New rates expand free access to research file storage

From: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
Sent: Monday, Jan. 22, 2024, 1:16 p.m.
To: KU Lawrence faculty & staff

In the wake of a successful upgrade of KU’s Research File Storage (ResFS) platform over winter break, we’re pleased to share a new rate structure that expands free access to research file storage at the University of Kansas. 

Effective Jan. 1:

  • For no charge, KU researchers may obtain 1TB of storage on ResFS for the purpose of data storage and collaboration.
  • Additional storage (up to 15TB) may be requested at no additional charge if more storage is required for a research project.
  • Storage over 15TB may be purchased at $50 per TB per year (purchased in 1TB increments).

Visit the Research File Storage webpage to learn more and to request new storage or increase existing storage. No additional steps are necessary for current users to take advantage of the new rates. Bills under the previous rates for services provided through Dec. 31 should be submitted for payment.

ResFS provides easily accessible file storage and sharing services for individual KU researchers, research groups/projects and service labs. Any tenure-track faculty member, designated research center, department, or principal investigator on a research grant can request ResFS storage. Stored data is accessible within the KU network or remotely via the KU Anywhere virtual private network (VPN). 

ResFS is able to house all major research data types, and testing on the upgraded hardware has shown significantly higher performance than on the previous platform. 

Questions? Please Contact your IT Support Staff or the IT Customer Service Center at 785-864-8080 or

Thank you,

KU Office of Research
KU Information Technology