providers$19,900
Rudnick, GregoryPhysics & AstronomySpace Telescope Science InstituteToward a Spatially-resolved Kennicutt-Schmidt Law in High-redshift Cluster Galaxies: The Interplay between Molecular Gas, Star Formation, and Stellar Mass with ALMA and HST$19,339
Van de Riet, AmyArchitecture & DesignKU Racial Equity FundDocumenting the Work of Kansas Architect Charles McAfee$18,387
Soberon, JorgeEcology & Evolutionary Biology / Biodiversity InstituteKU Racial Equity FundA Multicultural Perspective to a Museum Exhibit: The Panorama at the Kansas Museum of Natural History$17,502
Chen, Yi ChunJournalismKU Medical Center Research InstituteRADx-UP: Improving the Response of Local Urban and Rural Communities to Disparities in COVID-19 Testing$16,730