Recognizing KU researchers

Making discoveries that change the world is at the heart of what we do at the University of Kansas — along with educating leaders and building healthy communities. This three-part mission is the foundation of Jayhawks Rising and informs the objectives and strategies designed to elevate KU to new heights.

Under the Research & Discovery pillar, one of the four objectives is Recruit, Retain & Recognize Top Researchers. The primary strategy to get there is to “establish a structure for a comprehensive faculty awards and recognition program,” which meant hiring an individual focused solely on creating and sustaining such a structure.

It’s an honor to be that individual, KU’s first director of faculty recognition & awards. I am inspired by the enthusiasm and support for this program expressed by KU’s executive leaders, deans, center directors, distinguished professors, chairs and researchers. But I am also keenly aware of the size of this job and how important it is to get it right.

What will success look like? Our researcher recognition program must be wide-ranging and inclusive, collaborative, efficient, informative and visible. Faculty and non-teaching researchers will know where to go to get information about external and university/state award opportunities, nomination assistance for honorific awards, and career mapping. My partnership with faculty recognition committees and academic units — along with leaders in Research, Faculty Affairs, Public Affairs, AIRE, DEIB, the Provost’s Office and research centers — will allow me to support nominations, not make them.

As our program takes shape and more researchers enter the awards pipeline, I will stay aware of why we’re doing this: to recruit, retain and recognize top researchers and make them feel fully valued as members of the KU community. Stay tuned for updates, and please let me know if you have ideas or questions.