Integrity + compliance
KU is committed to cultivating an environment where everyone conducts research in ways that merit trust and confidence in the methods they use and the findings that result from their inquiry.
Research Integrity, a unit in the Office of Research, works with KU committees, departments and centers across campus to provide administrative oversight of the compliance areas outlined below.
Please contact us with questions about compliance issues or if you wish to arrange a presentation for your department, class, lab or other group.
Compliance areas

Research involving humans
KU's Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is responsible for reviewing all human subjects research occurring under the auspices of the the Lawrence, Edwards and Juniper Gardens campuses.

Research involving animals
KU's Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) provides supervision, coordination and review of every project proposed to include the use of vertebrate animals.

Conflict of interest + commitment
Kansas Board of Regents policy requires faculty and unclassified staff of Regents institutions to file a conflict of interest report upon employment and at least annually thereafter.
Other compliance areas

Restricted research
In limited cases the pursuit of knowledge may involve critically important but sensitive areas of inquiry where the immediate publication or dissemination of research results may not be in the best interest of the involved parties or society.

Responsible scholarship
Responsible scholarship — essential for everyone involved in discovery, application and dissemination of knowledge — encompasses professional behaviors and practices in the design, implementation and reporting of academic scholarship.

Scholarly misconduct
Everyone engaged in research under the auspices of KU must adhere to the highest professional standards of intellectual honesty and integrity in proposing, performing, reviewing and reporting results of scholarly and creative activity.