
Fri, 09/22/2023

Postdoctoral fellow connects humanities scholarship to local communities

Steven Wang, postdoctoral fellow at the Hall Center for the Humanities, is helping community partners with digital storytelling.
Fri, 09/22/2023

Postdoctoral researcher links Kansas agriculture to UN Sustainable Development Goals

Nakisha Mark, postdoctoral researcher at CEBC, uses corncobs as an alternative to petroleum.
Thu, 09/21/2023

New KU training program will help develop scientific workforce equipped to address climate change’s impacts on biodiversity

Humans depend on a planet rich in biological diversity to provide essentials like food, water, medicine, stable climate conditions, economic prosperity and more. So how will we fare as rapid climate change continues to alter ecosystems and drive plants and animals to migration or extinction? ...

Wed, 09/20/2023

Ecology postdoc flips research questions and career paths on their heads

Laura Podzikowski, postdoctoral researcher in the Billings Lab, is studying soil respiration.
Tue, 09/19/2023

KU ranks 40th among US public universities granted utility patents in 2022

The University of Kansas ranked 40th among public institutions in the Top 100 U.S. Universities Granted Utility Patents in 2022, a new list published by the National Academy of Inventors. The list showcases universities that play a pivotal role in advancing the innovation ecosystem within and beyond the United States. ...

Tue, 09/19/2023

Postdoctoral researcher mentors future scientists from underrepresented communities

Stephen Baca, KU/Haskell University IRACDA fellow, studies aquatic beetles.
Mon, 09/18/2023

How studying dog adoptions led one postdoc to research addiction treatment

Sarah Weinsztok, postdoctoral researcher at KU’s Cofrin Logan Center for Addiction Research & Treatment, studies addiction interventions.
Thu, 08/31/2023

#KUFieldworks: Surveying defector policies with declassified documents

Erik Scott, associate professor of history and director of the Center for Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies, is studying how past policies on defectors still shape migration and refuge policies today.
Thu, 08/31/2023

Archivist helps researchers and students see into the past

Meet the August 2023 Unsung Hero of KU Research, Sara D'Antonio Gard.
Thu, 08/31/2023

'I am striving to democratize the use of natural history collections'

Ana Motta, herpetology collection manager at the KU Biodiversity Institute & Natural History Museum, is striving to democratize the use of natural history collections.
Thu, 08/31/2023

Getting started as a new-to-KU researcher

Office of Research is here to support your successful research program at KU. We will be your partner throughout the grants life cycle while ensuring you have the tools to meet research integrity requirements. And if your KU research yields innovations for the marketplace, we will help you navigate the...

Thu, 07/27/2023

Associate director keeps research data accessible

Meet the July 2023 Unsung Hero of KU Research, Jim Rupprecht.
Thu, 07/27/2023

'I am striving to understand social change, and how people in the past understood the world they lived in'

Beth Bailey, Foundation Distinguished Professor of History, is documenting social change in the military.
Wed, 07/26/2023

#KUFieldWorks: Tracking changes in Kansas ecological history

A University of Kansas researcher is re-surveying Kansas ecosystems to track changes over time.
Thu, 06/01/2023

#KUFieldWorks: Improving reptile conservation efforts

A University of Kansas researcher is analyzing snake biodiversity to illuminate where conservation efforts should focus to best protect reptile populations.
Thu, 06/01/2023

Senior analyst anticipates needs to keep research going

Meet the May 2023 Unsung Hero of KU Research, Nicole Suchy.
Thu, 06/01/2023

3 Quick Questions: Invention disclosures

What is an invention disclosure? When should you disclose an invention or discovery? How do you submit a disclosure? The KU Center for Technology Commercialization is here to help. 
Tue, 05/02/2023

Getting to know how KU's technology commercialization team works for you

Cliff Michaels, who has served as executive director of KUCTC since January 2023, explains how the organization supports KU's mission, helps individual researchers navigate the commercialization process, and stimulates industry and job growth.
Tue, 05/02/2023

To KU peer reviewers, with gratitude


Tue, 05/02/2023

Wearing many hats, administrative director keeps center moving

Meet the April 2023 Unsung Hero of KU Research, Chris Lyon, whose breadth of experience keeps CEBC running smoothly.
Mon, 05/01/2023

'I am striving to help contribute to safe and supportive communities where all our young people are able to thrive'

Jomella Watson-Thompson, associate professor of applied behavioral science and director of the Youth Violence Prevention Center – Kansas City, is reducing youth violence through school partnerships.
Mon, 05/01/2023

#KUFieldWorks: Monitoring bat viruses to prevent the next pandemic

A University of Kansas researchers is monitoring bat viruses to predict and prevent the next pandemic.
Thu, 04/27/2023

KU researchers and collaborators developing new technologies for recycling solar panels

Solar power is growing at an astonishing rate, providing almost 4% of the world’s electricity, according to the International Energy Agency. But as solar panels reach the end of their working lives, many end up in landfills. ...

Thu, 03/30/2023

KU lab helps researchers worldwide fight infectious diseases

A University of Kansas researcher is helping scientists in Kansas and around the world better understand the building blocks of infectious diseases so they can develop new treatments to fight them. ...

Thu, 03/30/2023

13 projects boosted by KU Research GO

Thirteen projects have been selected for funding through KU’s 2023 Research Grant Opportunity program. Recipients represent STEM, social science and humanities fields in departments and research centers across the university.
Thu, 03/30/2023

Graduate assistant’s work ethic and personal connections enrich education equity research

Meet the March 2023 Unsung Hero of KU Research, Rayven Smart, whose work ethic and personal connections enrich education equity research at KU.
Thu, 03/30/2023

#KUFieldWorks: Looking for archaeological evidence of the first people in North America

Rolfe Mandel led a group of students and faculty on excavations in Texas and Canada.
Thu, 03/30/2023

KU research employs more than 4,100 on campus, buys $53.9M in goods and services from Kansas companies

Sponsored research at the University of Kansas supported the salaries of 4,182 people in 2022 and accounted for $53.9 million in spending with Kansas companies on research-related goods and services, according to a new report. About 33% of research-funded employees were students, and about 20% were faculty. ...

Tue, 02/28/2023

Staff member’s quick turnaround keeps internal awards running smoothly

Gabe Nehrbass makes sure internal research awards are administered efficiently.
Tue, 02/28/2023

I am striving to make the world better with new proteins

Joanna Slusky, associate professor of molecular biosciences, is striving to make the world better with new proteins.