Licensing + entrepreneurship
Are you thinking about starting a company to commercialize your research? Start smart with the KU Center for Technology Commercialization.
We can help you think through the process, arrange for Swift Startup Licensing, and guide you to startup resources such as Startup School@KU.
At KU Innovation Park, you’ll find assistance and office space to establish and grow your company. The park’s locations on both the Lawrence and Medical Center campuses give you easy access to research labs, experts in your field, and business help.
Commercialization resources

Commercialization resources
KU's rich ecosystem across all campuses fosters innovation, commercialization, and entrepreneurial endeavors.

Licensing forms
Find forms and information related to licensing, including frequently asked questions explaining various types of licensing options.

Swift startup license
A simplified, ready-to-use license agreement striking a reasonable balance between the needs of the startup company and KU.

Browse the Startup Guide
The KU Startup Guide summarizes the many resources available to KU inventors and the related policies that are most relevant.
License KU technology
KU has a diverse portfolio of technologies available for licensing to give your company a competitive edge.
KU product store
Explore educational materials, training manuals, instructional videos and software applications developed by University of Kansas researchers to benefit the community, educators and industry.